Taleem Quran English Quiz 63


Taleem Quran English Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

When we support someone who is doing the work of deen, we get the reward of whatever amal he does.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

When we spend in the way of Allah, we are not investing money in the causes that will continue to bring us rewards even after our death.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

What is the root word and the meaning of سِرًّ۬ا?
  • س ر ر - secret
  • س س ر - secret
  • ر س ر - secret

Question 4

What is the root word and the meaning of أُحۡصِرُواْ
  • ح ص ر - to surround / restricted / to confine something or someone so that they are unable to go around.
  • ص ح ر - to surround / restricted / to confine something or someone so that they are unable to go around.
  • ح ر ص - to surround / restricted / to confine something or someone so that they are unable to go around.

Question 5

What are the two types of guidance?
  • To instruct, to teach, to inform
  • To give the ability to do good
  • No ability to do any good
  • Not To instruct, nor to teach, nor to inform

Question 6

How is it good to give charity openly?
  • If we do it with right intentions, it will motivate others to spend in the way of Allah
  • If we do it without right intentions, it will motivate others to spend in the way of Allah
  • If we do it with right intentions, it will never motivate others to spend in the way of Allah

Question 7

Who are wrong doers?
  • The one who makes vows but doesn't fulfill it, Spends extravagantly, Wastes money, Spends in sinful ways, Corrupted intentions followed by mann, Azaa and Riyaa.
  • The one who makes vows and fulfill it, does not Spends extravagantly, do not Wastes money, Spends in righteous ways, and with righteous intentions
  • The one who does not vows , Spends extravagantly, Wastes money, Spends in sinful ways, Corrupted intentions followed by mann, Azaa and Riyaa.

Question 8

Mention two types of people in ayah 272?
  • One who spends too much time to buy things (spending more time in researching about the cheap and best products).
  • Not wasting time and buying expensive thing which can even be bought in less price.
  • Wasting time and buying expensive thing which can even be bought in less price.
  • One who do not spends too much time to buy things (spending no time in researching about the cheap and best products).

Question 9

What is the foundation of Hikmah?
  • Fear of Allah. When a person fears Allah, he will have hikmah because he knows that he is answerable to Allah for all his actions.
  • No Fear of Allah. When a person doesn't fears Allah, he will have hikmah because he knows that he is not answerable to Allah for all his actions.
  • Fear of Allah. When a person fears Allah, he will have hikmah because he knows that he is not at all answerable to Allah for all his actions.

Question 10

Why is Hikmah considered to be excessive goodness ?
  • Because this person can accomplish much more.
  • Because this person can be more effective and more productive.
  • Because this person can get better results with same amount of resources.
  • Because this person can send extravagantly
  • Because this person can waste his time
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