Refugee Blues revision quiz


A quiz helping learners to revise key aspects of Auden's poem Refugee Blues
Sarah Holmes
Quiz by Sarah Holmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Created by Sarah Holmes over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which popular musical form does Auden adopt for this poem?
  • The Blues
  • Rock and Roll
  • Jazz
  • Beebop

Question 2

W.H Auden was an American Jewish poet.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

Each stanza of the poem uses the a,a,b rhyme scheme of traditional Blues music. What is meant by an a,a,b rhyme scheme?
  • The final words in lines 1 and 2 rhyme whilst the final word of the third line is different
  • The final words of all three lines rhyme with each other
  • The final words of lines 1 and 2 start with the letter a whilst the final word of the third line always starts with the letter b

Question 4

Annotate these two stanzas from the poem to show how rhyme is being used to emphasise particular ideas.
  • Full rhyme = strong connection
  • Partial rhyme = weak connection
  • Contrasting ideas = dehumanization
  • Similar ideas = just like them
  • Full rhyme again
  • Half rhyme again
  • Death comes at a word
  • Death cannot come at a word
  • Final word of stanza defiantly different
  • Continues semantic field of death

Question 5

The focus of the poem shifts from the individual circumstances of the speaker to that of the world at large. Which of the following lists indicates the development of the poem's focus?
  • Places of habitation, official bodies, animal world, natural world
  • Home, work, outside, inside
  • Domestic, professional, official, natural

Question 6

Thought I heard thunder rumbling in the sky. This is an example of pathetic fallacy.
  • True
  • False

Question 7

Is this poem written in the first, second or third person?
  • First
  • Second
  • Third

Question 8

Why does Auden choose the Blues form for this poem?
  • It is poem about the injustice of persecution based on race. Living in America he would have been aware of the persecution faced by Black Americans and in using the Blues form here he highlights this by linking it to Hitler's persecution of the Jews which everyone agreed was wrong.
  • He did it to highlight the hypocrisy of Americans who condemned Hitler for persecuting the Jews whilst at the same time persecuting Black Americans in their own country
  • He loved the Blues and this was just part of a series pf poems he wrote in which he adopted different musical forms.

Question 9

Which aspects of the poem are used to convey the speaker's sense of loss and anxiety? Choose all that apply.
  • The form. The Blues traditional focuses on negative aspects of life, often loss.
  • The refrain. It creates a wistfulness and feeling of lost possibilities.
  • The contrasts. These show what life was like and how it is now suggesting loss.
  • Pathetic fallacy. The thunder represents danger and connotes the speaker's anxiety about what is to come.
  • The a,a,b rhyme scheme
  • The references to animals. These would have been pets but aren't now.

Question 10

This poem was written after the Nazi atrocities at Auschwitz had been discovered.
  • True
  • False
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