Sections of Psychology Report


A summary of the purpose and contents of every section in a psychology report.
Nikki Prochacha
Slides por Nikki Prochacha, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nikki Prochacha
Criado por Nikki Prochacha quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Contents: Summarised version of everything included in the report: aim, hypotheses, method, procedure, stats test results, accepted or rejected ho.Purpose: To summarise the report and to allow people to decide if they want the whole work or not.Comments: Has to be succint

Slide 2

    Contents: Background research on the study.Purpose: Provide a background to the research being conducted.Comments: Start off with the general area of the research, then narrow it down to the study it is based on. (reverse triangle)

Slide 3

    Contents: Aim (study it's based on, general predictions, area of interest), null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, tails/directions (justified use of tails based on previous research).Purpose: To describe the purpose of the research and predict any results.Comments: There is no difference between experimental and alternative hypotheses except experimental hypothesis is only used when an experiment is used.

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    Contents: Design (method, co variables, variables, minimising extraneous variables), participants (age, gender, location, sampling method used), apparatus (list all stimuli), procedure (how it was carried out)Purpose: To describe exactly what occurred in the experiment and allow the reader to replicate it.Comments: The method should be extremely detailed, including weather, time, date, and every other detail of the investigation.

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    Contents: Written description of all the results. Guess of which hypothesis is accepted/rejected. Table of central tendencies and a suitable graph. Finally a justified choice of statistical test and accept/reject null hypothesis based on results.Purpose: To present results.Comments: Everything should have a title. Calculations should be explain thoroughly and fully included.

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    Contents: Talk through of the results. Description of anomalies and why they occurred. Results related to study. Accept/reject null hypothesis. Limitations of research and suggestions for improvement, issues with sampling method. Applications and implications - suggestions for further research.Purpose: To draw and explain conclusions and evaluate how the research was conducted.Comments: Have contradiction to hypothesis in results in case hypothesis is rejected. 

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    Contents: Books, webpages.Purpose: Show the sources of information.Comments: Use Harvard Referencing and date of access on site.

Slide 8

    Contents: Organised set of stimulus. Anything used goes (rough work, drafts, raw data)Purpose: Include detailed and necessary information that would be distracting in the main body of the report.Comments: 


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