Skimming implica la búsqueda de las ideas principales mediante la lectura de los párrafos primero y último, teniendo en cuenta otras señales de organización, tales como resúmenes, utilizado por el autor.Se utiliza para identificar rápidamente las ideas principales de un texto, Skimming se realiza a una velocidad de tres a cuatro veces más rápido que la lectura normal. Scaninng Es una técnica que suelen utilizar cuando se busca una palabra en la guía telefónica o un diccionario.. Busca palabras clave o ideas. En la mayoría de los casos, usted sabe lo que está buscando, por lo que está concentrado en encontrar una respuesta en particular. Escaneo implica mover los ojos rápidamente por la página de búsqueda de palabras y frases específicas. La exploración se utiliza también la primera vez que encontrar un recurso para determinar si responde a sus preguntas.
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A Finnancia Tecchnica in human resources is wich has the function of planning all the activities in order to make the subjects politically correct for the administrators ib their job and all the employers in the factory.
Skimming-Is wich has the function of planning.-All the activities politically correct.Scanning -Finnancial tecchnical. -The subjects. - Job- In order to make.
Ejercicio Nº 1
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An information sistem has their functions between capture and storage of data act like a primal area in the organization its an expensive function and several cases the most of all.
Skimming-Information sistem Scanning-Storage of data -Expensive function -Act like a primal area.
Ejercicio Nº 2
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An administrator assistant is an important person in the office interacthis function is tramite all the documents comunicate with the employees and customers also other cases includes in facturation using the technology for it.
Skimming- Administrator assistantScanning -Comunicate with the employees and customers.-Technology.-Facturation
Ejercicio Nº 3
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Ejercicio Nº 4
Administrative language is the one used by the administration is its relations with citizens. Is a specialized language which gives it its own characteristics, such as lexical, grammar or style.
Skimming- Administrative language Scanning- specialized language- Relations with citizens- Style.
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Ejercicio Nº 5
Skimming- Public official Scanning- Worker who performs functions - State agency
The public official is that worker who performs functions in a state agency, can represent any public power that exists, whether legislative, executive, electoral, citizen or judicial.
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