In this photo, Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation Chief Wendy Jocko stands a few hundred metres from a spot local history enthusiasts want to commemorate with signs and art. Why is the spot important?
Which Ottawa city councillor announced they would not be seeking a fourth term in office, noting that serving on council was never something they "considered a career?"
Rideau-Vanier Coun. Mathieu Fleury says he'll work to stop the upcoming purchase of seven city vehicles unless they're electric. What kind of vehicles is he talking about?
What words did Caroline Mulroney, Ontario's minister of transportation, use to describe the problems plaguing Ottawa's light rail network when she announced Wednesday the province would launch a public inquiry?
According to emails obtained by CBC, who repeatedly informed officials there were problems with the Confederation Line in the weeks before the city took possession of $2.1-billion LRT network?
Peter Lauch, the then-CEO of Rideau Transit Group.
Citizen transit commissioner Sarah Wright-Gilbert.
Question 10
Cardinal, Ont., astronomer Roger Hill says it was a "lifelong dream" come true when the International Astronomical Union recently named which of the following after him?