Research Methods IV - Week 9 Factorial ANOVA II


Quiz on Research Methods IV - Week 9 Factorial ANOVA II, created by Brage Haavik on 16/04/2019.
Brage Haavik
Quiz by Brage Haavik, updated more than 1 year ago
Brage Haavik
Created by Brage Haavik over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is a mixed factorial design?
  • A design which has 2+ IV's, both of which are within-subjects
  • A design which has 3+ IV's, at least one is between-subjects and one is within-subjects
  • A design which has 2+ IV's, both of which are between-subjects
  • A design which has 2+ IV's, at least one of which is between-subjects and another is within-subjects

Question 2

A researcher is interested in the pleasure that people obtain from listening to music whilst varying both the volume and the tempo (speed) of the music. 12 participants and randomly allocated into two groups. The different groups listen to the music at different volumes, i.e. soft and loud. The two groups of participants were given three pieces of classical music to listen to. Each piece of music was slow, medium or fast. Participants were asked to rate how much they enjoyed the music on a 20-point scale, where 20 points is highly enjoyable and 1 point is not enjoyable at all. Which of the following statements is true?
  • There are 3 IV's in this study. IV 1 is 'volume' and is a between-subjects variable; IV 2 is 'speed' and is a within-subjects variable. IV 3 is 'music enjoyment' and is a within-subjects variable.
  • There are 3 IV's in this study. IV 1 is 'volume' and is a within-subjects variable; IV 2 is 'speed' and is a between-subjects variable. IV 3 is 'music enjoyment' and is a within-subjects variable.
  • There are 2 IV's in this study. IV 1 is 'volume' and is a between-subjects variable; IV 2 is 'speed' and is a within-subjects variable.
  • There are 2 IV's in this study. IV 1 is 'volume' and is a within-subjects variable; IV 2 is 'speed' and is a between-subjects variable.

Question 3

A researcher is interested in the pleasure that people obtain from listening to music whilst varying both the volume and the tempo (speed) of the music. 12 participants and randomly allocated into two groups. The different groups listen to the music at different volumes, i.e. soft and loud. The two groups of participants were given three pieces of classical music to listen to. Each piece of music was slow, medium or fast. Participants were asked to rate how much they enjoyed the music on a 20-point scale, where 20 points is highly enjoyable and 1 point is not enjoyable at all. What is the design of this study?
  • 2 x 2 repeated design
  • 2 x 2 mixed design
  • 2 x 3 repeated measures design
  • 2 x 3 mixed design

Question 4

A researcher is interested in the pleasure that people obtain from listening to music whilst varying both the volume and the tempo (speed) of the music. 12 participants and randomly allocated into two groups. The different groups listen to the music at different volumes, i.e. soft and loud. The two groups of participants were given three pieces of classical music to listen to. Each piece of music was slow, medium or fast. Participants were asked to rate how much they enjoyed the music on a 20-point scale, where 20 points is highly enjoyable and 1 point is not enjoyable at all. In this study there was a total of ____________ conditions; and each participant took part in ___________ condition(s).
  • 6; 3
  • 6; 2
  • 3; 2
  • 6; 1

Question 5

In a mixed-factorial ANOVA, with respect to assumptions, are we concerned with homogeneity of variance or sphericity?
  • Both, but the assumption of sphericity only applies when the within-subjects IV has 3+ levels as with repeated-measures designs that are not mixed
  • Homogeneity of variance only
  • Assumption of sphericity only, which applies when the within subjects IV has 3+ levels as with repeated measures designs that are not mixed.
  • Assumption of sphericity only, which applies when the within subjects IV has 2+ levels as with repeated measures designs that are not mixed.

Question 6

What can you interpret from this output?
  • Homogeneity of variance assumption is met; there is an effect of volume on participants enjoyment of music. F(1,10) = 549.39, p < .001, np2 = .98
  • Homogeneity of variance assumption is met; there is an effect of volume on participants enjoyment of music. F(1,10) = 8.19, p = .017, np2 = .45
  • Homogeneity of variance assumption is violated; there is an effect of volume on participants enjoyment of music. F(1,10) = 8.19, p = .017, np2 = .45
  • Assumption of sphericity is met; there is an effect of volume on participants enjoyment of music. F(1,10) = 8.19, p = .017, np2 = .45

Question 7

What do you understand from this output?
  • Assumption of sphericity is violated, and therefore the Greenhouse-geisser values should be reported. There is a significant interaction effect of speed and volume, F (1.73,17.37) = 7.27, p = .007, np2 = .42
  • Assumption of sphericity is violated, and therefore the Greenhouse-geisser values should be reported. There is a significant main effect of speed, F (1.73,17.37) = 69.21, p < .001, np2 = .87; and a significant interaction effect of speed and volume, F (1.73,17.37) = 7.27, p = .007, np2 = .42
  • Assumption of sphericity is met. There is a significant main effect of speed, F(2,20) = 69.21, p < .001, np2 = .87
  • Assumption of sphericity is met. There is a significant main effect of speed, F(2,20) = 69.21, p < .001, np2 = .87, and a significant interaction effect of speed and volume, F (2,20) = 7.27, p = .004, np2 = .42

Question 8

What do you understand from this output?
  • Bonferroni post hoc comparisons showed that participants found fast music to be most enjoyable, followed by the medium music, which was more enjoyable compared to slow music.
  • Bonferroni post hoc comparisons showed that participants found fast and medium music to be more enjoyable compared to slow music
  • Bonferroni post hoc comparisons showed that participants found slow music to be most enjoyable, followed by the medium music, which was more enjoyable compared to fast music.
  • Bonferroni post hoc comparisons showed that participants found slow and medium music to be more enjoyable compared to fast music
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