GEPT 全民英檢保證班中級閱讀測驗第六回


Tang-Ao Taiwan
Quiz by Tang-Ao Taiwan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Tang-Ao Taiwan
Created by Tang-Ao Taiwan almost 9 years ago
Tang-Ao Taiwan
Copied by Tang-Ao Taiwan almost 9 years ago
Tang-Ao Taiwan
Copied by Tang-Ao Taiwan almost 9 years ago
Tang-Ao Taiwan
Copied by Tang-Ao Taiwan almost 9 years ago
Tang-Ao Taiwan
Copied by Tang-Ao Taiwan almost 9 years ago
Tang-Ao Taiwan
Copied by Tang-Ao Taiwan almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

To protect students from fire and other emergencies, our school _______ an evacuation exercise twice a year.
  • conceals
  • conducts
  • confronts
  • consults

Question 2

While we are striving for a gender-equal society, we still often hear such terms as male nurse, female doctor; male teacher, female CEO. Sadly, the phrasing [blank_start]reflects[blank_end] a popular misconception: As women are considered to be more patient and caring, they should pursue a nursing or teaching career. Similarly, men are more qualified for professions that require greater expertise and better management skills. Thus, both men and women are forced to stay on the socially desirable career paths.
  • reflects
  • destroys
  • establishes
  • sponsors

Question 3

You stayed up late every night last week to prepare for your finals. Finally, on the weekend, you slept in, getting a few extra hours of sleep. On Monday, you felt refreshed again on your way to school. So you think you can quickly pay off the “sleep debt” by having a good night’s sleep or two, right? On the contrary, you are still carrying around a heavy load of sleepiness and such sleep debt continues to accumulate every time you lose some extra minutes of sleep. True or False: Sleep debt can be repaid by having a good night’s sleep or two.
  • True
  • False
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