Database and SQL


Database and SQL
Jos Bleeker
Quiz by Jos Bleeker, updated more than 1 year ago
Jos Bleeker
Created by Jos Bleeker over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

SCENARIO: High-school student Rajesh M. Patel works part-time in his dad’s cycle shop in Pune, India. Pune was the first city in India to have dedicated lanes for cycles. Raj’s dad currently keeps track of his inventory using pencil and paper. Ordering parts and accessories or counting inventory takes several days. Raj is taking a database management class in school and he realizes that his dad’s business could benefit greatly by implementing a database management system. Raj needs to review a few basic concepts before he starts, and has made a list of topics he knows will be important in the first steps of the project. Question: Identify tables that Raj might create for the database.
  • a parts table, a cycle table, and an accessories table
  • one table for all parts, cycles, and accessories
  • a table for each part, each cycle, and each type of accessory (a helmet table, a biking glove table, and so on)

Question 2

SCENARIO: High-school student Rajesh M. Patel works part-time in his dad’s cycle shop in Pune, India. Pune was the first city in India to have dedicated lanes for cycles. Raj’s dad currently keeps track of his inventory using pencil and paper. Ordering parts and accessories or counting inventory takes several days. Raj is taking a database management class in school and he realizes that his dad’s business could benefit greatly by implementing a database management system. Raj needs to review a few basic concepts before he starts, and has made a list of topics he knows will be important in the first steps of the project. Question: Identify the fields that Raj should use for column headings of the parts table.
  • part number, part name, cycle number, and cycle name
  • part number and quantity sold
  • part number, part name, quantity, color, and cycle identifier
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