Taleem Quran English Quiz Week 165


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The orphans. Because they are children and they can not go to battle themselves and they need to be shown kindness to. They will receive money from the government.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

The believers went out to find the caravan and they ended up facing the munafik army.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

What is the root word and meaning of لَّفَشِلۡتُمۡ‌ ?
  • ف ش ل - not to become cowardly, not to become weak from cowardice.
  • ف ش ل - to become cowardly, to become weak from cowardice.

Question 4

What is the root word and meaning of مَفۡعُولاً۬ ?
  • ف ع ل - (already) destined
  • ف ع ل - not destined

Question 5

How many parts booty must be divided into and how?
  • The booty not necessarily to be divided into five equal parts. One part is going to be given to Allah swt, the messenger sas, the near relatives, and the poor. The other four parts will be distributed among the soldiers. One part will go to those soldiers who went on foot. Three parts will be divided amongst those soldiers who took their own mounts to the battle [they are sacrificing more than the others, i.e. camels, horses must be trained and are used for daily chores as well, they must be fed and maintained]
  • The booty must be divided into five equal parts. One part is going to be given to Allah swt, the messenger sas, the near relatives, and the poor. The other four parts will be distributed amongst the soldiers. One part will go to those soldiers who went on foot. Three parts will be divided amongst those soldiers who took their own mounts to the battle [they are sacrificing more than the others, i.e. camels, horses must be trained and are used for daily chores as well, they must be fed and maintained]

Question 6

Why did the disbelievers saw the believers as double their number. Initially they saw them as few?
  • Initially the mushrikeen had the confidence, but as the war proceeded, they lost their confidence as they saw them as a large force. This is how He swt aided the believers. When a person accepts something as the decree of Allah swt, Allah swt makes it easy for them.
  • Initially the mushrikeen doesnt have the confidence, but as the war proceeded, they lost their confidence as they saw them as a large force. This is how He swt aided the believers. When a person accepts something as the decree of Allah swt, Allah swt makes it easy for them.

Question 7

How war booty must be divided?
  • One part is going to be given to Allah swt, the messenger sas, the near relatives, and the poor. The other four parts will be distributed amongst the soldiers. One part will go to those soldiers who went on foot. Three parts will be divided amongst those soldiers who took their own mounts to the battle [they are sacrificing more than the others, i.e. camels, horses must be trained and are used for daily chores as well, they must be fed and maintained
  • 2 parts is going to be given to Allah swt, the messenger sas, the near relatives, and the poor. The other four parts will be distributed amongst the soldiers. One part will go to those soldiers who went on foot. Three parts will be divided amongst those soldiers who took their own mounts to the battle [they are sacrificing more than the others, i.e. camels, horses must be trained and are used for daily chores as well, they must be fed and maintained

Question 8

What does Sallam/yusallimu/tasleem means in ayah 43?
  • In ayah 43 it means - it is to protect someone from harm.
  • In ayah 43 it means - it is not to protect someone from harm.
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