SCNM Gen Med Practice Quiz 3- Dermatology and Ophthalmology


Quiz on SCNM Gen Med Practice Quiz 3- Dermatology and Ophthalmology , created by erik.o.nelson on 12/11/2014.
Quiz by erik.o.nelson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by erik.o.nelson almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

A 20 year-old patient presents with red plaques with large, silvery scales. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of this disease?
  • Positive Auspitz's sign
  • Nail Pitting
  • An increased turnover of cells
  • Presence of a Herald patch

Question 2

You notice a flesh colored papule form on your heel that becomes grey. It looks as if there are seeds on the surface of the lesion. Which of the following is FALSE regarding this pathology?
  • It is caused by a papilloma virus
  • It will have a positive Ferguson's sign
  • It is spread by auto inoculation
  • It is very common in children

Question 3

A five year-old develops 2-5 mm yellow waxy papules on his trunk that seem to be spreading after his constant itching. Which of the following is NOT a possible treatment for this condition.

Question 4

Which of the following accurately describes the mnemonic ABCDs of skin cancer?
  • Atypical, Border Irregularity, Color, Depth
  • Asymmetrical, Borderless, Circumference, Depth
  • Asymmetrical, Border Irregularity, Color, Diameter
  • Aplastic, Benign, Cancerous, Dysplastic

Question 5

A geriatric patient presents with very large bullae (as shown) with moderate to severe pruritus. Which of the following would you NOT expect to see in this patient?

Question 6

After scraping a hypopigmented lesion, microscopy reveals a "Spaghetti and Meatballs Appearance". Which of the following is true regarding this condition:

Question 7

A doctor refers a patient to you stating that they have rhinophyma. What would you expect rhinophyma to look like?

Question 8

During a routine check-up a find nodule upon physical examination (as shown). You want a second opinion on the lesion so you call in your co-worker who is an MD. After collaboration you cannot agree whether is it a benign angioma or a cancerous nodular melanoma. What should you do next?
  • Be aware of your limits in the field and refer to a dermatologist.
  • Order a biopsy to confirm.
  • Use a dermatoscope to better examine the nodule.
  • Try cryotherapy to burn off the lesion

Question 9

A 5 cm lesion is present on a on a high school student that you identify as a Herald Patch. Which of the following other disease characteristics might you expect to see?
  • Fluorescence under the Wood's Lamp
  • A postive KOH prep for hyphae
  • A recent cold sore
  • Similar-size patches appearing 1-2 days following

Question 10

This "cheesy fetid material" is caused by what in epidermal inclusion cysts?
  • Dead Leukocytes
  • Keratin
  • Bacterial exudates
  • Stabbing oneself at a fondue party with a fondue fork

Question 11

A rash of pustules with honey-colored crust appears on the philtrum a child. What is also true about this condition?
  • Caused by Staph. aureus or Strep. pneumoniae
  • Can have both a bullous form and a nodular form
  • Is treated by topical antifungals
  • It often spreads after it is scratched

Question 12

Grandma had a bit too much Peach Schnapps and fell asleep outside in the sun in the rocking chair. She developed dome-shaped papules and pustules on the central area of the face. What would you also expect to see?
  • Telangiectasia
  • Whitehead and Blackhead formation
  • Fluorescence under the Wood's lamp
  • No Rhinophyma

Question 13

Which of the following is NOT part of the appearance of the cancer arises from the basal cells of the epidermis in the stratum basalis?
  • non-healing sore
  • pearly transparent border
  • noduled
  • telangiectasia present

Question 14

A patient presents with mild to moderate athlete's foot. Which of the following is the LEAST reasonable treatment?
  • Prescribe 2% Ketoconazole shampoo to be applied daily during showers
  • Have them get a topical OTC antifungal like Lotrimin Ultra from a nearby pharmacy
  • Try a natural application of a solution containing 25% Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
  • Prescribe Ketoconazole 200mg oral tablet to be taken daily

Question 15

An individual receives burns that account for 46% of their total body area which of the following is a possible location pattern of the burn?
  • Head and Neck, Trunk and Back, Right Leg and Genitals
  • Head and Neck, Trunk and Back, and Genitals
  • Both Legs, Both Arms, and Genitals
  • Trunk, Back, and Both legs

Question 16

Which of the following comparisons between positive and negative scooters is TRUE?
  • Positive scotomas are usually benign, Negative scotomas may indicate a more serious issue
  • Negative scotomas have a pulsating scintillating image, Positive scotomas are usually darker spots in the vision field
  • Positive scotomas are usually in both eyes, while negative scotomas generally effect only one
  • Postive scotomas are caused by proteins in the vitreous humor, negative scotomas are caused by retinal detachment

Question 17

Which of the following is true regarding Neonatal HSV?
  • The SEM form can be fatal
  • The disseminated form occurs after 48 hours
  • The SEM form presents in 10-12 days of age
  • The disseminated form is usually localized to the cardiothoracic region
  • If a mother does not have HSV eruptions present the risk if very low for transmission to the child

Question 18

This baby's cradle cap is likely due to which of the following infectious agents?

Question 19

Which of the following would you expect to fluoresce under the Wood's Lamp?

Question 20

Which of the following would represent a positive Koebner's phenomenon?

Question 21

Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause lymphadenopathy?
  • A condition characterized by superficial oral peel lesion caused by Group A strep
  • A condition characterized by an acute spreading infection of the epidermis and dermis caused by Strep. pyogenes and Staph Aureus
  • The first outbreak of a viral infection that is particularly concerning during labor when the mother is positive for the infection
  • A condition caused by a reemergence of dormant virus experienced during childhood that causes neurological pain

Question 22

Bullae and large scaly lesions are present on a patient's scalp. You suspect a dermatophyte infection. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of this infection?
  • Inflammation and redness
  • Bogginess
  • Kerion formation
  • It doesn't fluoresce under the wood's lamp.

Question 23

Skin finding reveal red denuded satellite lesion with scaly borders and shiny red dots. You suspect a fungal agent is the cause. Which of the following is characteristic of this fungal infection?
  • Women with Type I Diabetes Mellitus have an increased risk of vaginal infection from the same agent.
  • KOH prep will reveal hyphae
  • A patient with this may have recently had chemotherapy
  • This condition does not dissect the stratum corneum

Question 24

Four athletes present to clinic with Dermatology pathologies. Which would you expect to have the greatest risk of developing what is known as "Ringworm"?

Question 25

A patient presents with the following lesion. You decide to do a KOH prep to confirm your diagnosis. Where would you collect to yield hyphae if present?
  • In the middle
  • On the borders
  • Subcutaneously, hyphae are only present in anaerobic conditions
  • It doesn't matter hyphae will appear wherever you sample if this is a fungal infection

Question 26

Skin findings reveal lesions of varying morphology including Target lesions, annular lesions with central vesicles and bruises that become purpuric. The patient notes a recent first outbreak of HSV. Which of the following is another characteristic of this condition?
  • It can become severe if 3 or more mucus membranes are involved (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome)
  • Location of rash is usually on the distal extremities, turn and face
  • Only HSV can cause this outbreak
  • It is highly contagious

Question 27

A patient presents with burn-like lesions on their back and arms. Assessment reveals a positive Nikolsky's sign. What is the best thing to say to this patient
  • "Increase your electrolytes immediately and the condition will likely improve within a week."
  • "That is the worst sunburn I've seen, here take this Aloe vera and apply the jelly as needed for the next two weeks and symptoms will improve"
  • "Cantharis 1M is the perfect remedy for you it is often used in 3rd degree burns, it will have you feeling better in no time"
  • "This is a medical emergency, we need to get you to the hospital so you can be treated similarly to a burn patient"

Question 28

An elderly patient presents to clinic with a blackened area under her fingernail (as shown). All of the following are areas where this condition is also common EXCEPT:
  • Soles of feet
  • Palms of Hand
  • Under the toenails
  • Nose

Question 29

A patient presents with what you believe is a melanoma. What type of biopsy is most counter-indicated and why?
  • Wide-excisional biopsy, since it leaves the greatest size scar before malignancy is determined
  • Shave biopsy, since it is difficult to prepare histology slides for melanomas with such little tissue
  • Punch biopsy, it may increase metastasis
  • Incisional biopsy, the removal of just part of the lesion may induce more rapid growth as a compensation

Question 30

The females of this species of parasitic arthropod buries under the skin of its host to lay their eggs. How long would expect it to take until they hatched?
  • 4-14 days
  • 48-72 hours
  • 12-24 hours
  • They won't hatch until external temperature exceed 80 degrees F

Question 31

A sexually active college student comes in for an annual check-up. The female pelvic exam reveals the presence of small moist papule that resemble skin tags on the labia. Which of the following is of greatest concern?
  • The high probability of development into cervical cancer
  • The spread to other individuals during sexual intercourse even when lesions are not present
  • The development of shingles
  • Spreading to other areas of the body manifesting in common warts and plantar warts

Question 32

A pediatric patient presents with a fever and magenta edematous eyelids. When you ask how they've felt they answer "I need a nap, I can barely play I feel so yucky." What is your next step in the treatment of this condition?
  • Prescribe broad spectrum oral antibiotics
  • Give them a topical antibiotic to apply thrice daily to the eyelid and brow
  • Cold and warm compresses and Benadryl to reduce the swelling
  • Send them to the hospital they need IV antibiotics
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