Technical Standards for K-8 students


A quiz for the technology applications for K-8 students
Adriana Perez
Quiz by Adriana Perez, updated more than 1 year ago
Adriana Perez
Created by Adriana Perez about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What are the expectations of creativity and innovation competencies for 6th graders?
  • To identify what is known and unknown and what needs to be known
  • Be able to draw using computer programs
  • To create original works as a means of group or personal expression
  • To evaluate search tools, find information, and use appropriate search engines

Question 2

What are the expectations of research and information fluency for 8th graders?
  • To plan, use, and evaluate various search strategies, including keywords and Boolean operators
  • To assess the quality of Internet resources
  • Evaluate search tools, find information, and use appropriate search engines
  • Locate data in a spreadsheet or a chart and to enter data

Question 3

What are the technology expectations of technology operations and concepts for 4th graders?
  • Be able to identify, create, and use files in various forms
  • Use simple search strategies to access information regarding a topic
  • To use appropriate technology terms
  • Demonstrate an understanding of technology concepts

Question 4

What are the technology expectations of critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making for 1st graders?
  • Collecting and organizing information from a variety of formats
  • Identifying what is known and unknown and what needs to be known
  • Identify and define relevant problems and significant questions for investigation
  • To plan, use, and evaluate various search strategies

Question 5

What are the technology expectations of communication and collaboration for 7th graders?
  • Create products using technical writing strategies
  • To create original works as a means of group or personal expression
  • Adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting appropriate behavior
  • Collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments

Question 6

What are the technology expectations of digital citizenship for kindergarteners?
  • To create original works as a means of group or personal expression
  • Adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting positive social behavior in the digital world
  • Adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting appropriate behavior in the digital world
  • Demonstrate an understanding of technology concepts

Question 7

What are the expectations of creativity and innovation competencies for 3rd graders?
  • To create original works as a means of group or personal expression
  • Collecting and organizing information from a variety of formats
  • Be able to identify, create, and use files in various forms
  • Create original products using a variety of resources

Question 8

What are the technology expectations of digital citizenship for 6th graders?
  • Demonstrate an understanding of technology concepts
  • Use simple search strategies to access information regarding a topic
  • Adhere to acceptable use policies reflecting positive social behavior in the digital world
  • Understand copyright principles

Question 9

What are the technology expectations of critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making for 4th graders?
  • Be able to identify, create, and use files in various forms
  • Identify information regarding a problem and explain the steps toward the solution
  • Identify and define revenant problems and significant questions for investigation
  • To identify what is known and unknown and what needs to be known

Question 10

What are the technology expectations of communication and collaboration for 2nd graders?
  • Format digital information for a defined audience and communication medium
  • Collaborate effectively through personal learning communities and social environments
  • Create and publish products using technical writing strategies
  • Read and discuss examples of technical writing
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