Earth Science


High School Diploma Science Quiz on Earth Science, created by Niat Habtemariam on 09/03/2014.
Niat Habtemariam
Quiz by Niat Habtemariam, updated more than 1 year ago
Niat Habtemariam
Created by Niat Habtemariam about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is the name of the theory that states Earth's crust is broken into many pieces that float around on the mantle (or sometimes stated as floating on the asthenosphere)?
  • The Theory of Evolution & Natural Selection
  • The Theory of Plate Tectonics
  • The Theory of Subduction
  • The Plate Boundaries Theory

Question 2

What process or processes would cause a big, tall mountain to become a much smaller mountain or hill over thousands or millions of years?
  • Lava forming extrusive igneous rock.
  • Sedimentation or deposition.
  • Weathering and erosion
  • Subduction

Question 3

Which of the following is the name of a break in rock that could rearrange rock layers so that they no longer line up in neat rows?
  • An epicenter
  • A fault
  • Folding
  • Superposition

Question 4

If you see rocks that look like they have been pushed together in ribbon-like layers, such as in the diagram below, what process would cause this change in the rock layers?
  • Folding
  • Faulting
  • Weathering
  • An earthquake

Question 5

Which rock layer below most likely is the newest or youngest?
  • The bottom layer made up of a rock called davin shale.
  • The top layer made up of loren shale
  • The intrusion of basalt
  • The blackman shale layer

Question 6

Which of these rock layers would be most the most likely to be made up of sedimentary rock?
  • Rock layer A
  • The intrusion
  • Rock layer F
  • All of these would be equally likely to be made up of sedimentary rock

Question 7

Theory of Pangaea: In the early twentieth century, a scientist named Alfred Wegener noticed that, if you cut the continents out of a map, they would fit nicely together into one large super continent. He named this super continent, Pangaea. He predicted that Pangaea existed about 200 million years ago. Using that time period, he looked at what animals lived during that time and began to search for fossils on each continent. He was able to find fossils of the same kinds of animals on both continents where they would have been joined so his theory was supported. However, the best supporting evidence wasn’t found until the 1060’s. The idea of continental drift, where tectonic plates move around on Earth's mantle, explains how the continents have ended up in their current positions. Based on this information, which of the following is a true statement?
  • Earth's tectonic plates have very slowly moved over a long period of time. They used to be pushed together in one large continent, called Pangaea, but over time, the continents drifted apart to where they are today. They are not likely to move any further apart or closer together over the next few million years because the process has stopped. Fossil evidence proves the continents were once pushed together.
  • Earth's tectonic plates float around on the mantle because of convection currents. They used to be pushed together as one large continent, called Pangaea. Over millions of years, the continents have drifted apart to their current positions. One major piece of evidence to support this theory are the fossils found and the shapes of the continents that seem to fit like puzzle pieces. Over the next few million years, the continents will continue to drift apart in places and drift closer together in other places.
  • Alfred Wegener figured out that Earth's tectonic plates were moving around and called the idea continental drift. He realized this process happens very quickly, so over the next hundred years or so, North America will probably be touching China because of the convergent plate boundary around the Pacific Ocean.
  • Continental drift is the idea that explains how earth's continents have pushed together to their current positions, which is called Pangaea. Alfred Wegener was the person who proposed the idea that fossils change as the continents move around. By working with Charles Darwin, Alfred Wegener was able to figure out how Pangaea happened from convection currents by studying fossils.

Question 8

Lithosphere: The outer crust of the earth is known as the lithosphere and it is composed of the seven large plates and many smaller pieces. These are all known as tectonic plates. In Wegener’s theory, Pangaea broke apart and the pieces started moving over the earth’s surface and into their current locations. In fact, the plates are still moving and, if you could revisit the earth in a few million years from now, you would notice that the continents are not in exactly the same places they are today. Tectonic plates move because of convection currents within the mantle. As hot magma moves up, it starts to cool and sinks back toward the core where it heats back up, lowering the density and causing it to rise and cool again. What is the lithosphere?
  • All of Earth's Land
  • All of Earth's Water
  • All of Earth's Living Things
  • All of Earth's Air

Question 9

Water on Earth is always changing. Its repeating changes make a cycle. As water goes through its cycle, it can be a solid (ice), a liquid (water), or a gas (water vapor). Ice can change to become water or water vapor. Water can change to become ice or water vapor. Water vapor can change to become ice or water. What type of change is this when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas?
  • Chemical only.
  • Physical only.
  • Both chemical and physical

Question 10

What was the total distance this plane flew?
  • 200 km
  • 0 km
  • 400 km
  • None of these

Question 11

Look at the graph above. In this experiment, what was the dependent variable?
  • The week the plant was checked
  • Fertilizer given to plants
  • How many plants grown
  • The height of the plants

Question 12

According to this graph, which of the following would be the BEST conclusion to the experiment?
  • Plants given fertilizer grew an average of 6 cm higher than those not given fertilizer; therefore, the fertilizer is clearly helpful to the growth of these plants.
  • Plants given water only grew an average of 6 cm higher than those not given fertilizer; therefore, the fertilizer is clearly not helpful to the growth of these plants.
  • Based on this graph, it is difficult or impossible to tell whether or not the fertilizer was helpful to the plants.
  • Fertilizer is helpful to the growth of plants as you can see by this experiment.

Question 13

In many locations the hot molten magma from deep within the Earth rises up through the crust to reach the surface. This sometimes happens in the middle of plates. When a hot spot forms in the middle of a plate, it remains constant, as the plate continues to move over it. The result is that a trail of volcanoes is left behind, with older volcanoes moving away from the hot spot, and newer ones forming over top of the hot spot. What moves to form a hot spot volcano?
  • The hot spot itself moves
  • The convergent plate boundary forms the volcanoes as the ocean plate subducts
  • The tectonic plate moves over the hot spot
  • Nothing moves. Several hotspots form in a line to create a volcanic island arc

Question 14

What is the difference between a fault and a fold?
  • A fault is when rocks break, and a fold is when rocks bend.
  • A fault is caused by plates pulling apart, and a fold is caused by plates pushing together.
  • A fault occurs only in the middle of plates, and a fold occurs at plate boundaries.
  • None of these describes the difference in a fault and a fold.

Question 15

Which processes are considered destructive?
  • Divergent plate boundaries and weathering.
  • Weathering and convergent plate boundaries.
  • Both convergent plate boundaries and divergent plate boundaries.
  • Transform plate boundaries and faults.

Question 16

Which type of plate boundary forms folded mountains?
  • Convergent between an ocean plate and a continental plate.
  • Convergent between two continental plates.
  • Divergent
  • Transform

Question 17

What causes seafloor spreading?
  • Earthquakes break apart the ocean floor.
  • Sediments accumulate (build up) at the area of spreading.
  • New material is being added to the asthenosphere.
  • Molten material beneath Earth’s crust rises to the surface.

Question 18

What kind of plate boundary makes a subduction zone and often makes big earthquakes?
  • Transform
  • Convergent with an ocean plate and a continental plate
  • Convergent with two continental plates
  • Divergent

Question 19

What causes seafloor spreading?
  • Earthquakes break apart the ocean floor.
  • Sediments accumulate (build up) at the area of spreading.
  • New material is being added to the asthenosphere.
  • Molten material beneath Earth’s crust rises to the surface.

Question 20

What kind of plate boundary makes a subduction zone and often makes big earthquakes?
  • Transform
  • Convergent with an ocean plate and a continental plate
  • Convergent with two continental plates
  • Divergent

Question 21

The India Continetnal Plate is constantly pushing north up into the Eurasian Continental Plate. What kind of plate boundary is this, and what kind of landform is being created?
  • Convergent and volcanoes
  • Divergent and ridges
  • Divergent and volcanoes
  • Convergent and folded mountains

Question 22

What is the place beneath earth where rock breaks and sends out seismic waves in all directions from the point where the rock broke to cause earthquakes called?
  • The epicenter
  • The focus
  • The seismocenter
  • The aftershock

Question 23

Which type of plate boundary is considered a constructive Earth process as new igneous rocks are being formed?
  • Divergent
  • Convergent with two continental plates
  • Convergent with an ocean plate and a continental plate
  • Transform

Question 24

Which part of the water cycle happens when water RELEASES thermal energy?
  • Evaporation
  • Condensation
  • Percipitation
  • Transpiration

Question 25

Which of the following is the correct definition for density?
  • Density is the amount of space something takes up.
  • Density is the amount of matter in an object.
  • Density is the amount of matter in a specific space.
  • Density is the temperature of an object affecting its mass.

Question 26

What are the two main things that make a metamorphic rock?
  • Convection currents and intense heat.
  • intense heat and pressure
  • cooling and cementation
  • friction and wind

Question 27

This diagram shows many of the processes that change rocks from one form to another. Uplift is a term that refers to rocks being pushed up from faulting or folding of rock. Weathering breaks down rock. Extrusive igneous rock will form on the OUTSIDE of the volcano from cooled lava as it erupts. The intrusive igneous rock forms from cooled magma inside earth. What process provides the transportation of rock down the mountain?
  • erosion
  • weathering
  • transpiration
  • faulting
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