Given the Schrödinger equation,
\( i\partial_t |\psi\rangle = H|\psi\rangle,\)
which of the following is true?
The Schrödinger equation is a purely nonrelativistic equation, as it is not possible to find a relativistic Hamiltonian
The Schrödinger equation can be made relativistic by chosing a relativistic Hamiltonian
The Schrödinger equation cannot be Lorentz covariant because of its special role of time
The Schrödinger equation requires that the time development of \(\psi\) follows a hermitian operation
Question 2
What is the problem with the Klein-Gordon equation? Why can't we interpret it as a relativistic single particle equation?
The probability density is not positive definite
It is a linear equation, we wan't a nonlinear one
The Klein-Gordon equation is not relativistic
The Klein-Gordon equation has no real solutions
Question 3
Which relation do the Dirac \(\gamma\)-matrices satisfy?
Question 4
What properties do the Dirac matrices satisfy?
\(\gamma^\mu\) are hermitian
\(\gamma^\mu\) are anti-hermitian
\(\gamma^i\) are hermitian
\(\gamma^i\) are anti-hermitian
The eigenvalues of \(\gamma^i\) are \(\pm i\)
The eigenvalues of \(\gamma^i\) are \(\pm 1\)
The eigenvalues of \(\beta\) are 0 and 1
The eigenvalues of \(\beta\) are 1 and -1
The eigenvalues of \(\beta\) are 1
Question 5
Which operation creates a particle with momentum k?
Question 6
The quantization of the free electromagnetic field poses a problem which can be solved by adding a gauge breaking term to the Lagrangian. Which one?
\(\mathcal L\to\mathcal L + G\)
\(G=(\lambda-1)(\partial\cdot A)^2\)
\(G=-\frac{\lambda}{2}(\partial\cdot A)^2\)
\(G=-\lambda g^{\mu0}(\partial\cdot A)\)
\(G=-(1-\lambda)\partial_\mu(\partial\cdot A)\)
\(G=\langle\psi|\partial\cdot A|\psi\rangle\)
Question 7
Which field is given by this Lagrangian
\(\mathcal L=(\partial_\mu \varphi^\ast)(\partial^\mu\varphi)-m^2\varphi^\ast\varphi\)?
a free scalar field
a fermionic field
the photon field
none of these answers
Question 8
What is the canonical quantization procedure for a scalar field \(\varphi(t,\vec x)\) with conjugate momentum \(\pi(t,\vec y)\)?
In order for the Dirac equation to be covariant, a spinor has to transform according to \(\psi'_\alpha(x')=S_{\alpha\beta}(L)\psi_\beta(x)\) under a Lorentz transformation. Which relation must these matrices S satisfy?
\(S^{-1}\gamma^\mu S={L^\mu}_\nu\gamma^\nu\)
\(S\gamma^\mu S^{-1}={L^\mu}_\nu\gamma^\nu\)
Question 11
Choose the right name for basis elements of Dirac field bilinears:
\(1\): [blank_start]scalar[blank_end]
\(\gamma^5\): [blank_start]pseudoscalar[blank_end]
\(\gamma^\mu\gamma^5\): [blank_start]axial vector[blank_end]
\(\gamma^\mu\): [blank_start]vector[blank_end]
\(\frac{i}{2}\[\gamma^\mu,\gamma^\nu]\): tensor