Alexander II- Tsar Liberator


A-Level History Slides sobre Alexander II- Tsar Liberator, criado por Georgia Brooke em 27-11-2015.
Georgia Brooke
Slides por Georgia Brooke, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Georgia Brooke
Criado por Georgia Brooke quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Alexander II- Tsar Liberator
    Overview Alexander II Weaknesses of Russia Emancipation of the serfs- 1861 Other reforms e.g law, military, educational. Strength and weaknesses of reforms Reaction to reforms
    Rubrica: : Alexander II

Slide 2

    Alexander II
    Assumed power in February 1855 Was well prepared to become Tsar thanks to his father, Nicholas I, who instilled ion him the value of duty and obedience. He had a well rounded education and enjoyed military life and taking part in ceremonies. However, David Saunders described him as not very bright, not a strong character and not very good at making decisions. In 1837, with his tutor Zhukovsky, he went on a tour of Russia's 29 provinces, to places the rest of the imperial family had never been. He married the German Princess Marie of Hesse-Darmstadt in 1841 and had 8 children. He was the first Tsar to consider that the people's approval was an important part of autocratic rule.

Slide 4

Slide 6

Slide 7

     Was Alexander the 'Tsar Liberator'?

Slide 8

    Alexander II Revision


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