The Anatomy and Function of a Myofibril, Myofilaments, Actin, Myosin other proteins


The Anatomy and Function of a Myofibril
Vincent Conquer
Quiz por Vincent Conquer, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Vincent Conquer
Criado por Vincent Conquer quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What is a myofibril?
  • the muscle fiber
  • the actin filament
  • the myosin filament
  • columnar protein columns alongside the muscle fiber

Questão 2

Bodily movements or motion occur when muscles contract or shorten. Which of the following best describes how this occurs?
  • kk
  • Actin, when polymerized into filaments, forms the "ladder" along which the myosin filaments "climb" to generate motion.

Questão 3

Six different proteins and molecules participate in the contraction of a sarcomere, namely: myosin actin tropomyosin troponin ATP Ca2+ ions   Some of these combine together to form thick and thin filaments. Read more:
  • kk
  • jj

Questão 4

a) Thick filaments - The thick filament is composed of myosin. The projections from the myosin filament are called crossbridges. The crossbridge is believed to be a molecular motor that converts chemical energy into mechanical work. b) Thin filaments - The thin filament is composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin.
  • k
  • o

Questão 5

Regulatory proteins are :
  • myosin is a contractile filament titin and nebulin are structural proteins contractile protein , Actin -consists of 2 alpha helical strands of g-actin molecules bonded in series -each g-actin has a binding site where the s1 fragment of the myosin cross-bridge complex binds during muscle contraction -contractile protein, myosin -consists of two heavy (form tail region and two cross-bridges that bind with actin to produce force) and four light chains (that influence cross-bridge cycling kinetics and therefore sarcomere contraction velocity -contractile protein -consists of two heavy (form tail region and two cross-bridges that bind with actin to produce force) and four light chains (that influence cross-bridge cycling kinetics and therefore sarcomere contraction velocity Muscle contractile protein Heart and muscle contractile fibres consist of bundles of actin polymers that slide alongside each other by the activity of the motor protein myosin and associated contractile proteins such as troponin and titin Muscle contractile protein Heart and muscle contractile fibres consist of bundles of actin polymers that slide alongside each other by the activity of the motor protein myosin and associated contractile proteins such as troponin and titin regulatory proteins proteins that help turn the muscle contraction process on and off contractile proteins proteins that produce force during muscle contraction structural proteins proteins that connect the outer layer of myofibrils to the sarcolemma, keep the actin and myosin filaments in proper alignment, and give the myofibrils their elasticity and extensibility tropomyosin -two per actin filament -when muscle is relaxed, covers the myosin-head binding sites on the actin filament troponin -binds to both actin and tropomyosin -has binding site for Ca+2 needed for muscle contraction -located at the junction of each successive pair of tropomyosin molecules titin -stabilizes the alignment of the thick filaments by connecting each myosin filament to both the z line and the m line -the titin that extends from the z line to the beginning of the myosin filament is believed to help keep the myosin filaments centered between the z lines -helps the sarcomere return to its resting length after the muscle has contracted or been stretched, contributing to the myofibril's elasticity and extensibility nebulin -extends the length of each actin filament -believed to anchor the actin filament to the z-line and help regulate the length of the actin filament actin -contractile protein -consists of 2 alpha helical strands of g-actin molecules bonded in series -each g-actin has a binding site where the s1 fragment of the myosin cross-bridge complex binds during muscle contraction myosin -contractile protein -consists of two heavy (form tail region and two cross-bridges that bind with actin to produce force) and four light chains (that influence cross-bridge cycling kinetics and therefore sarcomere contraction velocity
  • proteins that help turn the muscle contraction process on and off
  • proteins that regulate bodily systems and are used in homeostasis

Questão 6

Titin and nebulin are structural proteins
  • True
  • False

Questão 7

actin - is a contractile protein -consists of 2 alpha helical strands of g-actin molecules bonded in series -each g-actin has a binding site where the s1 fragment of the myosin cross-bridge complex binds during muscle contraction
  • True
  • False

Questão 8

  • -is a contractile protein
  • -consists of two heavy (form tail region and two cross-bridges that bind with actin to produce force) and four light chains (that influence cross-bridge cycling kinetics and therefore sarcomere contraction velocity
  • is a myofilament , a filament of a myofibril
  • All of these are true

Questão 9

contractile proteins
  • proteins that produce force during muscle contraction
  • proteins that bind with troponin
  • are centered with the M-line
  • proteins that build muscle

Questão 10

structural proteins: proteins that connect the outer layer of myofibrils to the sarcolemma, keep the actin and myosin filaments in proper alignment, and give the myofibrils their elasticity and extensibility
  • True
  • False

Questão 11

  • There are two per actin filament. Tropomyosin, when muscle is relaxed, covers the myosin-head binding sites on the actin filament.
  • is a myofilament
  • has a calcium ion attached to it
  • is located in the neuromuscular junction

Questão 12

Titin -stabilizes the alignment of the thick filaments by connecting each myosin filament to both the [blank_start]z line and the m line[blank_end] -the titin that extends from the z line to the beginning of the myosin filament is believed to [blank_start]help keep the myosin filaments[blank_end] [blank_start]centered between the z lines[blank_end] -helps the [blank_start]sarcomere return to its resting length[blank_end] after the muscle has contracted or been stretched, contributing to the [blank_start]myofibril's elasticity and extensibility[blank_end] nebulin -extends the length of each actin filament -believed to anchor the actin filament to the z-line and help regulate the length of the actin filament actin -contractile protein -consists of 2 alpha helical strands of g-actin molecules bonded in series -each g-actin has a binding site where the s1 fragment of the myosin cross-bridge complex binds during muscle contraction myosin -contractile protein -consists of two heavy (form tail region and two cross-bridges that bind with actin to produce force) and four light chains (that influence cross-bridge cycling kinetics and therefore sarcomere contraction velocity
  • z line and the m line
  • sarcomere return to its resting length
  • help keep the myosin filaments
  • centered between the z lines
  • myofibril's elasticity and extensibility


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