

Rutger Wilhelm
Quiz by Rutger Wilhelm, updated more than 1 year ago
Rutger Wilhelm
Created by Rutger Wilhelm over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

In Hong Kong, an aircraft shall not fly over or within 3,000ft of any assembly in the open air of more than 1,000 persons assembled for the purpose of witnessing or participating in the event. What exceptions exist to this rule?
  • If the aircraft is photographing the event for which the persons are assembled to witness or participate
  • If the aircraft is passing over the event in the course of normal point to point navigation
  • If the aircraft is operating with the written permission of the Chief Executive

Question 2

For the purpose of calculating the total weight of an aircraft the respective total weights of the passengers and crew entered in the load sheet shall be computed from the actual weight of each person. An exception to this rule is that standard weights may be used for:
  • Aircraft with a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700kg or which have a total seating capacity of 12 or more persons
  • aircraft with a maximum total weights authorised which does not exceed 5700kg or which have a total seating capacity of less than 12 persons
  • Aircraft with a maximum total weight authorised which does not exceed 5700kg or with have a total seating capacity of less than 12 persons
  • Passengers and Hold baggage only in aircraft with a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700kg or which have a total seating capacity of 12 or more persons

Question 3

The anti-collision light has failed on the aircraft of which you are the commander. Under what conditions (if any) may you continue the flight if it is impracticable for the light to be repaired at your location?
  • By night if the appropriate ATC until gives permission for the flight to continue
  • By night, if in the opinion of the aircraft commander, it is safe to do so
  • By day, only if the appropriate ATC unit gives permission for the flight to continue

Question 4

A pilot holds a valid commercial licence which does not include an instrument or night rating. This licence entitles the pilot to fly as pilot in command of an aircraft of a type specified in part 1 of the aircraft rating included in the licence when the aeroplane is engaged on which of the following flights?
  • Any scheduled journey
  • At night provided the pilot has in the preceding 13 months carried out as pilot in commander not less than 5 take-offs and 5 landings at a time when the depression of the centre of the sun was not less than 12 degrees below the horizon
  • A flight made for the purpose of public transport provided the aeroplane is certified for single pilot operations

Question 5

It is unlawful for any weapon or munition of war to be carried on, or be in the possession of any person, on board an aircraft unless:
  • The weapon is carried in the personal hand baggage of that person and the weapon is unloaded
  • The particulars of the weapon have been furnished by the person to the operator
  • The weapon is unloaded and is carried in a part of the aircraft which is inaccessible to passengers

Question 6

It is a requirement for Public Transport aircraft, registered in Hong Kong that each flight crew member has access to a copy of the Operations Manual relevant to his duties on a flight. This Article does not apply to:
  • Flights in aircraft with a maximum total weight authorised which does not exceed 2730kg used solely for flights not intended to exceed 60 minutes for training purposes
  • Flights in aircraft with a maximum total weights authorised exceeding 2730kg used solely for flights not intended to exceed 60 minutes intended to begin and end at the same aerodrome
  • Flights in aircraft with a maximum total weight authorised which does not exceed 2730kg used solely for flights not intended to exceed 60 minutes

Question 7

A HK registered B747 has landed at Burdikistan due to pressurisation problems. A qualified LAME employed by Suspect Airways has replaced to Cabin Pressure Controller and states that the aircraft is now fully serviceable. The LAME is not an approved signatory under Article B (7) of AN(HK)O’s. what action should the commander now take?
  • Continue the flight but only to the nearest place where the Certificate of Release to Service can be issued, considering flight safety and any hazards to the liberty or health of persons on board and submit a written report within 10 days
  • Continue the flight to the next scheduled destination and arrange for a Certificate of Release to Service can be issued, considering flight safety and hazards to the liberty or health of persons on board and submit a written report within 10 days
  • Continue the flight but only to the nearest place where a Certificate of Release to Service can be issued and submit a written report within 10 days
  • Remain on the ground at Burdikistan and await the arrival of a LAME who has approval, under Article B, to sign the Certificate of Release to Service and submit a report within 10 days.

Question 8

It is a requirement that aircraft registered in Hong Kong carry a Technical Log in respect to its certificate of airworthiness for Transport or aerial work aircraft. It is the duty of the commander to complete the Technical log at the end of each flight. The exceptions of this Article permit the commander to make the required entries in the Technical Log at the end of a series of consecutive flights provided
  • The flights are within the same 24 hour period. From the same aerodrome and with the same commander
  • The flights are within the same 24 hour period, from the same aerodrome and with the same commander, unless he becomes aware of a defect during an earlier flight
  • The flights are within the same 12 hour, period from the same aerodrome and with the same commander

Question 9

A certificate of Release to Service may be issued by the holder of an ATPL provided that:
  • It is in relation to the adjustment, compensation and repair of a direct reading magnetic compass only
  • It is in relation to the adjustment, compensation and repair of a direct reading or remote reading magnetic compass only
  • It is in relation to the repair of a direct reading magnetic compass only

Question 10

In relation to a city, town or settlement, a “Congested Area” is defined as;
  • Any built up area
  • Any built up area which is substantially used for residential, industrial, commercial or recreational purposes
  • Any area used for recreational purposes where there is a gathering of 1000 people or more gathered for the purpose of witnessing or participating in an event
  • Any built up area which is substantially used for residential, industrial or commercial purposes but not recreational purposes.

Question 11

The holder of an ATPL passes a certificate of test on 2 January 2003. She the passes another certificate of test on 3 May 2003. To what date is the certificate of test valid?
  • 1/7/03
  • 2/11/03
  • 1/1/04
  • 1/2/04

Question 12

A certificate of Maintenance Review shall be:
  • Issued in triplicate with one copy to be carried on the aircraft. One copy retained by the operator for 2 years and the other retained in the Technical log
  • Issued in duplicate with one copy to be carried on the aircraft and one copy retained by the operator for 2 years
  • Issued in triplicate with one copy to be carried on the aircraft, one copy retained by the operator for 2 years and the other retained by HKCAD
  • Issued in duplicate with one copy to be carried on the aircraft and one copy retained in the Technical log

Question 13

A Public Transport aeroplane is operating from aerodrome “Alpha” to aerodrome “Bravo: under the Instrument Flight Rules. The weather at “Alpha” has a cloud ceiling at the minima specified for take-off and “Bravo” forecast weather indicates that the commander could expect IFR conditions on arrival. Which of the following are permissible options for the commander?
  • The aeroplane is not permitted to take-off until the loud ceiling is above the specified take-off minima
  • The aeroplane may take-off from “Alpha” but must nominate a suitable alternate aerodrome for “Bravo” prior to take-off
  • The aeroplane may take-off from “Alpha” but may not descend below the relevant DH at “Bravo”

Question 14

A HK registered Boeing 777 suffers damage to an exit door at an aerodrome when it is not practicable for the door to be repaired to replaced. The number of passengers and seating arrangements permit the aircraft to depart with this exit unserviceable. What other measures should the commander ensure are taken;
  • The exit should be market “No exit” in white lettering on a red bar 23cm across, the door should be locked and the EXIT sign should be covered
  • The exit should be locked and market by a red disc at least 23cm in diameter with a horizontal white bar across it bearing the words “no exit” in red lettering and the EXIT sign should be covered
  • The exit should be marked by a red disc at least 23cm in diameter with a white bar across it bearing the words “No exit: in red lettering and the EXIT sign should be covered.
  • The exit should be locked and marked by a white disc at least 23cm in diameter with a horizontal red bar across it bearing the words “no exit” in white lettering and the EXIT should be covered

Question 15

The holder of a Commercial Pilot’s Licence (HK) suffers and illness which renders him temporarily unfit to perform the functions of his flight crew licence. Notification to the Chief Executive, in writing, must be made:
  • On the 21st day that the illness renders him unfit
  • On the 20th day that the illness renders him unfit
  • Immediately, if he is aware that the illness will last for more than 20 days
  • Immediately, regardless of the seriousness of the illness

Question 16

A public transport aeroplane registered in HK and certified for two pilot operations is operating from Sydney. Both control seats are fitted with 5 point crew harnesses. The flight crew consists of the commander. The first officer and the second officer. For the take-off from Sydney it is a requirement that:
  • The commander and first officer/second officer are at the controls and both are wearing the full safety harness
  • The commander and the first officer/second officer are at the controls and the commander is wearing full safety harness but the first officer/second officer need only wear a lap type safety belt
  • Either the commander or the first officer is at the left hand controls. With the second officer at the right hand controls and that both pilots are wearing the full safety harnesses

Question 17

In public transport operations in an airbus A330, the duties of the commander include that he/she take all reasonable steps to ensure that:
  • During take-off and landing or in turbulence that all passengers are warned to take their seats
  • All baggage in the passenger cabin is stowed under the passenger’s seat at all times
  • During take-off and landing that all cabin crew members are secured in their seats in the passengers compartment in such a manner as to permit ready assistance to passengers

Question 18

The privileges of the Flight Radiotelephony Operators Restricted Licence are that the holder of the licence shall be entitled to operate radiotelephony apparatus in any aircraft provided.
  • He/she is under the supervision of a person who is the holder of a flight radiotelephony operator’s licence
  • The stability of the frequency radiated by the transmitter is maintained automatically but shall not be entitled to operate the transmitter, or to adjust the frequency, except by the use of external switching devices
  • The stability of the frequency interrogated by the receiver is maintained automatically but shall not be entitled to adjust the frequency, except by the use of external switching devices

Question 19

19. The holder of an HK ATPL has the following aggregate flight times for the previous 27 days: A330 (Public Transport) 87 hours TB10 (Private) 6 hours The pilot may, on day 28, undertake which of the following flights:
  • A public transport flight not exceeding 7 hours
  • An aerial work flight not exceeding 8 hours
  • A public transport flight not exceeding 11 hours

Question 20

The holder of a HK ATPL:
  • Shall not act as the pilot in command of any aeroplane after he/she attains the age of 60
  • Shall not act as the pilot in command of any aeroplane with a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 20,000kg after he/she attains the age of 60
  • Shall not act as the Pilot in command of any aeroplane in Public Operations after he/she attains the age of 65 years

Question 21

A person shall not, when acting as a member of the crew of an aircraft or being carried in any aircraft for the purpose of so acting:
  • Have consumed any alcohol or drug within the previous 10 hours
  • Be under the influence of drink or drugs to such an extent as to impair his/her capacity to so act
  • Have consumed any alcohol or drugs within the previous 8 hours

Question 22

“Night” is defined as:
  • The time between half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise, sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level
  • The time between when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon after sunset until when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon before sunrise, sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level
  • The time between when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon after sunset until when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon before sunrise, sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level
  • The time between 20 minutes after sunset and 20 minutes before sunrise. Sunset and sunrise being determined at surface level

Question 23

An incident, relating to the operation of an aircraft, which would require a Mandatory Occurrence Report (MOR) would be an incident involving:
  • The refusal of the flight crew to comply with an ATC clearance
  • The incapacitation of the second officer with food poisoning
  • The loading of cargo (excluding mail)

Question 24

The reporting requirement for the above MOR is that the report shall be submitted to the CE in writing:
  • Within 96 hours of the information coming into the possession of the person reporting
  • Within 96 hours of the incident which the person is reporting
  • Within 96 hours of the completion of the flight on which the incident occurred

Question 25

A HK registered aeroplane, engaged in Public transport, is flying in HK controlled airspace passing FL140 on descent. What are the restrictions relating to the use of hand-held microphones in this case?
  • May not be used by any crew member
  • May not be used by the pilot or flight engineer for radio communications but may be used for intercommunications
  • May not be used by a pilot or flight engineer for either radio communication or intercommunications

Question 26

An aeroplane is towing a glider in flight, in this case:
  • The length of the tow rope shall not exceed 150 metres
  • The length of the combination of the towing aircraft, the tow rope and the glider shall not exceed 150 metres
  • The length of the combinations of the tow rope and the glider shall not exceed 150 metres
  • There is no restriction on the length of the tow rope provided the aeroplane has a certificates of airworthiness valid for towing aircraft

Question 27

A HK registered aeroplane (maximum total weight authorised 127,000kg) engaged in Public transport has a C of A authorising the carriage of 168 passengers. On a particular flight 102 passengers are to be carried. In this case, the commander should ensure that the number of cabin attendants on the flight are no less that:
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Question 28

It is a requirement that flight crew licence holders enter flight times in their personal log books. In this case, “Flight Time” is defined, for aeroplanes as:
  • The moment when, after the embarkation of its crew for the purpose of taking off, it first moves under its own power, until the moment when it next comes to rest after landing
  • The moment when it first moves under its own power, until the moment when it next comes to rest after landing
  • The moment, after the embarkation of its crew for the purpose of taking off the aeroplane commences the take-off roll under its own power, until the time it first touches down for the purpose of landing
  • The moment when all external doors close for the purpose of embarkation until the moment when all external doors open for the purpose of disembarkation

Question 29

On any flight on which a flight data recorder or a cockpit voice recorder or a combined cockpit voice recorder/flight data recorder is required, it shall always be in use from:
  • Engine start prior to take-off until engine shutdown after landing
  • Commencement of taxiing for the purpose of taking off until cessation of taxiing after landing
  • Commencement of the take-off run until the end of the landing run
  • The moment at which the aircraft is airborne under its own power until the moment the aircraft ceases the landing run

Question 30

A cabin crew member advises the commander that a passenger is smoking in the aircraft toilet. The “No Smoking” signs are illuminated. Is the passenger committing an offence under AN(HK)O’s?
  • No, because AN(HK)O’s are not applicable to passengers
  • Yes, it is an offence to smoke in any aircraft compartment at a time when smoking is prohibited in that compartment by a notice to that effect exhibited by or on behalf of the commander
  • Only if the aircraft is taking-off or landing or being refuelled
  • Only if there has also been a verbal briefing by the cabin crew on the requirement to refrain from smoking at certain times

Question 31

Under air navigation (Hong Kong) order 1995, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
  • The holder o f a medical certificate who suffers any injury involving incapacity to undertake his/her function as a member of a flight crew shall inform the civil aviation department of injury as soon as a period of 10 days has elapsed since the occurrence of such event.
  • The member of a fligiht crew must not consume more than two units of alcohol within 8 hours prior to a flight
  • The holder of a Hong Kong license shall not act as a member of a flight crew on an aircraft registered in Hong Kong or over a place outside of Hong Kong unless his/her Hong Kong licence bears a valid language proficiency endorsement.
  • Day means hald an hour after sunrise until half an hour before sunset (both times inclusive), sunrise and sunset being determined at sea level

Question 32

The Aircraft, engine and propeller log books shall be …. By the operator of the aircraft for the period of:
  • Six months
  • One year
  • Two years after the last entry in the book
  • Two years after the aircraft, engine or propeller has been destroyed, or withdrawn from service

Question 33

An aircraft certified in transport category (cargo) may be flown:
  • For any purpose
  • For any purpose other than the public transport of passengers
  • For the public transport of passengers if expressly permitted
  • for aerial work if expressly permitted

Question 34

Adherence to the rules of the Air in schedule to Air Navigation (Hong Kong) order 1995, which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding two aircraft approaching head on or approximately so in the air and there is a danger of collision?
  • Each of the two aircraft shall alter its course to the left
  • Flying machines shall give way to airships, glider and balloons
  • Gliders and balloons shall give way to fly machines
  • Each of the two aircraft shall alter its course to the right

Question 35

What are the privileges of a Hong Kong Radiotelephony operators Restricted license
  • The holder of the license shall be entitled to operate radiotelephony apparatus in any aircraft
  • The holder of the license shall be entitled to operate radiotelephony apparatus in any aircraft if the stability of the frequency radiated but the transmitter is maintained automatically but shall not be entitled to operate the transmitter, or to adjust its frequency except by the use of external switching devices
  • The holder of the license shall be entitled to operate radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony apparatus in any aircraft
  • The holder of the license shall be restricted to operated VHF radio radiotelephony apparatus in any aircraft
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