Evolução da Língua Inglesa


Slides sobre Evolução da Língua Inglesa, criado por C. Silva em 09-05-2023.
C. Silva
Slides por C. Silva, atualizado more than 1 year ago
C. Silva
Criado por C. Silva mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

     Nowadays, the English language is basically the language of communication, becoming a way to communicate between different people, either using the English as first or second language. However, to be aware of the evolution of the English language up to the current days, it is important to realize what its historical evolution was, from its origin in the fifth century up to nowadays. As introduction to this theme, please pay attention to the following video briefly approaching the historical evolution of the English language. You can watch the video in English or you even have the option to activate subtitles in Portuguese to have a better understanding of the text.
    1. Evolution of the English Language
    Rubrica: : How did English evolve?

Slide 2

    Bearing in mind what you have just learned in the video, complete the folllowing text with the correct expressions:


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