What are the three theories of crime that we're studying?
Biological Theories of Crime
Psychological Theories of Crime
Social Theories of Crime
Question 2
In relation to biological theories of crime and family planning, what did Osborn and West find?
That 14% of children with adoptive parents had a criminal record.
That 13% of sons with non-criminal fathers had convictions, while 20% of sons with criminal fathers had convictions.
That 21% of adoptive parents had committed a crime, and this environmental influence was passed on in 60% of cases.
Question 3
Supporting Osborn and West's findings, what did Mednick et al. find?
That in the conviction cases of over 14,000 adoptees, the evidence pointed to a genetic influence, as opposed to an environmental one.
That in the rape cases of over 15,000 post-adoption adults, environmental influences were more prominent.
That in the conviction cases of over 20,000 adopted children, the evidence pointed to a genetic influence, as opposed to an environmental one.
Question 4
What did Bohman find that supported Mednick's evidence?
That 13% of sons with a criminal record had a biological parent who was a criminal, and 21% of sons with a criminal record had an adoptive parent who was a criminal.
That 12% of sons who had a criminal record had a biological parent who was a criminal, and 7% of sons with a criminal record had an adoptive parent who was a criminal.
That 10% of sons with a criminal record had a biological parent who was a criminal, and 9% of sons had an adoptive parent who was not a criminal.
Question 5
What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
The idea that an observers opinion is the best of all opinions.
The idea that an observers opinion of an observed subject can make the subject less likely to commit a crime.
The idea that an observers opinion of an observed subject can produce and elicit certain behaviour.
Question 6
What is recidivism?
Supported and explained by the self fulfilling prophecy, it is an idea that states that a criminal label is hard to shift after being labelled, and therefore promotes subsequent judgement that adds to the self concept of crime.
This answer is wrong.
Question 7
What did Madon find about the self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP)?
Researched old aged pensioners, and found that when rocks were thrown at them, in 78% of cases they would die a horrible death.
Researched underage drinking and mothers and found that when mothers expected their children to drink more, this expectation was often fulfilled.
Researched underage drinking and fathers, and found that when fathers expected their children to drink less, they were more likely to abuse this trust.
I hate niggers.
Question 8
What did Bandura suggest about the social theory of crime in his social learning theory?
That children cannot learn aggressive behaviour.
That children learn aggressive behaviour through trial and error.
That children primarily learn through either internal role model relation, or external vicarious reinforcement.
Question 9
What else effects social learning according to Bandura?
The characteristics of the learner, such as self-esteem.
The characteristics of the role models.
Question 10
What did Eron find to support Bandura's ideas?
No correlation.
A negative correlation between TV violence and aggressive behaviour in children.
A positive correlation between TV violence and aggressive behaviour in children.