Everyone can use Friendsurance’s product so Friendsurance does not need a target group.
Friendsurance has different target groups based on “personas”, the personas I will find on posters in the office.
Friendsurance’s target group is young people and people who dislike brokers.
Question 2
What is a “persona”?
A persona is a person
A persona is a type of customer we think is cool
A persona is a fictional character that represents a group of customers
Question 3
What is the German name of Friendsurance’s innovation?
Schadensfrei-Bonus (Claim-free Bonus)
Question 4
Where does the „Schadensfrei-Bonus“ come from?
From heaven
From not using your insurance policy at all
From the difference between the insurance premium with and without the deductible
Question 5
How does the Claim-free Bonus work?
Insurance policy owners with the same insurance type form small groups. A part of their premiums is paid into a cashback pool. If no claims are submitted, the members of the group get some of their money back at the end of the year. In case of claims, the cashback decreases for everyone in the group.
Insurance policy owners with the same insurance type form small groups. A part of their last Claim-free Bonus is paid into a cashback pool. If no claims are submitted, the members of the group get some of their money back at the end of the year. In case of claims, the cashback decreases for everyone. Small claims are settled with the money in the pool.
Insurance policy owners with all sorts of insurance types form small groups. A part of their premiums is paid into a cashback pool. If no claims are submitted, the members of the group get some of their money back at the end of the year. In case of claims, Friendsurance gets the cashback pool.
Question 6
What happens if everyone in a network has damages and the group has higher cost than their deductibles carry?
The insurance holders have to cover these costs
Friendsurance has to cover these costs
A so-called stop-loss insurance covers these situations.
Question 7
How are the groups established?
Other people choose you
We generate one for you when you sign up and you can afterwards adjust this as you want to
You establish it yourself as customer
We automatically connect you with other members as soon as the Claims-free bonus is active for your contract. You can change your group members afterwards if you want to.
Question 8
What kind of insurances do we handle at Friendsurance?
Accident (Unfall)
Car (Kfz)
Health (Kranken-)
Household (Hausrat)
Liability (Haftpflicht)
Occupational disability (Berufsunfähigkeit)
Pet (Haustier)
Legal costs (Rechtsschutz)
Question 9
For which insurance types is the Schadensfrei-Bonus already available for?
Household, electronic, legal and liability
All insurance categories
Household and car insurance
Household, electronic, legal, car and liability
Question 10
What is the worst case scenario for an insurance holder who uses Friendsurance?
His contract is cancelled by us because he has too many claims
He has extra costs
He does not get a cash back and his costs are the same as they would have been without Friendsurance
Question 11
Can a customer change the members of their group?
Yes, but only once a year
Yes, as often as they want and when they want. The changes are effective on the first day of the month.
Yes, but maximum 4 times a year
Question 12
What happens if someone in my insurance network cancels the connection with me?
The whole group falls apart
My cash back is reduced and I cannot change that
My cash back is reduced unless I connect with someone else. Friendsurance will help me find someone to connect with, or even auto-connect me, if I activated “auto-connect” in my account.
Question 13
When talking about insurances - what is meant by „deductible" in your policy?
The insurance tax you have to pay
The max. amount you have to pay in case of a claim.
The premium you have to pay each year for your insurance policy
Question 14
What does the Deductible Principle have to do with the Claim-Free bonus?
To get a Claim-Free bonus, you sign an additional deductible agreement with Friendsurance
There is not correlation between a deductible and the Claim-Free Bonus
To enable that insurance holders can get a cash back if they are claim free, Friendsurance has to do a change in the insurance contract to a contract with a deductible (Selbstbeteiligung). This alternation means that the yearly insurance fee goes down. The difference between the old fee and the new fee goes into the groups shared pot.
Question 15
Why can customers also enter insurance types like “pet insurance”?
Because we like to get all the personal data from the customer that we can get
So that they can get a cashback also for these types
This allows customers to get an overview which insurances they have and allows us to help the customer to get the insurances they really need.
Question 16
What is Mr. Money and what do we use it for?
Mr. Money is a insurance comparison calculator and integrated in our website (new customers)
Mr. Money is another tool used by Friendsurance to handle end-customers
Mr. Money is a direct competition to Friendsurance
Question 17
If I find a bug, I...
directly ask a programmer to fix the problem
don’t do anything because bugs will not be fixed anyway
send an E-Mail to QA (bugs@friendsurance.de) and describe when the problem occurs and in which way and with which browser/devices it can be reproduced.
Question 18
If I have an idea how to improve Friendsurance, I...
don’t do anything because the software cannot be changed.
directly ask a programmer to change the software.
ask my team lead and/or Product Management to help understanding the problem and find out its priority.
Question 19
How many times a year is the cash-back being paid out?