Reception Theory


Stuart hALL reception tHEORY
wilson wood
Slides por wilson wood, atualizado more than 1 year ago
wilson wood
Criado por wilson wood aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Reception Theory - Understanding Basics
    Founded by Stuart Hall; BritishPredominantly on Radio and Television.Reception Theory gives power and influence to both, the Media Text creator and the audience.Encoding (Creator):What is put into the Media Text, is what the creator wants it to have such as the camera angles/shots for producing a meaning.Decoding (Audience):Is the audiences interpretation of the creators coding/meaning.Reception Theory acknowledges that not everyone will not decode the same meaning.

Slide 2

    Three Types of Readings:Dominant Reading: The audience sees exactly what the creator wants them to see.Negotiated Reading: The audience mainly follows the Dominant Reading, apart from one issue of which is interpreted slightly differently due to possible influences e.g. Personal Life Experiences.Oppositional Reading: The audience completely rejects the Dominant Reading.Influences on interpretation of a Media Text: Age Gender Religion Personal Life Experience Culture Era Mood
    Reception Theory Concepts


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