
tsampikos pompou
Quiz by tsampikos pompou, updated more than 1 year ago
tsampikos pompou
Created by tsampikos pompou about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

1 Aerodrome operating minima are, referred to:
  • O Take-off, Landing in precision approach and landing operations and Landing in non-precision approach and landing operations
  • O Landing in precision approach and landing operations,
  • O Landing in non-precision approach and landing operations,
  • O Take-off,

Question 2

2 Aerial work, is the aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized services, such as:
  • O Agriculture, photography, Search & rescue, aerial advertisement, patrol, surveying
  • O Search and rescue
  • O Aerial advertisement, patrol, surveying
  • O Air taxi operations

Question 3

3 Alternate aerodrome may be:
  • O The take-off alternate and the destination alternate or the en-route alternate
  • O The en-route alternate
  • O the destination alternate

Question 4

4 Take - off alternate aerodrome may be:
  • O An aerodrome if this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure
  • O An aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land while en route
  • O The destination alternate aerodrome

Question 5

5 Dangerous goods may be:
  • O Articles and substances which are capable of posing significant risk to health, safety or property when transported by air, the safe transport of which is covered by the provisions of Annex 18
  • O Articles and substances the safe transport of which is covered by the provisions of Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention
  • O Articles and substances which may cause a serious threat for the security of civil aircraft

Question 6

6 Flight manual:
  • O A manual containing limitations within which the aircraft is to be consider airworthy, and is associated with the certificate of airworthiness and instructions necessary to the pilots for the safe operation of the aircraft
  • O A manual containing instructions and information necessary to the flight crew members for the safe operation of the aircraft
  • O The manufacturer's manual including the terms for the aircraft maintenance

Question 7

7 The term "general aviation operation" means:
  • O An aircraft operation other than a commercial air transport operation or an aerial work operation.
  • O The use of an aircraft for commercial air transport
  • O The use of a light aircraft for aerial work
  • O The use of small aircraft in air taxi operations

Question 8

8 The pre flight briefing to the passengers being done by the pilot-in-command is focused on the location and the use of :
  • O Seat belts, life jackets and oxygen dispensing equipment, emergency exits and passenger emergency briefing cards
  • O Emergency exits
  • O Passenger emergency briefing cards

Question 9

9 A flight shall not be commenced until the pilot-in-command is satisfiedthat:
  • O The airplane is airworthy, and any necessary maintenance has been performed and the instruments or equipment installed in it are appropriate taking into account the intended flight, the load carried is properly distributed and safely secured and the mass and the centre of gravity location are such that the flight can be conducted safely
  • O The load carried is properly distributed and safely secured; the mass and the centre of gravity location are such that the flight can be conducted safely
  • O All passengers are securely fastened onto their seats

Question 10

10 An airplane can be taxied on the movement area of an aerodrome, only if the person on the controls:
  • O Is any person who is fully competent to taxi the airplane and dully authorized by the owner, the lessee, or a designated agent, qualified to use the radio telephone, having received instruction from a competent person in respect of aerodrome signs, markings lights, phraseology and procedures of this aerodrome
  • O Is any pilot having the required class and type ratings for the specific airplane
  • O Is a person having received instruction from a competent person in respect of aerodrome signs, markings lights, phraseology and procedures of this aerodrome

Question 11

11 The equipment for all seaplanes for all flights over water, must contains:
  • O life jacket for each person on board, and one sea anchor to assist maneuvering, anchor and Equipment for making signals for preventing collisions at sea
  • O One anchor
  • O Equipment for making signals for preventing collisions at sea

Question 12

12 The owner of an airplane shall keep a maintenance record containing data concerning the aeroplane as a whole which are referred to :
  • O Chronological list of compliance with airworthiness directives and the methods of compliance and the kind and extent of the maintenance and alteration and the time in service and date when the work was performed
  • O The addition or removal of equipment and the location of the centre of gravity when empty
  • O The kind and extent of the maintenance and alteration and the time in service and date when the work was performed

Question 13

13 The minimum number and composition of the flight crew is specified by:
  • O The aeroplane flight manual and the documents associated with the certificate of airworthiness
  • O The documents associated with the certificate of airworthiness
  • O The aeroplane operator, depending on the kind and duration of flights

Question 14

14 All aeroplanes when operated as VFR flights shall be equipped with:
  • O A magnetic compass, a sensitive pressure altimeter and an accurate time piece indicating the time in hours, minutes and seconds
  • O An accurate time piece indicating the time in hours, minutes and seconds
  • O Weather radar and GPS

Question 15

15 The pilot-in-command shall not commence a flight if he doesn't assure that:
  • O Any flight crew member is not incapacitated by injury, by the effects of alcohol or drugs or by fatigue
  • O Any flight crew member is not incapacitated by the effects of alcohol or drugs
  • O Any flight crew member is not incapacitated by fatigue
  • O Any passenger is not able to continue his trip due to fatigue or the effects of alcohol

Question 16

16 The pilot-in-command who observes that another surface craft is in distress, he shall:
  • O Keep in sight the craft in distress until such time as his presence is no longer necessary, take such action as will facilitate the determination of the craft in distress if his position is not known with certainty and act as instructed by the rescue coordination centre
  • O Take such action as will facilitate the determination of the craft in distress if his position is not known with certainty,
  • O Act as instructed by the rescue coordination centre

Question 17

17 Which from the following ground-air visual signal code is used to denote that " WE REQUIRE ASSISTANCE" :
  • O V
  • O X
  • O N
  • O Y

Question 18

18 Aircraft accident is an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft, in which:
  • O A person is fatally injured as a result of being in the aircraft or direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the aircraft, the aircraft is missing or the aircraft sustains damage which adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft
  • O The aircraft is missing
  • O The aircraft sustains damage which adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft

Question 19

19 Serious injury as a result of an aircraft accident is an injury that:
  • O Requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within 7 days from the date the injury was received or involves verified exposure to infectious substances of injurious radiation
  • O Involves verified exposure to infectious substances of injurious radiation
  • O Results in a fracture of fingers, toes or nose

Question 20

20 Which from the following could be considered as causes of an aircraft accident?
  • O Actions or omissions, events, conditions or combination thereof
  • O Events
  • O Conditions

Question 21

21 Accredited representative is:
  • O The person designated by a state on the basis of his qualifications, for the purpose of participating in an investigation conducted by another state
  • O The investigator in charge
  • O The person appointed by a state on the basis of his qualifications for the purpose of assisting its accredited representative in an investigation

Question 22

22 Serious incident might be:
  • O Aborted take-offs on a closed runway, pilot incapacitation in flight or events requiring the emergency use of oxygen by the flight crew
  • O Flight crew incapacitation in flight
  • O Events requiring the emergency use of oxygen by the flight crew

Question 23

23 Which from the following occurrences could be accepted as serous incidents indicating that an accident nearly occurred?
  • O Fuel quantity requiring the declaration of an emergency by the pilot, attempting landings on a closed or engaged runway or attempting landings on a closed runway
  • O Landings or attempting landings on a closed or engaged runway
  • O Aborted take-offs on a closed or engaged runway

Question 24

24 Serious incidents may be:
  • O Fires and smoke in the passenger compartment or engines, even though such fires were extinguished by the use of extinguishing agents or near collisions requiring an avoidance maneuver to avoid a collision
  • O Near collisions requiring an avoidance maneuver to avoid a collision
  • O Fires and smoke in engines, even though such fires were extinguished by the use of extinguishing agents

Question 25

25 Serious incidents may be:
  • O Multiple malfunctions of one or more aircraft systems seriously affecting the operation of the aircraft structural failures or engine disintegrations not classified as an accident
  • O Engine disintegrations not classified as an accident
  • O Aircraft structural failures not classified as an accident
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