

A quiz about Mussolini and his foreign and economic and domestic policy aims and effects.
Imani :D
Quiz by Imani :D, updated more than 1 year ago
Imani :D
Created by Imani :D over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following were a result of the Lateran Pact?
  • The creation of an independent Vatican State
  • Making Catholicism official Italian religeon
  • Pope was economically compensated for the loss of territories in 1870
  • Ensured that Fascists could ultimatly obtain majority
  • That the most popular political party would automatically obtain two-thirds of parliamentary seats.
  • The arrest of thousands of polticial opponents
  • The abolishment of trade unions

Question 2

[blank_start]Futurism[blank_end] was an important Italian artistic movement in 190[blank_start]9[blank_end]. It represented a passion for industrial progress. The artist Filippo T. Marinetti wanted [blank_start]Futurism[blank_end] to be the visual representation of Fascism.
  • Futurism
  • Futurism
  • 9

Question 3

What was Cinecitta?
  • Mussolini's inaugurated Italian version of Hollywood
  • An art movement designed to represent Fascism
  • A film festival held in Venice

Question 4

1926 Mussolini ruled by [blank_start]decree[blank_end], and therefore he no longer needed to respond to parliament.
  • decree

Question 5

Match the following with their dates, aims, effects etc.: The Locarno Pact: - 19[blank_start]25[blank_end] - A series of treaties signed by France, Germany, Britain, [blank_start]Belgium, and Italy[blank_end] - Included Mutual Guarantee with [blank_start]Italy and Britain[blank_end] - Did not include a guaranteed definition of [blank_start]Germany's[blank_end] eastern frontiers - Which [blank_start]lessened[blank_end] his diplomatic triumph
  • 25
  • 24
  • 23
  • Belgium, and Italy
  • USA, and Belgium
  • USA, and Italy
  • Italy and Britain
  • Italy and France
  • Italy and Germany
  • Germany's
  • Italy's
  • Britain's
  • lessened
  • increased

Question 6

Background of Foreign policy in Fiume 1924 Fiume was a free city between [blank_start]Yugoslavia[blank_end] and Italy. It was mainly [blank_start]Italian[blank_end] speaking which is why [blank_start]Italian's[blank_end] felt they had a claim to it. In [blank_start]1919[blank_end] [blank_start]Gabriele D'Annunzio[blank_end] and nationalist supporters occupied Fiume in the name of Italy. This was until [blank_start]1920[blank_end] when they were removed by the Prime Minister; [blank_start]Giovanni Giolitti[blank_end].
  • Italian
  • German
  • English
  • 1919
  • 1924
  • 1923
  • 1925
  • 1920
  • 1921
  • 1922
  • Giovanni Giolitti
  • Marshal Pietro Badogolio
  • Filippo T. Marinetti
  • Gabriele D'Annunzio
  • Yugoslavia
  • Yugoslavian
  • Italians
  • Germans
  • Yugoslavians
  • Americans
  • Vatican City
  • Austria
  • France
  • French
  • the French

Question 7

In the invasion of Fiume, Mussolini invaded under the pretext that...
  • it's Italian population was in danger.
  • Fiume belonged to Italy.
  • Italy needed more resources.

Question 8

Mussolini's foreign policy in Fiume was a success and helped Mussolini's publicity.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Chose the correct words/dates for each of these statements about German-Italian relation pacts. 1936; [blank_start]Rome[blank_end]-[blank_start]Berlin[blank_end] [blank_start]Axis[blank_end] was an understanding of friendship between Germany and Italy 1937; [blank_start]Anti[blank_end]-[blank_start]Comintern[blank_end] [blank_start]Pact[blank_end] was against [blank_start]Bolshevism[blank_end] and formed between Germany, Japan and then Italy. 1939; [blank_start]Pact[blank_end] of [blank_start]Steel[blank_end] was a full military alliance between Mussolini and Hitler
  • Rome
  • Berlin
  • Axis
  • Anti
  • Comintern
  • Pact
  • Bolshevism
  • Pact
  • Steel

Question 10

The Corfu Incident was a foreign policy aim that greatly increased Mussolini's positive image.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

In 1923 Mussolini blamed who for the murder of Italian diplomats at the Greek-Albanian border?
  • Greece
  • France
  • Bolshevists

Question 12

Chose the correct words for the following sentences about the Battle for Grain. The Battle for Grain, in [blank_start]1925[blank_end], aimed at making Italy more self-sufficient in agriculture by; - [blank_start]reducing[blank_end] the [blank_start]import[blank_end] of wheat and cereal - dedicating [blank_start]more[blank_end] land to grain production - investing [blank_start]more[blank_end] into the mechanization of farming - Making land that was for olives and citrus into land for wheat It resulted in: - The [blank_start]North[blank_end] getting an increase in the mechanization of farming. (But the [blank_start]South[blank_end] did not.) - The exports of traditional Italian products being [blank_start]dropped[blank_end] - [blank_start]Some[blank_end] self-sufficiency of wheat production in Italy ([blank_start]1931[blank_end])
  • 1925
  • 1924
  • 1923
  • reducing
  • increasing
  • import
  • export
  • more
  • less
  • more
  • less
  • North
  • South
  • South
  • North
  • dropped
  • increased
  • Some
  • No
  • 1931
  • 1925
  • 1924
  • 1926
  • 1928

Question 13

Which of the following domestic/economic policies was responsible for the following? The draining of marshes and swamps. (Hint is below) HINT: Occurred in 1926
  • The Battle for Land
  • The Battle for Grain
  • The Battle for Lira

Question 14

Which of the following are true for the Battle of Lira?
  • Lira increased in value
  • Lira decreased in value
  • New exchange rates benifited
  • New exchange rates suffered
  • Exports suffered
  • Exports benefited
  • There was a decline in Tourism
  • There was an increase in Tourism

Question 15

The [blank_start]Battle[blank_end] of Births occured in 1927 and aimed to develop a new [blank_start]market[blank_end] for Italian industrialized products. Mussolini wanted to population to go from 40 million to [blank_start]60[blank_end] million. Mussolini therefore announced new legislation and a new [blank_start]tax[blank_end] system to reward families and penalize bachelors. Propaganda began to target [blank_start]women[blank_end]s roles as house[blank_start]wifes[blank_end] and [blank_start]mothers[blank_end]. The Battle for Births did not accomplish much except for a slight growth in population which however could be credited to [blank_start]Cath[blank_end]olicism.
  • market
  • 60
  • tax
  • women
  • wifes
  • mothers
  • Cath
  • Battle

Question 16

The Battle over the Southern Problem promised rapid [blank_start]urban[blank_end]ization of the South.
  • urban

Question 17

Which of the following is true about 'The Battle over the Southern Problem'?
  • There was some land redistribution
  • There was no land redistribution
  • Solved much of the social inequality (less poverty)
  • Did not solve social inequality (poverty remained the same)

Question 18

In 1920, after the Battle over the Southern Problem, [blank_start]87[blank_end]% of peasants owned [blank_start]13[blank_end]% of the land.
  • 87
  • 67
  • 37
  • 13
  • 23
  • 1
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