College 2: Artikel Erb en Pelger


Master IFRS 2 Quiz on College 2: Artikel Erb en Pelger, created by Burak Baharli on 12/05/2019.
Burak Baharli
Quiz by Burak Baharli, updated more than 1 year ago
Burak Baharli
Created by Burak Baharli over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is the purpose of this Artikel?
  • The construction and reconstruction of reliability in financial reporting standard-setting.
  • One of the most important properties of financial accounting has been the qualitative characteristics of reliability.
  • The trade-off between relevance and reliabiliy has shape accounting discourse over years.
  • In 2010, reliability was replaced by “faithful representation”

Question 2

verifiability = Reliability + faithful representation
  • True
  • False

Question 3

Verifiability: no fair value
  • True
  • False

Question 4

Wat is nou de belangrijkste voor de kwaliteit van de informatie?
  • Information shall be understandable
  • Information is available to decision makers before it loses its capacity to influence decisions
  • Capable of making a difference whether the users use it or not
  • That helps assure users that information faithfully represents the economic phenomena (werkelijkheid)

Question 5

What have Paton and Littleton (1940) identified?
  • Verifiable, objective evidence, ensuring the ‘‘dependability of the accounts as acentral concept of accounting practice.
  • Impersonal and external to the person most concerned, in contrast with that person’s unsupported opinion or desire
  • Historically, the beginning of bookkeeping practices was based on using accounting the help people remember past transactions, because the human brain is limited
  • Closely related to auditing function
  • Trade was facilitated by keeping accounts which could be verified by third parties (e.g. creditors)

Question 6

accounting was defined by practical knowledge: ‘‘accounting is what accountants do’’
  • True
  • False

Question 7

accounting conventions are conservatism and consistency
  • True
  • False

Question 8

How we can achieved the reliability?
  • Guaranteeing that accounting information is a faithful representation of what it purports to represent, ‘‘coupled with an assurance for the user, which comes through verification, that it has that representational quality.
  • Thus, representational faithfulness and verifiability are equally important components of reliability, supplemented by the related concept of neutrality
  • free from error and bias and faithfully represents
  • Practioners were strongly opposed to current values in financial statements
  • faithful representation can be linked to the increasing influence and promotion of current value

Question 9

faithful representation can be linked to the increasing influence and promotion of fair value
  • True
  • False

Question 10

The reliability/faithful representation–discussion was associated with the conflict of fair value vs. current cost
  • True
  • False

Question 11

The final framework document of IASB suggests anonymous support for the change to reliability
  • True
  • False

Question 12

What is as a description of neutrality:
  • To be reliable, the information contained in financial statements must be neutral
  • free from bias
  • Assets or income are not overstated and liabilities or expenses are not understated.
  • conceptually extends the boundaries of appropriate financial reporting
  • the original idea of the verifiability of accounting
  • The absence of bias intended to attain a predetermined result or to induce a particular behaviour
  • Neutrality is supported by the exercise of prudence

Question 13

What are the consideration of conservatism in the pre-2010 Framework?
  • the exercise of conservatism, in the form of a degree of caution, under conditions of uncertainty, in not overstating net assets
  • the exercise of conservatism, in the form of a degree of caution, under conditions of uncertainty, in overstating net assets
  • the absence of conservatism, in the form of a respect for neutrality, avoiding a deliberate understatement of net assets
  • the absence of conservatism, in the form of a respect for reliability, avoiding a deliberate overstatement of net assets

Question 14

The revised Framework states that for financial information to be?
  • useful
  • relevant
  • faithfully represent
  • reliability
  • Conservatief

Question 15

Why is the conceptual foundation of accounting conservatism continously changing?
  • The Board sought a balance between providing high-level concepts and providing enough detail for the Conceptual Framework to be useful to the Board and others.
  • The Conceptual Framework as a practical tool to help it use Standards.
  • Users of financial reports need information to help them assess management’s stewardship.
  • the Board clarified the roles of prudence, measurement uncertainty and substance over form in assessing whether information is useful.

Question 16

Waaruit bestaat in het artikel de Construction of concept of “Reliability?
  • Compromise between practioners and academic views
  • Reliability = verifiability + faithful representation
  • Verifiability: no fair value
  • Extending of the boundaries of financial reporting away from verifiability to forwardlooking estimates (relevance over reliabililty)
  • Constituents will continue to use the term ‘reliabiliy”.

Question 17

Wat betekent the ''twisting words'' zoals bedoeld in het artikel?
  • As qualitative characteristics are (necessarily) abstract and vague notions, however, they remain open to a broad range of different interpretations
  • Due to agreement for best solution to problems: theory was created
  • Creation of accounting standards based on sound theory>> academic involvement
  • To analyze best standard: qualitative characteristics

Question 18

ASOBAT was published in 1966 and by then the notion of ‘‘reliability’’ had been dropped.
  • True
  • False

Question 19

Instead ASOBAT articulated ‘‘four basic standards [. . .] as providing criteria [. . .] in evaluating potential accounting information’. Identify these four characteristics?
  • Verifiability
  • Objectivity
  • Freedom from bias
  • Relevance
  • Quantifiability
  • Faithfull representation

Question 20

The concept of Reliability is compromise between?
  • traditional idea of objectivity reflected in the characteristic of verifiability
  • deeply entrenched in accounting practice but redefined as the academics’ consensus concept
  • the faithful representation of economic phenomena as part of economic decision models with a focus on valuation decisions by users
  • Practioners were strongly opposed to current values in financial statements

Question 21

Fair value was initially adopted not on the basis of academic theories, but?
  • because of pragmatic concerns by standardsetters about financial derivatives
  • adopt a long-term vision of fair value measurement in other fields of financial reporting

Question 22

What argued The IASB regarding including verifiability in the frame work?
  • including verifiability as an aspect of faithful representation could result in excluding information that is not readily verifiable
  • would make the financial reports much less useful
  • verifiability is desirable but not necessarily required
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