10 tips for studying at home


10 tips for studyng from home: how to get organized, create a daily routine and stay motivated.
Josh Sharpe
Slides por Josh Sharpe, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Josh Sharpe
Criado por Josh Sharpe mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Tip #1: Get dressed
    Washing your face and getting dressed in the morning will help set you up for your daily study routine. Wear comfortable clothes, as you will spend long hours sitting. Do not stay in your pyjamas. Getting dressed will help differentiate between study hours and leisure hours and will give you the feeling that you are preparing for a normal day of class.

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    Tip # 2: Have a routine
    Create a daily routine and follow it to the letter, especially on week days. Below is an example of successful daily routine for a student: - Get up at a reasonable hour (experts say most work is done before lunch!) - Dress up and have a good breakfast - Study for 2-3h - Take a 20-30 minute break - Study for another 2h - Take a 1h lunch break. Eat something light then take a rest for a while. - Study for 2h more - Do 30 minutes of physical exercise to mark the end of your daily routine. Taking breaks every so often can be very beneficial to our physical health and concentration. During those breaks do some physical exercise or do something that you enjoy. It is also important to mark the beginning and end of our day with a ritual. It can be a physical exercise routine or any other activity.

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    Tip # 3: Create a study timetable
    Creating a study timetable is the key to success. Decide what subjects you will be studying every day, at what time of the day and how much time you will allocate to each subject. Add to your timetable any online lessons planned by your teachers or calls you have decided to set up with your classmates. This way you will have a fair idea of know how much real time you have left to dedicate to studying, homework or projects. GoConqr calendar tool allows you to create a tailored timetable to meet all your needs. Go ahead and try it out!

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    Tip # 4: Designate a study area
    Have a designated study area. This will help you focus and associate a space with working and the rest of the house with leisure. It is important that this area is a well-lit, quiet and comfortable space. A table or desk with a good chair, free from distractions such as television, siblings, etc. would be the perfect area for studying. 

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    Tip # 5: Take breaks
    Taking breaks during study hours is very important so as not to get tired, lose motivation and concentration. Take breaks of 20 or 30 minutes every 2 or 3 hours of study, and take a longer lunch break of at least 1 hour. Eat with your family and talk to them or to your friends. After eating, relax while you start to digest the food. After a good while, spend a couple more hours studying. This is the final stretch of your daily routine. Getting to work after lunch requires more energy than in the morning. When you create your calendar assign less difficult subjects for the after-lunch hours.

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    Tip # 6: Don't get distracted
    As you already know, avoiding distractions is key to staying focused during your study hours. Put your phone away and don't look at social networks while you are studying. You can also set rules with your family members so they don't interrupt you at certain times, especially if you have younger siblings.

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    Tip # 7: Don't break the rules
    Follow your daily routine and your calendar to the letter. It is difficult not to get carried away and lose motivation when you start to relax and skip steps of your schedule. Stick to your plan!

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    Tip # 8: Take part
    Working in a group always makes things better. Connect with your classmates, ask for help, participate in forums and online lessons. Ask your questions and help answer your classmates' questions. Such simple things can make your day to day much more bearable and enjoyable.

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    Tip # 9: Be positive
    A Smile and a positive attitude can take you very far. Stay motivated and have a good attitude. It is much easier to cope with an unpleasant situation if we stay positive and do not make a mountain of a molehill. Other people will also perceive your energy and rub off on it.

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    Tip # 10: Take advantage of the extra time
    Online lessons means not having to go to school. This is possibly saving you 1h or 30 min of commute both in the morning and in the afternoon. Take advantage of the extra time and do something useful with it! Why not spend it preparing a good breakfast that will give you energy for the rest of the morning? Or doing some physical exercise? Yoga? Sunbathing in the balcony? Whatever it is, don't waste your time!


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