Medicine Through Time


GCSE History "Medicine Through Time" Quiz. Reviews the course covering Prehistoric, Ancient Egyptian, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, 19th Century and Modern medicine as well as outlining key figures. Please review your answers after the quiz, as the correct answers - and all historical information - is explained in the review!
Ciara Lewis
Quiz by Ciara Lewis, updated more than 1 year ago
Ciara Lewis
Created by Ciara Lewis over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is trephining/trepanning?
  • The practise of performing dances to ward away evil spirits.
  • The practise of making a hole in someone's skull.

Question 2

What kind of medicine did prehistoric people practise?
  • Rational - medicine based on observation; science; any medicine that is not supernatural/spiritual.
  • Supernatural/Spiritual - the belief in spirits and demons; amulets; spiritual cures.

Question 3

What did the Ancient Egyptians know about anatomy?
  • A lot - the Ancient Egyptians practised embalming, so they would have been able to see inside the body.
  • None - they did not do very much work on anatomy.
  • None - Ancient Egyptians were not allowed to cut open bodies after death, so they did not ever see inside them.

Question 4

Doctors in Egypt were allowed to try new cures on patients depending on their illnesses.
  • True
  • False
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