Never Surrender Recruit Exam


Welcome to the Never Surrender Recruit Exam, a passing grade in the Never Surrender Recruit Exam is a 70% or Higher, if you fail the test you are allowed to retake it in a week, or at the recruiter's discretion. You are to provide picture proof that you passed the test when asked by a recruiter.
Quiz by LaughinMan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by LaughinMan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

When is it suitable to use the P07? Commonly refereed to as a taser by players, and other officers.
  • You should use a taser when there is a threat to the player, or any fellow officer, or citizen, you may use the taser if a citizen is evading you, or have already killed a player.
  • You should use a taser when you want to, who cares what other uses have to say, I have a taser, I'm in control here.
  • You should use a taser when there is no threat to the player, and that the player did not harm, or injure any citizens, officers, or players, they have not killed a player.
  • I shouldn't use the taser at all, even if someone is in danger, or has been killed.

Question 2

What should I do if a officer has just been VDMed, and you are the only officer on the scene, the player who VDMed your officer has crashed.
  • You should act carefully, and announce that you are a member of the Police Department, you tell the player to step out of the vehicle and put his hands up, you are to hastily restrain him, and take him straight to jail, you are then to crush the vehicle, and report it to a administrator.
  • You should kill the player that VDMed the officer, and forget everything that happened, you leave the car there, and walk away like nothing happened, however you report it to a administrator still.
  • You run away fearing for your life, hide inside a house, and call for back up, you wait for back up to come, but the criminal that VDMed may have gotten away.
  • You get back inside your marked patrol vehicle and drive away, you report what happened to the administrator and let the administrator deal with it, even if the criminal is still on the loose, and may VDM more players.

Question 3

What is a known problem for the taser pistol, and any non-lethal ammunition, and you should avoid doing?
  • The taser, no matter what gun is used will kill a player if shot in the head.
  • The taser will sometimes fling the player up into the air and the player will fly back down causing him to die.
  • The taser sells for £1000 and is way too expensive, same goes for the ammo.
  • There is no issue with the taser.

Question 4

A player is speeding, what should you do? You have a car ready to pursuit the player.
  • You should pursuit the vehicle with lights & sirens, you should attempt to pull him to the side of the road, you then should ticket him the appropriate amount.
  • You speed behind him, and ram his vehicle, then pull him out of his vehicle and pop a bullet into his head.
  • You should forget about him, let him speed, so what if he may crash into another player and cause death.
  • You go the other way, loop around Atlis, do a barrel roll, and take out the rocket launcher that doesn't exist and fire it at the speeder, taking him out, and enforcing the speeding laws.

Question 5

You see a 50. Cal that is unlocked, you are under heavy fire by rebels, what should you do?
  • Enter the 50. Cal and tell another recruit to enter the driver seat, you proceed to drive around and mow down all the rebels.
  • You immobilize the 50. Cal and proceed to take cover, you call for back up, and wait for the back up to arrive, you hold off the rebels, and restrain any rebels you are able to, you do not enter the 50. Cal, you keep on your feet, and not get killed.
  • You get inside the driver sit of the 50. Cal by yourself and run over all the rebels, you then crush the 50. Cal after you have ran them over.
  • You put your hands up and surrender, you do not want to fight anymore and you are scared of losing your life, the rebels steal all your clothing.

Question 6

What items are you allowed to have as a Recruit? (Multiple Choices - More then 1 answer.)
  • First Aid Kit
  • A Zafir
  • A P07 (Taser Pistol)
  • Spike Strips
  • A mk18
  • Doughnuts & Coffee
  • Marijuana, Cocaine, and Opium
  • MX series (MXM,MXC,MX)

Question 7

You are allowed to use illegal items, and drive and operate illegal vehicles.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

You are allowed to disobey a higher ranking officer, even if you disagree with it.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

You are allowed to patrol within the green zone.
  • True
  • False

Question 10

You are allowed to have a weapon greater then the P07(Taser Pistol).
  • True
  • False

Question 11

What can you do inside a car as a driver, or passenger?
  • Check a vehicles speed by press the / key on the number pad.
  • Pop smoke screens.
  • Launch tear gas.
  • Use the secret function that launches nukes.

Question 12

How do you get promoted from Recruit to Officer?
  • You demand a promotion from the highest ranking officer at the time.
  • You attend the appropriate trainings, and do the Officer Exam & Verbal Exam.
  • You have records that you ticketed 100 criminals, and jailed 50 criminals.
  • You get promoted when you think you are ready.

Question 13

When can you search a citizen, and a citizen's vehicle?
  • If the citizen/driver authorizes it, if they are caught evading you, the officer, or being at an illegal area.
  • When you have a feeling in your gut to search their vehicle even if they don't allow it.
  • When they are on the wanted list, and is a known criminal in the past.
  • When they are seen on a road that is near the drug area.

Question 14

What are the max chances that a player is allowed to pay a ticket?
  • 1 chances
  • 2 chances
  • 3 chances
  • 4 chances

Question 15

When is it not allowed to impound a vehicle?
  • You can't impound a vehicle if it is abandoned.
  • You can't impound a vehicle if it is in an active combat area, and it is blocking a doorway.
  • You can't impound a vehicle if it is blown up.
  • You can't impound a vehicle by the owner's request.

Question 16

Where do you have to take a citizen if it is in an active combat area, and you are actively being hunted?
  • To the Kavala HQ.
  • To the Neochori HQ.
  • To the Agios HQ.
  • To the middle of nowhere HQ.

Question 17

Which is the highest ranking officer on this list?
  • Recruit
  • Officer
  • Lieutenant
  • Major

Question 18

What is the best way to announce yourself?
  • "Put your hands up or get shot!"
  • "N.S.P.D, put your hands up now!"
  • "Get on the ground!"
  • "Citizen!"

Question 19

What items are illegal for citizens to have? (Multiple Choices - More then 1 answer.)
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Apples
  • Lockpicks
  • Spike Strips
  • Gold Bars
  • Redbull
  • Water

Question 20

What is a officer's primary weapon on a daily basis?
  • Their strength & agility.
  • Their weapons.
  • Their voice & communication.
  • Their vehicles.
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