Question 1
The (2) broad categories of accounting in the financial management of a firm are?
Question 2
Which of the following best describes General Ledger Accounting?
Is basic accounting that keeps track of money flowing into & out of the business & is needed for day-to-day operations, banking, taxes, & auditing; provides firm-wide statements about the overall financial status of the business
Tracks revenue, expenses & profit by individual projects
Question 3
General Ledger Accounting is needed for which of the following?
Basic Accounting
Keeping track of money flowing into & out of a business
Day-to-day operations
Firm-wide statements about the overall financial status of a business so that firm owners can make decisions crucial to the firm's profitability & survival
Tracking revenue, expenses, & profit by individual projects
Knowing how the amount of time spent on specific projects affects the financial health of the firm
Assisting managers in deciding how to allocate resources, manage projects, & develop accurate proposals for new work
Question 4
Project Cost Accounting is needed for which of the following?
Tracking revenue by individual projects
Tracking expenses by individual projects
Tracking profit by individual projects
Knowing how the amount of time spent on specific projects affects the financial health of a firm
Differentiating between projects that are making money & those that are losing money
Assisting managers in deciding how to allocate resources
Assisting managers in deciding how to manage projects
Assisting managers in developing accurate proposals for new work
Tracking money flowing into & out of the business & is needed for day-to-day operations, banking, taxes, & auditing
Providing firm-wide statements about the overall financial status of the business so that firm owners can make decisions crucial to the firm's profitability & survival
Question 5
Which of the following describe Project Cost Accounting?
Helps managers decide how to allocate resources, manage projects, & develop accurate proposals for new work
Tracks revenue, expenses, & profit by individual projects
Shows how the amount of time spent on specific projects affects the financial health of a firm
Provides firm-wide statements about the overall financial status of a business so that firm owners can make decisions crucial to the firm's profitability & survival
Keeps track of money flowing into & out of a business & is needed for day-to-day operations, banking, taxes, & auditing
Question 6
Which of the following correctly describes the, "Amounts owed to the suppliers of goods or services (such as consultants, reproduction companies, or the utility company) that have not yet been paid?"
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receiveable
Chart of Accounts
Question 7
Which of the following correctly describes, "Money that others owe to a business through invoices for services?"
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Chart of Accounts
Question 8
Which of the following correctly describes, "Any type of tangible or intangible resource that can be measured in monetary terms, including current assets, fixed assets, & other assets?"
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Chart of accounts
Question 9
Which of the following correctly describes, "A list of the various accounts a business uses to keep track of money, along with corresponding account numbers used for data processing?"
Chart of Accounts
Balance Sheet
Profit & Loss Statement
Question 10
Which of the following describes, "Resources of a business that are converted into cash within one year?"
Fixed Assets
Other Assets
Current Assets
Question 11
Which of the following describes, "All labor of technical staff, principals, & support staff that is directly chargeable to projects?"
Direct Labor
Total Labor
Indirect Labor
Question 12
Which of the following describes, "The expense of employee salaries plus the cost of mandatory & discretionary expenses & benefits such as payroll taxes & health insurance?"
Question 13
Which of the following correctly describes, "Voluntary distribution of profits to owners & non-owners, such as performance bonuses, profit sharing, & incentive compensation?"
Question 14
Which of the following best describes, "Resources that the firm uses & retains for a long period of time, such as equipment & property?"
Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Other Assets
Question 15
Which of the following correctly describes, "All the revenue generated by a business during a stated period of time?"
Total Revenue
Gross Revenue
Net Operating Revenue
Net Revenue
Question 16
Which of the following correctly describes, "All labor not charged to a specific project or revenue-producing account, such as administration, general office time, & marketing?"
Question 17
Which of the following correctly describes, "Claims by people outside the business & claims by the owners of the business against the total assets of the business."
Indemnification Clause
Personal Injury
Question 18
Which of the following correctly describes, "The money that remains from billing after deducting fees & expenses, reimbursable expenses, & non-reimbursable project-related expenses?"
Question 19
Which of the following correctly describes, "Miscellaneous resources such as securities & copyrights?"
Other Assets
Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Question 20
Which of the following correctly describes, "Expenses incurred to keep a business operating whether or not any revenue is being generated, such as rent, software leases, & fees for power & telephone service?"
Question 21
Net Revenue (NOR) = (Gross Revenue) - ([blank_start]Fees[blank_end] + [blank_start]Expenses[blank_end] + [blank_start]Reimbursable Expenses[blank_end] + [blank_start]Non-Reimbursable[blank_end] Project Related Expenses)
Reimbursable Expenses
Question 22
Which of the following are the (2) basic accounting methods?
Question 23
Which of the following apply to Cash Accounting?
revenue & expenses are recognized at the time the business receives the cash or pays a bill
Better means of accounting for tracking actual cash flow
Fairly simple & is often used by single-person businesses & small businesses
Revenue & Expenses are recognized at the time they are earned or incurred, whether or not cash changes hands
Gives a better picture of a businesses's long term financial status & provides information that is important for active financial management
Best for businesses above a certain size or that maintain inventory are required by the IRS to use accrual accounting
Question 24
Which of the basic accounting methods is best suited for a single person business or small businesses?
Question 25
Businesses above a certain size or that maintain inventory are required by the IRS to use which basic accounting method?
Question 26
Which of the following apply to Accrual Accounting?
Revenue & Expenses are recognized at the time they are earned or incurred, whether or not cash changes hands
Gives a better picture of a business's long term financial status & provides information that is important for active financial management
Businesses above a certain size or that maintain inventory are required by the IRS to use this accounting method
Revenue & expenses are recognized at the time the business receives the cash or pays a bill
Better at tracking actual cash flow
Fairly simple & is often used by single-person businesses & small businesses
Question 27
Which basic accounting method recognizes revenue & expenses at the time the business receives the cash or pays a bill?
Question 28
Which basic accounting method recognizes revenue & expenses at the time they are earned or incurred, whether or not cash changes hands?
Question 29
Which of the following is an example of Accrual Accounting?
A firm sends an invoice to a client for $50,000 & that money is listed as revenue even though the client has not yet paid the invoice
A firm sends an invoice to a client for $50,000 & that money is listed as revenue only once the client has paid the invoice
Question 30
What is the difference between Accrual Accounting & Modified Accrual Accounting (Modified Accrual Basis Method)?
Records fee revenue, expenses billed to the client, & invoices to the firm by outside consultants
Records fee revenue, expenses billed to the client, & invoices to the firm by outside consultants but does NOT include the amounts of fees that have been earned but not yet billed to the client
Recognizes revenue & expenses only when actual cash changes hands
Question 31
Which of the following are recorded by the Modified Accrual Basis Method?
Fee Revenue
Expenses billed to the client
Invoices to the firm by outside consultants
The amounts of fees that have been earned but not yet billed to the client
Question 32
Accrual Accounting uses which of the following methods to record & organize all revenue & expenses into individual accounts?
Question 33
Which of the following are reasons why Cash Accounting & Accrual Accounting group all revenue & expenses into individual accounts?
Tax Preparation
Question 34
Which of the following describes, "All transactions are listed chronologically in a journal. They are then posted to a ledger where transactions are grouped into individual accounts?"
Question 35
Which of the following are the most common types of Accounting Reports?
Question 36
Which of the following is an important aspect of the balance sheet?
Question 37
Which of the following apply to the Balance Sheet?
Summarizes all assets & liabilities & shows the financial position of a business
All the assets listed must exactly equal all the liabilities listed
The Total Assets must = (Total Liabilities + The Net Worth or Owner's Equity)
The Net Worth or Owner's Equity is an important part of this report
Lists all the income & expenses of a business for a certain period of time
Shows the actual inflows & outflows of cash or cash equivalents
Question 38
Which of the following describe Net Worth?
Owner's Equity
= (Total Assets) - (Total Liabilities)
The money invested in a business by the owners or stockholders
defined as money, checks, or anything else accepted by banks
Short-term investments that can be quickly converted into cash, such as short-term certificates of deposit
Question 39
Which of the following describe Owner's Equity?
Net Worth
The money invested in a business by the owners or stockholders
= (Total Assets) - (Total Liabilities)
Short-term investments that can be quickly converted into cash, such as short-term certificates of deposit
Defined as money, checks, or anything else accepted by banks
Question 40
Which of the following apply to the Profit & Loss Statement?
Lists all the income & expenses of a business for a certain period of time
The difference between all the income & all the expenses gives either the profit or the loss for that period
Income Statement
Shows the actual inflows & outflows of cash or cash equivalents
Summarizes all assets & liabilities & shows the financial position of a business
Question 41
Which of the following apply to the Cash Flow Statement
Shows the actual inflows & outflows of cash or cash equivalents
This statement is important because a business's month to month financial health depends on being able to meet payroll & pay bills
Lists all the income & expenses of a business for a certain period of time
Summarizes all assets & liabilities & shows the financial position of a business
Cash is defined as money, checks, or anything else accepted by banks
Question 42
Which of the following describes Cash Equivalents?
Short-term investments that can be quickly converted into cash, such as short-term certificates of deposit
Current Assets
Defined as money, checks, or anything else accepted by banks
Resources of a business that are converted into cash within one year
Question 43
Profit Planning & Financial Management Reports include which of the following?
Question 44
What is the fundamental equation for financial planning in any profit oriented business?
(Profit + Expenses) = Revenue; If the business will make its targeted profit, & controls expenses, what is the appropriate revenue that needs to be generated to achieve that targeted profit
(Revenue - Expenses) = Profit; Profit is whatever may be left over after expenses are subtracted from revenue
(Net Operating Revenue) / (Total Direct Labor Costs)
(Total Indirect Expenses) / (Total Direct Labor Costs)
Question 45
Which of the following are the (2) typical means to increase revenue?
Question 46
Which of the following is one of the highest percentages of overhead?
Question 47
What is the typical means for controlling expenses?
Reducing overhead wherever possible
Decreasing reimbursable & non reimbursable expenses
Increasing how much work the firm does
Increasing Fees
Question 48
Other than the basic accounting reports, which of the following are the typical Planning Reports & Financial Management Reports?
Question 49
Which of the following apply to Project Progress Reports?
Shows the hours & labor costs for each phase of a project, both for the current reporting period, & the total to date, & compares these numbers with the estimated hours & costs
Shows direct costs, such as for consultants, overhead allocations, & reimbursable expenses
Gives the project manager & firm management an accurate look at the status of a project & can be used to take corrective action as necessary
Summarizes each of the firm's projects in terms of the amount of revenue it has generated, the expenses it has incurred, un-billed services, percentage of completion, & profit or loss to date
Shows the status of all invoices for all projects, whether or not they have been paid
Tracks revenue, expenses, & profit by individual projects
Shows how the amount of time spent on specific projects affects the financial health of a firm
Question 50
Which of the following apply to the Office Earnings Report?
Summarizes each of the firm's projects in terms of the amount of revenue it has generated, the expenses it has incurred, unbilled services, percentage of completion, & profit or loss to date
Can help firm management find any projects that may be hurting overall profitability & need remedial action
Shows the status of all invoices for all projects, whether or not they have been paid
Shows the hours & labor costs for each phase of a project, both for the current reporting period, & the total to date, & compares these numbers with the estimated hours & costs
Shows direct costs, such as for consultants, overhead allocations, & reimbursable expenses
Question 51
The office earnings report summarizes each of the firms projects in terms of which of the following?
Question 52
Which of the following apply to Aged Accounts Receivable?
Shows the status of all invoices for all projects, whether or not they have been paid
Shows the "age" of each invoice, which is the time from the invoice date to the payment date, or to the current date if still unpaid
Shows the hours & labor costs for each phase of a project, both for the current reporting period & the total to date, & compares these numbers with the estimated hours & costs
Shows direct costs, such as those for consultants, overhead allocations, & reimbursable expenses
Give the project manager & firm management an accurate look at the status of a project & can be used to take corrective action as necessary
Summarizes each of the firm's projects in terms of the amount of revenue it has generated, the expenses it has incurred, unbilled services, percentage of completion, & profit or loss to date
Can help firm management find any projects that may be hurting overall profitability & need remedial action
Question 53
What is the average collection period of invoices?
Between 60 & 75 Days
Between 45 & 60 days
Between 75 & 90 Days
Between 60 & 90 Days
Question 54
What is the break-even chargeable ratio (utilization rate) for the whole firm & the targeted rate for technical staff?
65% for the whole firm & 75%-85% for technical staff
65% for the whole firm & 85%-95% for technical staff
75% for the whole firm & 85%-95% for technical staff
70% for the whole firm & 75%-85% for technical staff
Question 55
Which of the following are the Financial Ratios?
Question 56
For accounting purposes, a large plotter is considered:
A current asset
A fixed asset
A liability
An overhead expense
Question 57
Which of the following financial ratios can be used to estimate the required net operating revenue for future budgets, & if the NOR is known, can also estimate staffing levels?
Question 58
Which of the following make up Billing Rates?
Question 59
How can the hourly billing rate of an employee be determined with the Net Multiplier?
Question 60
The Net Multiplier accounts for which of the following?
Question 61
What are the (4) basic steps to collecting accounts receivable?
Question 62
Which of the following should be included in the contract regarding fee collection?
The basis for the fee
When invoices will be sent & in what form
When payment is due
Any penalties for late payment such as interest charges after 45 day s or some other reasonable period of time
Provisions for nonpayment including stopping work on the client's project & making no presentations until the payment has been received