82. People Overestimate Reactions to Future Events


Slides sobre 82. People Overestimate Reactions to Future Events, criado por Sara Custer em 09-03-2017.
Sara Custer
Slides por Sara Custer, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sara Custer
Criado por Sara Custer mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    How would you answer the following questions: How happy are you, right now? If something negative were to happen to you, how would you react? Something positive?

Slide 2

    Most likely, however you answer, you will overestimate your feelings, according to Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness.What actually happens, in regards to our happiness, most humans have a "happiness regulator". Whether negative or positive events happen, we remain relatively in the same state of happiness. This happiness level can vary, person to person, however, it remains about the same in each person. 


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