Abiturthemen Englisch 2016 Deutschlandweit


Sehe hier, welche Themen 2016 im Abitur in welchem Bundesland auf dem Plan stehen!
Laura Overhoff
Slides por Laura Overhoff, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura Overhoff
Criado por Laura Overhoff quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Baden-Württemberg & Hessen
    Themen sind Challenges and Choices in an Insecure World (Fokus USA) Half-Broke Horses von Jeanette Walls (Armutsüberwindung, Leben auf dem Land,...) Crash (Film, 2004) (Drama, Rassismus & soziale Differenzen in L.A.)

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    Personal relations in their social context: Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen in englischsprachigen Ländern Ethnic diversity: Situation unterschiedlicher ethnischer Gruppen & Kulturen in englischsprachigen Ländern Challenges and chances of science and technology: wissenschaftlichen & technologischen Entwicklungen sowie deren Auswirkungen auf Mensch & Gesellschaft The impact of the media on society: Rolle & Wirkungsweise der Massenmedien in der Gesellschaft

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    Themen sind Short Story: Hanif Kureishi, "My Son the Fanatic" Drama: Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman (für Berufliche Gymnasien) Arthur Miller, The Crucible (für allgemein bildende Schulen) Film: Billy Elliot Vertiefung:   F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby & Auszüge aus William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice o. Romeo & Juliet

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    British and American traditions and visions Britain’s past and present: from Empire to Commonwealth, monarchy and modern democracy The American Dream: then and now Globalization – global challenges (GK: Cultural issues: values, lifestyles, communication; LK: Economic, ecological and cultural issues & political consequences) Post-colonialism and migration: The post-colonial experience in IndiaEthnic communities in 21st-century Britain The interest of young audiences in Shakespeare (GK: Study of passages from a play & corresponding film; LK: Shakespeare & Elizabethan World, Study of a play & corresponding scenes from theatre play or film) Visions of the future – exploring alternative worlds (GK: Science fiction, utopia and dystopia; LK zusätzlich: Science and ethics: genetic engineering)

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    Themen sind: Canada - A Land of Many Nations sozialen-politischen Gegebenheiten (issues of ethnic diversity, impact of immigration waves) regionale & wirtschaftliche Gegebenheiten (environmental issues, global role in primary economic sectors) kulturelle Gegebenheiten (‘First Nations’, European & modern Asian influences on contemporary art & literature) Ireland - A Country Between Tradition and Modernity historisch-politische Entwicklungen (invasions, struggle for independence,partition, recent attempts to overcome the conflicts) sozio-ökonomische Entwicklungen (social clashes, religious & economic struggles, demographic shifts) kulturelle Entwicklungen (cultural roots, tradition & modernity in the arts)

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    Grundkurs: USA: American Dream, living together (gender, ethnic groups) Science and technology: Electronic media & biotechnology United Kingdom: social structures, social change (ethnic minorities, multiculturalism), GB and the world (British Empire, the Commonwealth) Work and industrialization: business, industry and environment; trade and competition  Promised Lands: Dreams & realities: political issues, social issues (South Africa) Order, Vision, Change: models of the future (dystopias, ‘progress’ in the natural sciences), revolt and revolution
    Leistungskurs: USA: American Dream, living together (gender, ethnic groups) Them and us: the one track mind (prejudice, intolerance, ideologies) United Kingdom: social structures, social change (ethnic minorities, multiculturalism), GB and the world (British Empire, the Commonwealth) Extreme situations: love and happiness, initiation, troubled mind Promised Lands: Dreams & realities: political issues, social issues (South Africa) Ideals and R eality: structural problems (violence,(in)equality)


must, had to, mustn't oder don't need to
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American Dream
Romeo und Julia
The American Dream
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Half-Broke Horses
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