Nazi Germany - Germany in Transition (Q2)


Slides sobre Nazi Germany - Germany in Transition (Q2), criado por Ella Watson em 08-02-2016.
Ella Watson
Slides por Ella Watson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ella Watson
Criado por Ella Watson mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

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    Germany in Transition 1919-1947
    Key Phrase - Weimar Republic - the name of the German government from 1919-1934.The Treaty of Versailles - TRAWLTerritory - Germany lost 13% of it's land to countries such as Poland and   France. 6,000,000 people woke up the following morning and were no longer German.Reparations - Germany could not afford to pay the reparations demanded, and was forced to sign a blank cheque.Armaments - Army reduced to 100,000 men, no air force.War Guilt Clause - Germany held solely responsible for the war.League of Nations - Germany was not allowed to join.
    Key Phrase - Weimar Republic - the name of the German government from 1919-1934.The Treaty of Versailles - TRAWLTerritory - Germany lost 13% of it's land. 6,000,000 people woke up the following morning and were no longer German.
    The Treaty was hated by the German people. Rathenau was assassinated for signing it. The Weimar politicians who signed it were labelled as 'November Criminals'. Germany's armistice had not lead to a fair settlement.Hitler promised jobs and an end to the Treaty of Versailles.

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    The Weimar Constitution
    President held the most power. At his disposal he held, Article 48 and the Chancellor (support of the majority of the Reichstag). He was also supreme commander of the army.The Reichstag was the German parliament. Parties were elected through proportional representation.PR led to a struggle for a majority and Germany developed weak coalition governments.Strengths of PR - fairer that 'first past the post' All parties gain seats.Weaknesses of PR - No party getting a clear majority, leads to coalition governments.Article 48 meant that in a time of crisis the President could pass laws and make other decisions without consulting the members of the Reichstag. Could become a dictatorship.Article 48 and Proportional Representation were the main reasons why the Weimar was politically weak.

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    Economic Instability
    Key Word - hyperinflationThe German mark was made worthless by hyperinflation.The Weimar chose to print more money to pay the reparations. This meant that the mark became worthless.Due to the Germans not being able to pay the reparations, French and Belgian forces stole goods.Hyperinflation was yet another embarrassment for the Weimar.
    However... In 1923 Streseman became Chancellor and he began to steady things.He changed the currency and loans from the USA led to the start of an economic recovery.The Dawes Plan (lowering reparations) and the Young Plan (further alteration to reparations and lenthen time of payment) helped Germany to get back on their feet. However the economy was built precariously on American money.Improved economic stability resulted in less support for extremist parties.

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    Early Development of the Nazi Party
    Key Phrase - Right Wing - nationalistic party, a party that has extreme pride in their country. Usually haters of foreigners.Adolf Hitler attended a meeting in September 1919. He was invited to join. He was quickly put in charge of the propaganda.He changed the name of the party to NSDAP and adopted the title of Fuhrer. He developed a party symbol (swastika) and introduced the raised arm salute.Created the STURMABTEILUNG (SA). They were the Nazi's personal army.The Munich Putsch quickly followed. *8-9th Nov 1923*A Nazi force of 2,000 men stormed through Munich. 20 men were killed. Hitler was arrested two days later, put on trial and the Nazi party banned.Hitler's trial gave him national publicity. Hitler was found guilty of treason, serving 9 months of a 5 year sentence.While in prison Hitler realised that they would have to gain power legally. He met Hess, who was to become a Nazi leader and began to write Mein Kampf, which became the basis for his policies and was a 'warning' of what was to come.The SS were originally Hitler's personal army. He set up the Hitler Youth.

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    Hitler's Main Ideas
     Volksgeminshaft - the people's Germany. Abolition of the Treaty of Versailles. Social Darwinism - the idea that some races are stronger than others. Aryan man. Anti semitism - he wanted to purge society of the Jews. Anti Communist  Getting jobs for the people. Dolchtoss - stab in the back by the November criminals. Most of these ideas were presented in Mein Kampf.

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    Impact of the Depression
    In 1929, the Wall Street Crash caused massive problems for Germany.Germany was hit particularly hard because it's economy was built on American money.Effects were;  rise in unemployment closure of factories homelessness international trade shrank At this time of struggle for the Weimar the Nazis saw their oppurtunity to gain votes.
    The Nazis set about using the Depression to their advantage. They began to utilise propaganda successfully through posters and radio.Hitler flew around Germany in a plane and gave speeches.Josef Goebbels was the mastermind behind this propaganda.Mass appeal of popular policies.Repeated three ideas. More jobs, no treaty, blame the Jews.Hitler was their top trump card. He rallied voted in a law abiding and democratic way. He had CHARISMA.

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    The Nazis Begin to Gain Votes
    In 1930, the Nazis begin to gain more followers.This was when Hitler began to be accepted as a well known figure in German politics.He should have been appointed as chancellor in July 1932 but Hindenburg despised him.Eventually, Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor in January 1933. He thought that he and Von Papen (Vice Chancellor) could control him. How wrong they were...
    Reasons for the Nazi's electoral success include; impact of the Depression Hitler's appeal - charisma Use of propaganda - Josef Goebbels was a master at this! Financial support, had backing from large industrialists like Bosch. The SA - they played a vital role in protecting the Nazi speakers and politicians and also disrupting the meetings of potential competitors. They often engaged in street fights with the political opposition.

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    Possible Describe Questions
    Describe thee effect the Depression had on the Nazi PartyWhen the economy in America collapsed in 1929, the Nazi party sprung into action to advertise their policies to the German people.Goebbels, a master of propaganda for the Nazi party sent Hitler all over the country to address as many civilians as possible. Propaganda posters were also created for the Nazi party, which appealed to those who had been made unemployed or who were at a disadvantage because of the decision of the Weiman government. Hitler promised jobs and an end to the Treaty of Versailles, which also appealed to the German people.After the wall street crash, support for the Nazi group grew and they consequently became a much more prominent force in the Reichstag. Describe the Enabling ActThe Enabling Act was passed by the Reichstag in March 1933. This Act became the foundation stone of the third reich and it was used by Hitler ti establish his dictatorship. Under this act Hitler banned all political parties except the Nazis and also banned trade unions. He took control of the press and imposed strict censorship and replaced the State Governors of Germany with Reich governors. Through this act he was able to enforce his policy of Gleichschaltung (forced control).Describe the Night of the Long KnivesIn June 1934, Hitler ordered the SA to go on leave for an entire month. Hitler then ordered Himmler and Goering to eliminate the threat posed by leaders of the SA. On 30th June, Himmler's SS and Goerring special police arrested and executed the leaders of the SA and other people with whom Hitler was in competition. Ernst Rohm was shot after refusing to commit suicide. Kurt von Schleicher who had preceeded Hitler as chancellor was also shot. Altogether, it was thought that as many 400 people were killed in the Night of the Long Knives.

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    Consolidating the State - Hitler become Fuhrer
    President Hindenburg dies. This was the final nail in the coffin for democracy.Hitler seized this opportunity to; combine the offices of President and Chancellor and to declare himself Fuhrer of the third reich. make the whole army swear personal allegiance to him make himself supreme commander of the German army. A vote was held. 90% voted in favour of Hitler's actions.


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