Causes of the February Revolution


AS level History (Russia Before Communism) Slides sobre Causes of the February Revolution, criado por Kiera L em 29-01-2017.
Kiera L
Slides por Kiera L, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kiera L
Criado por Kiera L mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Causes of the February Revolution
    Most Significant - Impact of the First World War Series of defeats and increasing death toll Focus on army meant there were more food shortages and lack of equipment Reflected badly on Tsar Nicholas II as he'd taken personal command of the army in September 1915 People felt betrayed and angry at government. Soldiers weren't loyal to the Tsar, mutinies = Tsar losing status and control. Russians wanted to change government. (Defections in the armed government and incompetence of Nicholas II too) Took personal control of the army despite no military training (Incompetence of Nicholas II) Rasputin began to run the government when Nicholas went to fight in frontline, anger amongst Russians built (Actions of Rasputin) Bread had to be rationed as it was going to the army. Farmers were leaving farmland to fight = food shortages (Social and economic problems)
    Defections in the Armed Forces Soldiers unloyal to Tsar Only 12,000 out of 180,000 members of the Imperial Guard could be relied upon Without troops, Tsar couldn't combat revolution so admitted defeat Incompetence of Nicholas II Reigning at a difficult time in Russia Came to throne young at 20, 'not prepared to be a Tsar' Indecisive, conservative and responsible for many problems in Russia Actions of Rasputin Allies and aristocrats envious of time he spent with Tsar Became influential, leader when Tsar was in frontline Russians and ruling class disliked him and his power

Slide 2

    Social and Economic Problems Inflation 1914-1916, people became poorer Food shortages and rationing in 1917 Appalling living and working conditions Strong division between rich and poor More agriculture than industry, shortages of consumer goods Anger amongst Russians, wanted to change the way Russia was governed


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