Being Muslim - Weekly Tafseer Test - Surah Baqarah [Verses 87-91]


Being Muslim - Weekly Tafseer Test - Surah Baqarah [Verses 87-91]
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What does 'qulubuna goolf' mean?
  • Our hearts are covered up with guidance and want more guidance to walk on the straight path
  • Our hearts are already so full that no more knowledge can enter it

Question 2

What did the bani Israel say when they were asked to believe in Allah's message? (verse 91)
  • They said that they will believe in only that which has been revealed to them.. and reject everything besides that even if it is the truth
  • They obeyed and acted accordingly

Question 3

What have these people (Bani israel)done what is their crime? (Verse90) Select one or more than one
  • They have sold their souls and destroyed themselves for a petty ridiculous price
  • They rejected Allah's commands only because of their grudge with the Arabs
  • They Rejected Phirons salvery, and escaped

Question 4

What is being said about the Quran here? (Verse 89) Select one of the following
  • That it came confirming the previous Books Torah and Injeel which the bani israel had
  • So Allah says it was something that they did not recognized so they rejected

Question 5

In AYAH 88 What was the Bani Israel's excuse for denying the message of Allah?
  • They say that Allah has just not guided them yet
  • They were told to believe when the last messenger will be from Bani Israel

Question 6

What of Allah's favor upon the bani israel is mentioned here in verse 87 ? Select one of the following
  • One Messenger after the other was being sent to them
  • Mann and Salva
  • Twelve springs
  • Shade of cloud

Question 7

'Ibna Maryama' means Son of Maryam (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 8

Bani Israel were seeking Victory against The Mushriqeens of the Arabia Before the prophet S.A.W came ( True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Allah S.W.T gave Esa A.S clear proofs which proves the truthfulness of being a Prophet .... Select few of the clear proofs from the given below
  • Esa A.S spoke as a Infant
  • Esa A.S was given Torah and Injeel
  • Esa A.S healed the sick people by the will of Allah S.W.T
  • Esa A.S parted the sea by the will of Allah S.W.T
  • Esa A.S could raise the Dead from the graves as well from out side by the will of Allah S.W.T

Question 10

As the Bani Israel were very ungrateful for what they had ,the advantages were taken away and the FAVOUR Was transferred to PROPHET S.A.W to the Ummi Nation (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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