Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test --Surah Ankabuth [ayah 63 - 69] AND Surah Ar Rum [ayah 1 - 18]


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer test Surah Ankabuth ayah 63 - 69 AND Surah Ar Rum ayah 1 - 18
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Ayah 63 - But most of the people don't use their intellect...... Why is this being said here ? Select one
  • People say they believe in Allah however there is a contradiction in their deeds
  • People are ignorant and don't know about Allah
  • People are not sure about who sends the rain from the sky

Question 2

Life is nothing but amusement and play, it is the life of the Akhirah that is the Real life. What lesson do you learn ? Select one or more
  • No matter what situation, happiness or grief, one shouldn't be distracted from the Akhirah
  • This duniya is temporary and the Akhirah is eternal
  • The life of this world is everlasting

Question 3

Ayah 66 - very shortly they will know Who are "They" ? Select one or more
  • 1. Those who remember Allah only in times of difficulty and as soon as the difficulty is removed from them, they return to their kufur.
  • Those who are ungrateful and give the credit to others, when in reality it was Allah who removed them out of the difficulty.
  • Those who pray extra at times of difficulty

Question 4

Ayah 69 - As for those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them to Our ways. What does this mean ? Select one or more
  • Hidaya is only in the hands of Allah.
  • Allah will give opportunities, Taufeeq to do more good
  • Allah will guide them to that which they do not know

Question 5

The Romans were defeated in 616 AD by the Persians , but in 624 they were victorious. (True or False )
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Bid'ii Si'neen is the number between 3 - 15 years (True or false)
  • True
  • False

Question 7

On that day the believers will rejoice. Which day is this ? Select one
  • Conquest of Macca
  • Battle of Uhad
  • Battle of Badr

Question 8

What are the two types of illm ? Select one
  • Illm of deen and akhirah
  • Illm of Haqiqi and zahir
  • Illm of deen and ghaib

Question 9

But most people have the apparent illm (True or false )
  • True
  • False

Question 10

What lessons do you learn from ayah 8 and 9 Select one or more
  • We have a purpose in life
  • We are here only for a specified time
  • But most of the people are ghafil about the akhirah

Question 11

What goes around, comes around. (True or false)
  • True
  • False

Question 12

Allah says, it is Allah Who originates the creation, then repeats it. What is the lesson in it ? Select one
  • No deed is ignored , accountability is for sure
  • Allah is the creator
  • We must believe in resurrection

Question 13

Rawdha is the name of a river in Jannah (True or false )
  • True
  • False

Question 14

The Azab will be presented to those who ( ayah 16 ) Select one
  • Associated partners to Allah
  • Rejected faith
  • Deny the faith, revelations and meeting of the hereafter

Question 15

How can one save himself from the Azab( ayah 17 -18 ) Select one
  • Tasbih and Salah
  • Give a lot of charity
  • Believe in Allah
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