Exam 3 Practice


Practice Questions for Child Rearing and Bearing Exam 3
Quiz by netherco, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by netherco about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Compared with the use of infant formula, advantages for the baby of breastfeeding include all of the following except:
  • lower incidence of diarrheal illness
  • greater weight gain in the first few weeks of life
  • reduced risk of allergic disorders
  • lower occurrence of constipation

Question 2

In infants, solid foods are best introduced no earlier than:
  • 1-3 months
  • 3-5 months
  • 4-6 months
  • 6-8 months

Question 3

When counseling a breastfeeding woman about alcohol use during lactation, you relate that:
  • drinking a class of wine ore beer will enhance the let-down reflex
  • because of its high molecular wright, relatively little alcohol is passed into the breast milk
  • maternal alcohol use causes a reduction int he amount of milk ingested by the infant
  • infant intoxication can be seen with mother's having as few as one to two alcoholic drinks

Question 4

Regarding physiologic jaundice in the newborn, select all that are correct:
  • It occurs between the first 12-24 hours of life
  • It progresses from the abdomen toward the head of the infant
  • Unconjugated bilirubin is elevated
  • Risk of development of hyperbilirubinemia can be reduced if the breastfed infant with frequent breastfeeding every 2-3 hours per 24 hours
  • It can be avoided by supplemental water and dextrose feedings between breastfeeding in the first 3-4 days of life to increase the infant hydration while awaiting the mother's milk to come in

Question 5

A faun tail nevus is a sign of which of the following
  • Down syndrome
  • Infantile scoliosis
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Spina bifida

Question 6

Cafe-au-lait spots look like tan-to-light brown stains that have irregular borders. They can be located anywhere on the body. Which of the following is a correct statement?
  • They are associated with neurofibromatosis or von Recklinghausen's disease
  • They may be considered as precancerous after biopsy
  • They are more common in darker-skinned children
  • They are associated with Wilson's disease

Question 7

The red reflex is elicited by shining a light in the eyes of the infat at an angle with the light about 15 in. away. What is the NP is screening for?
  • cataracts
  • strabismus
  • blindness
  • the blinking response

Question 8

You are reviewing the bilirubin level on a 3-day old term-infant neonate. You note that is is 10 mg/dL. The infant has a slight yellow color to his skin, mucous membranes, and sclera. The infnat is feeding well, is not irritable, and has 8-10 wet diapers ped day. Which of the following is a true statement?
  • Keep on monitoring the infant's bilirubin level until it returns back to normal in about 1 week
  • Recommend that the infant be treated with phototherapy 10 minutes a day until the bilirubin level is back down to a normal range
  • Refer the infant to a neonatologist as soon as possible
  • Refer the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit

Question 9

Which of the following statements is false regarding jaundice in breastfed infants?
  • Breastfed infants have a higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia compare with formula-fed infants
  • The mechanisms of breast milk jaundice is still not known
  • Phototherapy is usually not indicated for these infants
  • It usually starts in the first week of life

Question 10

Which of the following is appropraite advice to give to a mother who is breastfeeding her 10-day old infant?
  • Your milk will come in today
  • To minimize breast tenderness, the baby should not be kept on either breast for more than 5-10 minutes
  • A clicking sound made by the baby during feedings signifies a good latch and suck
  • The baby's urine should be light or colorless

Question 11

All of the following statements about phototherapy are correct except:
  • Light from the blue to white spectrum is used
  • It is not always necessary to use a shield for the infant's eyes
  • Unconjugated bilirubin in the skin is converted to a water-soluble nontoxic substance that is excreted in the bile
  • The infant's eyes should be shielded

Question 12

What is the primary carbohydrate found in breast milk and commercial infant formulas?
  • Fructose
  • Lactose
  • Glucose
  • Sucrose

Question 13

During a well child visit, a new father wants to know if he can give fresh whole milk to his 6-month olf son. The NP would recommend that:
  • He can start giving whole milk, but not skim milk by 6 months of age
  • He should not give whole milk until the boy is at least 12 months of age
  • He can give whole milk to his son at anytime
  • He should not give whole milk to his son without diluting it with water

Question 14

Which of the following foods would you advise a new mother to introduce to her 6-month old infant first
  • Iron-fortified rice cereal
  • Plain rice cereal
  • Iron-fortified pureed chicken meat
  • Plain pureed carrots

Question 15

A new mother who is on her 4th day of breastfeeding complains to the NP that her breast are very sore. The NP would:
  • recommend a decrease in the number of times she breastfeeds her infant per day
  • recommend that she stop breastfeeding and use infant formula for the next 48 hours
  • educate the mother that this is a normal for the first weed or 2 of breastfeeding and the soreness will eventually go away
  • recommend that she purchase plastic nipple pads for her nursing bra and use them daily

Question 16

All of the following statements reflect inadequate breast milk production except:
  • full-term infant is at birth weight by the second week of life
  • less than 6 wet diapers per day or less than 4 stools a per day
  • infant is nursing fewer than 8 times per 24-hour period
  • weight loss of >10% of birth weight

Question 17

The NP examines a 4-week old boy whose mother reports that he has cried for at least 3 hours a day at the same time of the day since birth, What is the main goal in the clinical evaluation of this infant?
  • Rule out any physiologic cause for the crying spells
  • Make sure the infant is well clothed
  • Evaluate the environment
  • Order laboratory and diagnostic testing

Question 18

A newborn infant who is SGA is noted to have a shortenend palpebral fissures and microcephaly with a small jaw. The infant is most likely to be diagnosed with:
  • Down syndrome
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Growth retardation
  • Hydrocephalus

Question 19

All of the following are true about strawberry hemangiomas found in infatnts except:
  • Most will involute spontaneously by the age of 18-24 months
  • Watchful waiting is the most useful strategy
  • Hemangiomas should be treated with laser therapy if they have not resolved by the age of 12 months
  • Strawberry hemangiomas are benign

Question 20

When does the infant triple its birth weight?
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months
  • 15 months

Question 21

Which of the following is appropriate advice to give to a mother who is breastfeeding her 12-hour old infant?
  • You will likely have enough milk to feed the baby within a few hours after birth
  • The baby might need to be awakened to be fed
  • Supplemental feeding is needed unless the baby has at least four wet diapers in the first few days of life
  • The baby will likely have a seedy yellow bowel movement today

Question 22

The NP knows that the history component of the newborn visit can be completed prenatally or within the first two weeks of life.
  • True
  • False

Question 23

Oxygenated blood is carried from the placenta to the fetus via the...
  • Inferior Vena Cava
  • Umbilical artery
  • Umbilical vein
  • Superior Vena Cava

Question 24

When assessing the umbilical cord, there should be two veins and one artery
  • True
  • False

Question 25

Select all that apply
  • Right atrium, foramen ovale, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta
  • Right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, ductus arteriosus, aorta
  • Right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta
  • Right atrium, ductus arteriosis, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta

Question 26

During your assessment of the 1 hour old newborn, auscultation reveals fine crackles with fast shallow breathing. Respirations are 60 bpm, heart rate is 110 bpm, skin color is normal. abdomen is rounded, and there are bowel sounds. You as the provider know that this should concern you as these are signs of abnormal transition.
  • True
  • False

Question 27

Which of the following are considered to be NORMAL findings of the newborn's visit in the office that warrant NO further assessment:
  • Milia
  • Erythema toxicum
  • Harlequin phenomenon
  • Mongolian spot
  • Cafe-au-lait spot >5 mm and more than 6
  • Petichiae located on the abdomen

Question 28

The parents of a 3-day-old baby present their child to the emergency department (ED). They state that the newborn has generally been acting well since being discharged from the hospital yesterday. She is breastfeeding every 2-3 hours, moving her bowels multiple times daily, wetting her diapers after each feeding, and consoling appropriately. However, the parents report that when they placed the baby on her side earlier today, she turned different colors-the side facing down was red, whereas the side facing up was white. On examination, the baby appears normal, but when laid on her right side, her skin changes colors forming a well-demarcated line dividing the body into a left and right side. You as the NP know that this may be...
  • Erythema toxicum
  • Central cyanosis
  • Harlequin phenomenon
  • Cutis marmorata

Question 29

Transitional milk is secreted from 4-10 days postpartum with mature milk being produced at approximately 10 days.
  • True
  • False

Question 30

All of the following medications are administered to the newborn EXCEPT:
  • Vitamin K
  • Hepatitis B
  • MMR
  • Silver nitrate

Question 31

While completing a newborn assessment, the practitioner checks for the asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR) by turning the infant's head to one side. During this a NORMAL response would be:
  • Extension of the contralateral side and flexion of the ipsilateral side
  • Extension of the ipsilateral side and flexion of the contralateral side
  • Flexion of the elbow and extension of the knee on the ipsilateral side
  • Flexion of the elbow and extension of the knee on the contralateral side

Question 32

A mother comes into the clinic and asks you about breast-milk storage. You as the provider explain that all of the following are proper ways to store breast milk EXCEPT:
  • In a freezer up to 6 months
  • In a cooler with ice up to 24 hours
  • In a warm room up to 1-2 hours
  • In a refrigerator for up to 3-8 days

Question 33

Which of the following are NOT contraindications to breastfeeding. Select all that apply:
  • CMV with a normal weight baby
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Illicit drug use
  • Use of chemotherapy
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives

Question 34

A breastfeeding mother presents to the clinic with small lumps on the breast that are red, irritated, and painful to the touch. You diagnose the mother with:
  • Mastitis
  • Engorgement
  • Clogged milk ducts
  • This is a normal finding

Question 35

All of the following are major risk factors for the development of sever hyperbilirubinemia except:
  • Gestational age 35-36
  • Pre-discharge TSB or TCB in the high-risk zone
  • Gestational age 37-38 weeks
  • Exclusively breastfeeding

Question 36

A phenotype is the internally coded inheritable information.
  • True
  • False

Question 37

If a child receives two copies of one chromosome from one parent and non from the other, the child will be homozygous for every gene on that chromosome. This explains which pattern of inheritance?
  • X-linked dominant
  • X-link recessive
  • Germline mosaicism
  • Uniparental Disomy

Question 38

A father brings in his newborn for a sick visit and states that the baby smells funny even after washing. Upon physical assessment, you find that the baby has fair skin, blue eyes, eczema, and a musty odor. You suspect which of the following genetic disorders?
  • MSUD
  • Galactosemia
  • Homocystinuria
  • PKU

Question 39

A 3 month-old infant presents to the clinic with vomiting and diarrhea that is worsened after breastfeeding. The infant is lethargic, has hypotonia, an enlarged liver, and appears to have cataracts upon assessment. You as the provider suspect which genetic disorder?
  • Galactosemia
  • MCADD (Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency)
  • Homocystinuria
  • MSUD

Question 40

The difference between sleep and "shutting down" in the infant is that "shutting down" uses energy to maintain it.
  • True
  • False
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