Questão 1
Vascular component of red bone marrow represents:
1 hemocapillaries of somatic type
2 hemocapillaries of sinusoid type
3 arteriolo-venular anastomosis
4 hemocapillaries of somatic and fenestrated type
5 hemocapillaries of fenestrated type
Questão 2
Stromal component of red bone marrow represents:
1 just mature blood cells
2 hemocapillaries of sinusoid type
3 reticular cells and fibres, adipocytes, macrophages, cells of endosteum
4 all types of haemopoietic cells at different stages of development
5 epithelial tissue
Questão 3
What is localization of red bone marrow in children?
1 spongy substance of flat bones, diaphysis and epiphysis of tubular bones
2 diaphysis of tubular bones
3 spongy substance of flat bones and epiphysis of tubular bones
4 epiphysis and diaphysis of tubular bones
5 spongy substance of flat bones and diaphysis of tubular bones
Questão 4
Yellow bone marrow appears in diaphysis of human bones:
1 during the first half of intranatal development
2 during the second half of intranatal development
3 during the first 10 years of living
4 in 12 – 18 years old
5 in the age alder than 50 years old
Questão 5
Section of bone marrow is given. Which structure is not typical for given organ?
1 big thin-walled vessels – sinuses
2 hemopoietic cells at different stages of development
3 cortical and medullar substance
4 adipose cells
5 reticular cells and fibres
Questão 6
Haemopoietic activity is typical for adult bon marrow located in :
1 spongy substance of flat bones, diaphysis and epiphysis of tubular bones
2 diaphysis of tubular bones
3 spongy substance of flat bones and epiphysis of tubular bones
4 epiphysis and diaphysis of tubular bones
5 spongy substance of flat bones and diaphysis of tubular bones
Questão 7
Which tissue does form a stroma of thymus?
Questão 8
lymphocytes, reticular epithelial skeleton, follicles are absent. Which organ is represented in the preparation?
1 thymus
2 spleen
3 lymph node
4 red bone marrow
5 palatine tonsil
Questão 9
In preparation of skin thick bundle of collagen fiber , elastic and reticular fibres, fibroblasts, macrophages, tissue basophils, smooth myocytes etc are revealed in the preparation of skin. Which part of skin is represented in the preparation?
Questão 10
In preparation of skin thick bundles of collagen fibres, net of elastic fibres, fibroblasts, terminal sections of skin glands are revealed in the preparation of skin. Which part of skin is represented in the preparation?
Questão 11
Papillary figure of the skin is promoted by:
1 uneven thickness of corneal layer of epidermis
2 arrangement of proliferative units in epidermis
3 exit of sweat glands
4 papillary layer of dermis
5 reticular layer of dermis
Questão 12
What is basic tissue of the reticular layer of dermis?
Questão 13
Hypodermis is formed by:
1 loose connective
2 smooth muscle
3 compact comparative
4 striated muscle
5 adipose connective
Questão 14
in what age pigment-formation is low ?
1 till 2-months
2 till 3-months
3 till 4-months
4 till 6-months
5 till 1 year
Questão 15
What is source of nutrition of hair bulb and why?
1 cortical substance of hair, because it is formed by loose connective tissue
2 medullar substance of hair, because it is formed by loose connective tissue
3 cuticle of hair, because it is formed by loose connective tissue
4 hair papilla, because it is formed by loose connective tissue
5 hair bag, because it is formed by loose connective tissue
Questão 16
Which structure of hair does provide its growth and why?
1 medullar substance, because its cells capable to reproduction
2 cortical substance, because its cells capable to reproduction
3 hair papilla, because its cells capable to reproduction
4 hair bulb, because its cells capable to reproduction
5 hair follicle, because its cells capable to reproduction
Questão 17
What type of arteries are of the internal oragns according to classification ?
1 non-muscular
2 muscular
3 muscular-elastic
4 fibrous
5 elastic
Questão 18
Middle tunic of arteries of muscular-elastic type contains?
1 Equal number of smooth myocytes,elastic fibers and membranes
2 endothelium
3 compact fibrous connective tissue
4 smooth myocytes forming 1-2 layers
5 endothelium with basement membrane, loose fibrous connective tissue, internal elastic membrane
Questão 19
internal layer of blood capillaries is formed by:
1 pericytes
2 adventitial cells
3 endothelial cells located on basement membrane
4 smooth myocytes
5 endothelium, loose fibrous connective tissue, internal elastic membrane
Questão 20
Middle layer of blood capillaries is formed by:
Questão 21
External layer of blood capillaries is formed by:
Questão 22
Blood capillaries of somatic type are characterized by:
1 presence of large pores in the endothelium
2 presence of thin endothelium and continues basement membrane
3 presence of fissure-shaped foramens in the endothelium and basement membrane
4 presence of thin endothelium and large pores in basement membrane
5 continues endothelium and basement membrane
Questão 23
Blood capillaries of fenestrated type are characterized:
1 presence of large pores in the endothelium
2 presence of thin endothelium and continues basement membrane
3 presence of fissure-shaped foramens in the endothelium and basement membrane
4 presence of thin endothelium and large pores in basement membrane
5 continues endothelium and basement membrane
Questão 24
Blood capillaries of sinusoid type are characterized:
1 presence of large pores in the endothelium
2 presence of thin endothelium and continues basement membrane
3 presence of fissure-shaped foramens in the endothelium and basement membrane
4 presence of thin endothelium and large pores in basement membrane
5 continues endothelium and basement membrane
Questão 25
For which organ are of hemocapillaries of somatic type are typical ?
1 exocrine and endocrine glands
2 organs of haemopoiesis, liver
3 cardiac and skeletal muscles, lungs, CNS
4 endocrine glands, kidneys, villi of intestine
5 endocrine and exocrine glands, liver
Questão 26
For which organ are of hemocapillaries of fenestrated type are typical ?
1 exocrine and endocrine glands
2 organs of haemopoiesis, liver
3 cardiac and skeletal muscles, lungs, CNS
4 endocrine glands, kidneys, villi of intestine
5 endocrine and exocrine glands, liver
Questão 27
For which organ are of hemocapillaries of sinusoid type are typical ?
1 exocrine and endocrine glands
2 organs of haemopoiesis, liver
3 cardiac and skeletal muscles, lungs, CNS
4 endocrine glands, kidneys, villi of intestine
5 endocrine and exocrine glands, liver
Questão 28
Tissue composition of the arteriole?
1 endothelium, single smooth myocytes, loose connective tissue
2 endothelium, a lot of pericytes, loose connective tissue
3 endothelium, 1-2 layers of smooth myocytes in the middle layer and loose connective tissue
4 endothelium, basement membrane, pericytes, adventitial cells
5 endothelium, internal elastic membrane, 1-2 layers of smooth myocytes, loose connective tissue
Questão 29
Which of cell are source of regeneration of epithelium of glands and pits of stomach?
Questão 30
Producing of chlorides and synthesis of antianemic Kastle factor realized by cell of stomach ?
Questão 31
Producing Pepsinogen is realized by cell of gastric glands is?
Questão 32
Cells of gastric glands mucous cell realized the function ?
1 secretion of pepsinogen
2 producing of chlorides
3 producing of mucoid secretion
4 producing of hormones
5 regeneration of epithelium of glands and pits of stomach
Questão 33
Cell of gastro-intestinal endocrinocytes of gastric glands?
1 secretion of pepsinogen
2 producing of chlorides
2 producing of chlorides
3 producing of mucoid secretion
4 producing of hormones
5 regeneration of epithelium of glands and pits of stomach
Questão 34
Muscle layer of stomach is formed by:
1 two layers of smooth muscle tissue
2 three layers of smooth muscle tissue
3 two layers of striated muscle tissue
4 three layers of striated muscle tissue
5 layer of smooth and layer of striated muscle tissue
Questão 35
By which epithelium is digestive channel in the region of small intestine lined?
1 stratified squamous keratinizing
2 stratified squamous non-keratinizing
3 transitional
4 simple cuboidal
5 simple prismatic bordered
Questão 36
Villi of small intestine are:
1 finger-shaped, foliate protrusions of mucosa
2 projections of tectorial epithelium
3 aggregation of microvilli
4 folds of mucosa and submucosa
5 deepening of epithelium into lamina propria of mucosa
Questão 37
Bordered epitheliocytes of villi and crypts realize the function:
1 secrete mucus
2 they are source of regeneration of epithelium of crypts and villi
3 secrete hormones
4 secrete dipeptidase and lysozyme
5 take part in parietal digestion and absorption
Questão 38
1 Formation of cortical substances of ovary containing oocyte of follicular cells
2 Formation of cortical substances of ovary containing leutocyte of follicular cells
3 Formation of cortical substances of filled by of follicular fluid
4 Formation of medular substances of ovary containing leutocyte of follicular cells
5 Formation of medular substances of ovary containing oocyte with follicular cells
Questão 39
In ovary Secretion of follicular fluid containing estrogens is realized by:
Questão 40
Stage of development of corpus luteum – stage of proliferation and vascularization is characterized by:
1 active reproduction of cells of granulesis and theca and growth of vessels between them
2 formation of atretic corpuscle
3 transformation of cells of granulesis into large luteocytes
4 active functioning of luteocytes secreted progesterone
5 destruction of luteocytes, formation of corpus albicans
Questão 41
Stage of development of corpus luteum – stage of glandular metamorphosis is characterized by:
1 active reproduction of cells of granulesis and theca and growth of vessels between them
2 formation of atretic corpuscle
3 transformation of cells of granulesis into large luteocytes
4 active functioning of luteocytes secreted progesterone
5 destruction of luteocytes, formation of corpus albicans
Questão 42
Stage of development of corpus luteum – mature is characterized by:
1 active reproduction of cells of granulesis and theca and growth of vessels between them
2 formation of atretic corpuscle
3 transformation of cells of granulesis into large luteocytes
4 active functioning of luteocytes secreted progesterone
5 destruction of luteocytes, formation of corpus albicans
Questão 43
Stage of reverse development of corpus luteum-reserve development is characterized by:
1 active reproduction of cells of granulesis and theca and growth of vessels between them
2 formation of atretic corpuscle
3 transformation of cells of granulesis into large luteocytes
4 active functioning of luteocytes secreted progesterone
5 atrophy of luteocytes, formation of corpus albicans
Questão 44
Oogenesis – formation of female sexual cells is realized in;
Questão 45
What is epithelium of mucosa of uterine tube?
Questão 46
On preparation of thyroid gland follicles with cuboidal epithelium filled by viscous colloid are seen. About which functional condition of thyroid gland does such image testify?
Questão 47
Parenchyma of parathyroid gland is formed by:
Questão 48
Parenchyma of parathyroid gland in newborns and children of early age is differed by:
1 presence of adipocytes
2 presence of only oxyphilic parathyrocytes
3 presence only principal(chief) parathyrocytes
4 absence of principal parathyrocytes
5 presence of principal and oxyphilic parathyrocytes
Questão 49
Oxyphilic parathyrocytes in parathyroid gland appear in:
1 1-2 years old
2 12-15 years old
3 3-5 years old
4 5-7 years old
5 10 years old
Questão 50
Adrenal cortex is derived from:
Questão 51
Small cells of cuboidal. Round and angular shape arranged as net are revealed in preparation of suprarenal gland. A little number of lipid inclussions is present in cytoplasm of these cells. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is well developed Golgi complex. Free ribosomes and mitochondria are present in cells. Determine belonging of described cells?
1 catecholamines of medullar substance
2 mineralocorticoids of glomerular zone of the adrenal cortex
3 reticular zone of the adrenal cortex
4 mineralocorticoids of the medullar substance
5 glucocorticoids of fascicular zone of the adrenal cortex
Questão 52
in preparation adrenal Round accumulations of small cells are revealed in preparation of suprarenal gland. A little number of lipid inclusions is present in cytoplasm of these cells. Secretion produced by these cells influences on the level of electrolytes in blood. Which hormones are they? In which section of suprarenal gland are they produced?
1 catecholamines of medullar substance
2 mineralocorticoids of glomerular zone of the adrenal cortex
3 androgensteroid hormone and estrogens of reticular zone of the adrenal cortex
4 mineralocorticoids of the medullar substance
5 glucocorticoids of fascicular zone of the adrenal cortex
Questão 53
Helms of large cuboidal and prismatic cells are revealed in preparation of suprarenal gland. Great number of lipid inclusions is present in cytoplasm of these cells. Secretion produced by these cells influences on different types of metabolism and immune system. Which hormones are they? In which section of suprarenal gland are they produced?
1 catecholamines of medullar substance
2 mineralocorticoids of glomerular zone of the adrenal cortex
3 androgensteroid hormone and estrogens of reticular zone of the adrenal cortex
4 mineralocorticoids of the medullar substance
5 glucocorticoids of fascicular zone of the adrenal cortex