Hitler Becomes Chancellor 1933


Part of the series of learning material on the momentous events in Germany between the wars, this slide sets looks at the events between July 1932 and January 1933 that saw Hitler rise to the role of Chancellor of Germany.
Andrew Burke
Slides por Andrew Burke, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Andrew Burke
Criado por Andrew Burke aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    July 1932: Reichstag elections of 1932 - Nazis were the largest party with 230 seats Hitler demanded to be chancellor Hindenburg refused and and kept the current chancellor, Franz von Papen Hindenburg used his emergency powers to pass measures von Papen hoped would solve Germany's economic problems Von Papen had no support in the Reichstag and another election was called 
    Rubrica: : Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

Slide 2

    November 1932:  Nazis came out as the largest party, although their share of the vote fell  Hitler regarded the election as a disaster  They lost 2 million votes and 38 seats in the Reichstag Also the Nazi Party began to run out of funding 
    Steps Forward
    December 1932:  Hindenburg refuses to make Hitler chancellor again Appoints his own adviser, Kurt von Schleicher, as the new chancellor Von Schleicher is forced to resign within a month Proportional representation meant no single political group could provide strong rule Hindenburg was ruling the country under his emergency powers, under the support of army leaders and rich industrialists  Germany needed a chancellor who had the support of the Reichstag 

Slide 3

    The Day Arrives
    January 1933:  Hindenburg and von Papen met with industrialists, army leaders and politicians in secret On January 30, to the surprise of everyone, they offered Hitler the post of chancellor With only a few Nazis in cabinet and von Papen as vice-chancellor, they were confident they could limit Hitler's influence and demands Hindenburg and von Papen were wrong to believe they could control Hitler 


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