CDFM Module 2 Practice Questions


CDMA Government Quiz on CDFM Module 2 Practice Questions, created by Darius R Hinton on 29/03/2017.
Darius R Hinton
Quiz by Darius R Hinton, updated more than 1 year ago
Darius R Hinton
Created by Darius R Hinton over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What law identifies the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the Senior ranking member of the Armed Forces?
  • National Security Act of 1947
  • Goldwater-Nichols DoD Reorganization Act of 1986
  • National Defense Authorization Act of 1945

Question 2

The military operational chain of command runs from the President to whom?
  • Secretary of Defense
  • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Question 3

The Commanders of the Combatant Commands are responsible to [blank_start]whom[blank_end] for accomplishing the assigned military mission.
  • the SECDEF
  • the Chairman, JCS
  • the Department Heads

Question 4

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal military advisor to which officials and or organizations?
  • The President
  • The National Security Council (NSC)
  • the SECDEF
  • Congress

Question 5

The [blank_start]President[blank_end] serves as the Chairman of the National Security Council.
  • President
  • Chairman, JCS
  • Director of Homeland Security

Question 6

Name the three major phases of the PPBE process that result in the DoD portion of the President's Budget that is submitted to Congress?
  • Planning
  • Programming
  • Budgeting
  • Execution

Question 7

[blank_start]What[blank_end] is the name of the process used by DoD to determine the dollar amounts for programs to be submitted to Congress as part of the President's Budget.
  • PPBE

Question 8

What is the title of the senior OSD official responsible for the planning phase of the PPBE process?
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Policy USD (P)
  • Director, Cost Assessment and Performance Evaluation (D, CAPE)
  • Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) USD (C)

Question 9

What is the title of the senior OSD official responsible for issuing programming guidance?
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Policy USD(P)
  • Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) USD(C)
  • Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation D, CAPE

Question 10

What is the title of the senior OSD official who is the principal advisor and assistant to the SECDEF for budget and fiscal matters?
  • Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation D,CAPE
  • Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P))
  • Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) USD(C)

Question 11

The Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics) serve as the Chairman of the [blank_start]Defense Acquisition Board.[blank_end]
  • Defense Acquisition Board.
  • Deputy's Management Action Group.
  • 3 Star Program Review Group.

Question 12

Assume today's date is 1 March 2014 and your organization knows about a new project requirement that will require its initial funding in FY 2021. What is the first PPBE-related document in which you could identify resources for that requirement?
  • Program Objective Memorandum (POM)
  • Budget Estimation Submission (BES)
  • Integrated Priority List (IPL)

Question 13

What is the title of the final document of the planning phase?
  • Integrated Priority List (IPL)
  • Resource Management Decision (RMD)
  • Joint Planning Document (JPD)
  • Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)

Question 14

[blank_start]What[blank_end] is the title of the document prepared by the D, CAPE and USD(C) in the May to June time frame that provides guidance to Components for preparation of their POM and BES submissions.
  • Integrated Program/Budget Review Guidanc
  • Program Objective Memorandum
  • Portoflio Review

Question 15

Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) is the name of the automated database that summarizes all forces, resources, and equipment associated with programs approved by the Secretary of Defense.
  • True
  • False

Question 16

What is the phase of the PPBE process in which programmatic decisions are translated into requested resources in an appropriations format?
  • Planning
  • Programming
  • Budgeting
  • Execution

Question 17

What is the name of the document prepared by the Joint Staff after its review of POMs submitted by the Military Departments that focuses on the balance and capabilities contained in those POMS?
  • Integrated Priority List (IPL)
  • Portfolio Review
  • Issue Papers
  • Chariman's Program Assessment (CPA)

Question 18

Following review of a Component's budget submission and a potential budget hearing in the fall timeframe, the reviewing USD(C) budget analyst prepares a draft document that is submitted to the DEPSECDEF or SECDEF for a decision. Once signed by one of those senior officials, what is that document called?
  • Resource Management Decision (RMD)
  • Issue Paper
  • Budget Estimate System (BES)

Question 19

After all resource-related decisions have been made by the DEPSECDEF or SECDEF to determine the Defense portion of the President's Budget, the USD(C) posts final decisions into a database in the proper appropriation account format. What is the title of that database?
  • Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
  • Comptroller's Information Systems (CIS)

Question 20

Advance Procurement is an exception to what funding policy?
  • Annual Funding Policy
  • Incremental Funding Policy
  • Full Funding Policy

Question 21

There are two primary methods, [blank_start]expense[blank_end] and [blank_start]investment[blank_end], by which DoD obligates the vast majority of its appropriations.
  • expense
  • investment

Question 22

Assume an agency has issued an Economy Act order to another Federal agency for specific services, the cited appropriation has gone into an expired status, and the servicing agency has neither provided the ordered services nor has entered into an authorized contract with another entity to provide the ordered services. The agency cannot deobligate the funds.
  • True
  • False

Question 23

[blank_start]Transfer of funds[blank_end] is the term used for shifting funds between appropriations.
  • Transfer of funds

Question 24

What is the long -term financial goal of a working capital fund?
  • Make a profit
  • Break Even
  • No goals

Question 25

A working capital fund has an officer (O-4) properly assigned to the organization and that officer is doing the work that would normally be performed by a GS-13. For managerial cost accounting purposes, is the "cost" of that officer's pay and benefits "charged" at the military O-4 rate or the civilian GS-13 rate?
  • O-4 Rate
  • GS-13 Civilian Rate

Question 26

Assume your organization overpaid a contractor on a contract awarded with an appropriation that is now in the cancelled status, and the contractor has sent in a check for that overpayment. What can your organization legally do with that refund from the contractor?
  • Reduce the total amount of obligations and outlays recorded for the year.
  • Record the refund as an adjustment to the expired account
  • Credit the refund to the Miscellaneous Receipts of the Treasury.

Question 27

Monies not appropriated by Congress that are generated primarily from the sale of goods and services are known as what?
  • Defense Working Capital Funds
  • Non Appropriated Funds
  • Appropriated Funds

Question 28

Fill in the blanks.
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Navy
  • Army
  • Marine Corps
  • Coast Guard
  • Marine Corps
  • Air Force
  • Navy
  • Marine Corps
  • Coast Guard
  • Air Force
  • Coast Guard
  • Navy
  • Marine Corps
  • Department of the Army
  • Department of Defense
  • Army Department
  • War Department
  • Department of Defense
  • War Department
  • Department of the Navy
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of the Air Force
  • National Military Establishment
  • Department of Defense
  • War Department
  • National Military Establishment
  • National Security Council
  • Department of the Airforce
  • Department of Defense

Question 29

Label the diagram.
  • Planning
  • Programming
  • Budgeting
  • Defense Progrmamming Guidance
  • BES
  • POM
  • FYDP Update
  • Strategic Portfolio Reviews
  • NSS
  • Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG)
  • National Military Strategy (NMS)
  • Joint Planning Document
  • Pre-POM Development
  • Chairman's Program Assessment (CPA)
  • Resource Management Decisions RMD
  • Resource Management Decision RMD
  • President's Budget

Question 30

A key DoD principal is the [blank_start]USD(C),[blank_end] who as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Defense, acts as resource consultant and advisor the Secretary of Defense, as well as manager and arbiter of the Defense resource management process.
  • USD(C),
  • USD(P),
  • Director Financial Management
  • D, CAPE,

Question 31

The OSD is the principal staff element used by the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense to exercise authority, direction and control over the Department of Defense. It includes the offices of the Under Secretaries:
  • Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
  • Policy
  • Personnel and Readiness
  • Comptroller
  • Intelligence
  • Human Resources

Question 32

Who are the standing Principal Members of the National Security Council?
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary of Defense
  • Secretary of State
  • Secretary of Energy
  • Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Director of National Intelligence
  • Secretary of Treasury
  • Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Chief of Staff to the President

Question 33

Who are the National Security Council Statutory Advisers?
  • Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Director of National Intelligence
  • Secretary of Treasury
  • Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Chief of Staff to the President
  • Secretary of Homeland Security
  • The Attorney General

Question 34

Who are the standing Participants on the National Security Counsel?
  • Secretary of Treasury
  • Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
  • Chief of Staff to the President
  • Counsel to the President
  • Secretary of Homeland Security
  • The Attorney General
  • Representatives of the USA to the UN
  • Other cabinet and government officials at President's Request
  • Secretary of Defense

Question 35

The [blank_start]National Security Strategy[blank_end] emerges from the National Security Council.
  • National Security Strategy
  • Quadrennial Defense Review
  • National Defense Guidance
  • Defense Strategic Guidance

Question 36

The Quadrennial Defense Review is required by law to be submitted to Congress in February of the year the President takes office.
  • True
  • False

Question 37

The National Military Strategy addresses objectives in the DoD Strategic Plan that require a military response. It is developed by:
  • Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Secretary of Defense
  • President
  • Combatant Commanders
  • National Security Council

Question 38

Both the JCS and Combatant Commanders play a major part in the planning phase PPBE. The Joint Staff develop the [blank_start]National Military Strategy[blank_end] from which the [blank_start]Defense Planning guidance[blank_end] is developed. Each Combatant Commander prepares an [blank_start]Integrated Priority List[blank_end] of resource requirements that are prioritized across service lines.
  • National Military Strategy
  • Defense Planning guidance
  • Integrated Priority List

Question 39

What are the three key support systems that must work in concert to ensure consistent decision making while delivering timely cost effective capability solutions to the warfighter community?
  • PPBE Process
  • Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
  • Defense Acquisition System (DAS)
  • Deputy Management Action Group

Question 40

The [blank_start]JCIDS[blank_end] is a systematic method established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to assess gaps in the military joint warfighting capabilities and to recommend solutions to fill these gaps.
  • Defense Acquisition System
  • Deputy's Management Action Group

Question 41

The final document in the planning phase is the _________________________ , which promulgates Defense policy, strategy, force planning, resource planning, and fiscal guidance.
  • Defense Planning Guidance
  • Joint Planning Document
  • Military Departments' Long Range Plans
  • Integrated Priority List

Question 42

The planning process begins about [blank_start]a year and a half[blank_end] in advance of the fiscal year in which the budget authority will be requested.
  • a year and a half
  • a year
  • two years
  • six months

Question 43

Combatant Commands submit their Program Objective Memorandum (POM) and Budget Estimate Submission (BES) directly to OSD.
  • True
  • False

Question 44

The Joint Staff conducts a review of the POMs at the same time the OSD staff is conducting its review. The review focuses on the balance and capabilities of the forces contained in the POMs. What is the title of this review?
  • Chairman's Program Assessment (CPA)
  • Programmatic Issues and Program Review
  • Strategic Portfolio Review

Question 45

Place the correct document title on the description.
  • Integrated Priority List
  • Defense Planning Guidance
  • Program Objective Memorandum
  • Issue Books (IB)
  • Resource Management Decision (RMD)
  • Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
  • Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
  • Comptroller Information Systems (CIS)
  • President's Budget

Question 46

Place the appropriation category on the description/attributes.
  • MILPERS and O&M
  • Research, Devlopment, Test, & Evaluation
  • Procurement
  • Shipbuilding (SCN) & MILCON

Question 47

The [blank_start]Full[blank_end] Funding Policy applies to O&M and MILPERS. The intent is provide only those funds required to obligate for expenses associated with normal operations of DoD activities for a 12 month period.
  • Full
  • Annual
  • Incremental
  • Continuous

Question 48

The [blank_start]Incremental[blank_end] Funding Policy applies to RDT&E. This policy provides only those fund required for work in a given fiscal year are to be included in the RDT&E budget request for the fiscal year.
  • Incremental
  • Full
  • Annual
  • Partial

Question 49

The rule governing the computation for procurement and military construction appropriations is called the [blank_start]full[blank_end] funding policy.
  • full
  • incremental
  • annual

Question 50

[blank_start]Advanced Procurement[blank_end] can be described as funds to procure certain components, material, or effort in advance of the end item buy, to preclude serious and costly fluctuation in program continuity. It may be used to maintain critical skills that would otherwise be lost between [blank_start]Engineering and Manufacturing[blank_end] Development and Full-Rate Production and or to protect the schedule by providing necessary components at the right time for incorporation into the production of the weapon system. The authorization for the use of [blank_start]advance procurement[blank_end] funds limits the [blank_start]Milestone Decision Authority's[blank_end] flexibility so it should only be used when the economic benefits are significant.
  • Advanced Procurement
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • advance procurement
  • Milestone Decision Authority's

Question 51

What is defined as the process, planning and ultimate contract but which the government may contract for the purchase of supplies or services for more than one, but normally not more than five program years?
  • Multiyear Procurement
  • Advanced Procurement
  • Extended Procurement

Question 52

Enter the number of years that correspond to the status of funds (columns) and the appropriation.
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5
  • 10
  • 10
  • 8
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5
  • 7
  • 6
  • 6

Question 53

If an appropriation is a CURRENT phase, it is available for new obligations, increased scope on existing obligations, payments and adjustments.
  • True
  • False

Question 54

If an appropriation is in an Expired phase, it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE for payments and adjustments to existing obligations made when account was "current".
  • True
  • False

Question 55

If an appropriation is in CANCELLED status, it is available to make adjustments to and expenditures to liquidate previously made obligations.
  • True
  • False

Question 56

What are the most common types of obligation documents?
  • Contracts
  • Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs)
  • Memorandum of Agreement

Question 57

A [blank_start]project order[blank_end] is used to order work or services from another DoD entity for effort that extends beyond the fiscal year for maintenance or production. [blank_start]Economy Act Orders[blank_end] are intragovernmental orders that will produce a useful service or item by the end of the fiscal year. The unexecuted portion of the order must be deobligated when the cited appropriation expires.
  • project order
  • Economy Act Orders

Question 58

When the funds are shifted within the same appropriation account, it is a [blank_start]reprogramming[blank_end] action. When the funds are shifted between appropriation accounts, it is a [blank_start]transfer[blank_end] action.
  • reprogramming
  • transfer

Question 59

Place the reprogramming and transfer of funds limits along with the level of control and obligation available amounts on the chart.
  • $10M
  • $15M
  • Lesser of $2M or 25%
  • Lesser of $20M or 20%
  • Lesser of $10M or 20%
  • Budget Activity
  • Budget Activity or Defense Agency
  • Program Element
  • Line Item
  • Project

Question 60

[blank_start]Stock Funds[blank_end] dealt with procuring material in volume from commercial sources and holding it in inventory. [blank_start]Industrial Funds[blank_end] were funds that provided industrial and commercial goods and services, such as depot maintenance, transportation, and research and development.
  • Stock Funds
  • Industrial Funds

Question 61

During the five-year period in which accounts remain in an expired state, obligations may be adjusted upward or downward and disbursements made.
  • True
  • False

Question 62

[blank_start]Category A[blank_end] - [blank_start]Mission Sustaining Programs[blank_end] - These programs are considered most essential in meeting the organizational objectives of the Military Services. The programs shall be supported almost entirely with appropriated funds (APF) with the use of NAF limited to specific instances where APF are prohibited or where NAF is essential for the operation of a facility or program. [blank_start]Category B[blank_end] - [blank_start]Community Support Programs[blank_end] - These programs satisfy the basic physiological and psychological needs of Service members and families, providing, to the extent possible, the community support systems that make DoD installations temporary home towns for a mobile military population. [blank_start]Category C[blank_end] - [blank_start]Revenue Generating Programs[blank_end] - Activities in this group have the business capability of generating income to cover most of their operating expenses, but lack the ability to sustain themselves based purely on their business activity.
  • Category A
  • Mission Sustaining Programs
  • Category B
  • Community Support Programs
  • Category C
  • Revenue Generating Programs

Question 63

The Defense Acquisition System is the management process that guides DoD acquisition programs and is basically the process by which programmatic risk is managed. What are the three programmatic risks that must be successfully managed?
  • Schedule, Performance, Cost
  • Schedule, Cost, Scope
  • Quality, Cost, Schedule

Question 64

What are the appropriations that may be used to fund an acquisition program?
  • RDT&E
  • Procurement
  • O&M

Question 65

What is the acquisition approach that delivers capability to the war fighter in a set of increments spread over time - with a known desired end-state capability - rather than in a single effort, because technology is not yet available to provide that end-state capability?
  • Evolutionary Acquisition
  • Rapid Acquisition
  • Advanced Acquisition
  • Modern Acquisition

Question 66

What is the term used to describe dollars shown in the life-cycle cost estimate wherein the effects of inflation are not considered?
  • Constant Year Dollars
  • Current Year Dollars
  • Future Year Dollars
  • Annual Stabilized Dollars

Question 67

What is the term used to describe dollars used for programming and budgeting purposes wherein the effects of inflation are considered?
  • Current Year Dollars
  • Constant Year Dollars
  • Future Year Dollars
  • Standard Year Dollars

Question 68

What cost structure does MIL-STD-881C represent?
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)
  • Top Down Structure

Question 69

[blank_start]Cost as an Independent Variable[blank_end] is the concept is based on the axiom that the best time to reduce cost is early in the process.
  • Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV)
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Engineering Approach
  • Analogy Approach

Question 70

Which cost estimating method is based on direct comparison with historical information of one similar system?
  • Analogy Approach
  • Parametric Approach
  • Engineering Approach
  • Actuals

Question 71

Which cost estimating method is known as a statistical top-down method?
  • Analogy Approach
  • Parametric Approach
  • Engineering Approach
  • Expert Opinion

Question 72

Which cost estimating method requires extensive knowledge other product or process?
  • Analogy Approach
  • Parametric Approach
  • Engineering Approach
  • Expert Opinion

Question 73

What are the methods/steps in conducting the Delphi Technique ? 1. [blank_start]____________[blank_end] 2. [blank_start]____________[blank_end] 3. [blank_start]____________[blank_end] 4. [blank_start]____________[blank_end] 5. [blank_start]____________[blank_end]
  • Query Expert Opinion
  • Seek supporting rationale
  • Summarize Results
  • Gather 2nd Opinion
  • Continue iteration until concensus

Question 74

[blank_start]What[blank_end] is the theory that as the quantity of output doubles, the man-hours required to produce the quantity decreases at a fixed rate.
  • Learning Curve Theory

Question 75

What is the name of the integrated management tool intended to relate contract actual performance on a contract to the contractor's planned cost and schedule, that measures the work progress in objective terms, and that states the value of the work completed in dollars?
  • Earned Value Management System (EVMS)
  • Parametric Approach
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Schedule Comparison Analysis

Question 76

What is the EVM-related term when there is a difference between budgeted cost of work performance (BCWP) and actual cost of work performed (ACWP) on a cost reimbursable contract?
  • Cost Variance
  • Schedule Variance
  • Cost imbalance
  • Cost Discrepancy

Question 77

[blank_start]Cost-benefit Analysis[blank_end] is a systematic approach to the problem of choosing the best method of allocating scarce resource to achieve a given objective.
  • Cost-benefit Analysis
  • Economic Analysis
  • Earned Value Management System

Question 78

Which of the below are examples of Quantifiable Benefits?
  • Cost Savings
  • Cost Avoidance
  • Performance Improvement
  • Repeatability

Question 79

[blank_start]Mean[blank_end] is the arithmetic average. [blank_start]Mode[blank_end] is the most frequent score in a distribution of scores. [blank_start]Median[blank_end] is the middle of arrayed values.
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Mean

Question 80

[blank_start]Correlation[blank_end] measures the degree of relationship between two or more variables.
  • Correlation

Question 81

For a perfect correlation to exist, what would be the coefficient?
  • 1
  • 0
  • 2
  • 100

Question 82

When evaluating a proposed investment or project with costs and benefits occurring not only in the current year but also future years, it is necessary to "bring back to today's dollars" all those costs and benefits. What is the process determining?
  • Net Present Value
  • Present Value
  • Total Cost
  • Variable Cost

Question 83

Place the DoD Decision Support Systems in the correct bubble given their oversight.
  • PPBEs
  • Defense Acquisition Management System

Question 84

The [blank_start]JCIDS[blank_end] is a systematic method established by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for assessing gaps in military joint warfighting capabilities and recommending solutions to resolve these gaps.
  • PPBEs
  • JROC
  • DAMS

Question 85

Fill in the blanks using the titles and terms below.
  • Initial Capabilities Document
  • Material Development Decision
  • Material Solution Analysis
  • Technology Development
  • Capability Development Document
  • Post CDR
  • Engineering & Manufacturing Development
  • Capability Production Document
  • Production and Deployment
  • Operations & Support
  • Full Rate Production Decision Review
  • Pre-Systems Acquisition
  • Systems Acquisition
  • Sustainment

Question 86

Pick the overarching Acquisition policy that matches the description: [blank_start]Flexibility.[blank_end] There is no best way to structure a program. Strategies and oversight shall be tailored to fir the particular conditions of the program [blank_start]Responsiveness.[blank_end] Advanced technology should be integrated at the earliest possible time. [blank_start]Innovation.[blank_end] Initiatives and practices that reduce cycle time and cost should be adopted and teamwork should be encouraged. [blank_start]Discipline.[blank_end] The program should comply with applicable statutes and regulations and program goals should be identified in terms of cost, schedule and performance parameters. [blank_start]Streamlined and Effective Management.[blank_end] Responsibilities should be decentralized and credibility of cost, schedule, and performance reporting maximized.
  • Flexibility.
  • Responsiveness.
  • Innovation.
  • Discipline.
  • Streamlined and Effective Management.

Question 87

The foundation of a sound and credible cost estimate is a well-defined program; it is essential to know the details of what is to constitute that acquisition program in order to prepare a valid estimate of its lifecycle cost. The document used to capture that detailed information is known as the [blank_start]Cost Analysis Requirements Description.[blank_end]
  • Cost Analysis Requirements Description.
  • Initial Capabilities Document
  • Capabilities Development Document
  • Capability Production Document

Question 88

Match the life cycle cost categories to the description: [blank_start]Research & Development.[blank_end] Costs of all research and development, from program initiation through the Full Rate Production Decision. [blank_start]Investment.[blank_end] Total cost of procuring the prime equipment; related support equipment, initial training, initial and war reserve spares, pre-planned product improvements, and military construction. [blank_start]Operations and Support.[blank_end] Direct and indirect costs incurred in using the system, e.g. personnel maintenance, and sustaining investment. [blank_start]Disposal.[blank_end] Includes demilitarization, detoxification, long-term waste storage, environmental restoration, and related costs.
  • Research & Development.
  • Investment.
  • Operations and Support.
  • Disposal.

Question 89

For ACAT I programs, there are normally three life cycle cost estimates prepared: 1. The initial cost estimate is normally done by the [blank_start]Program Management Office[blank_end]. This initial Estimate is known as the [blank_start]Program Office Estimate[blank_end] 2. The second cost estimate is normally done by the [blank_start]Service/Component Cost Analysis Agency[blank_end], who is independent of the acquisition chain of command. This estimate is known as the [blank_start]Component Cost Estimate.[blank_end] 3. The third cost estimate is normally done by the [blank_start]D, CAPE[blank_end]. This estimate is know as the [blank_start]Independent Cost Estimate[blank_end]. Title 10, US Code Chapter 144 Section 2434 requires that SECDEF consider an independent estimate of the lifecycle cost of a MDAP prior to granting Milestone B and C approval.
  • Program Management Office
  • Program Office Estimate
  • Service/Component Cost Analysis Agency
  • Component Cost Estimate.
  • D, CAPE
  • Independent Cost Estimate

Question 90

The [blank_start]program acquisition unit cost[blank_end] is defined by USC 2432 as the amount found by dividing the total cost for development and procurement of, and system specific military construction for, the acquisition program by the number of fully configured end items to be produced for the acquisition program. The [blank_start]average procurement unit cost[blank_end] is the amount found by dividing the total of funds programmed to be available for obligation for procurement by the number of fully-configured end items to be procured.
  • program acquisition unit cost (PAUC)
  • average procurement unit cost (APUC)
  • average procurement unit cost (APUC)
  • program acquisition unit cost (PAUC)

Question 91

[blank_start]Development Cost.[blank_end] Includes all RDT&E contract and in-house activities needed to design and test the system. Flyaway Cost. Refers to the cost of procuring prime mission equipment. [blank_start]Weapon System Cost.[blank_end] Includes costs for Prime Mission and Support Equipment, along with warranties, engineering changes, and the first destination transport costs. [blank_start]Procurement Cost.[blank_end] Includes all Weapon System Costs, plus costs for initial spares and repair parts. Used to compute APUC. [blank_start]Program Acquisition Cost.[blank_end] Refers to the complete cost of a ready-to-operate system, including Development Costs and Procurement and Facilities Costs. Used to compute PAUC. [blank_start]Operating and Support Cost.[blank_end] All costs associated with operating, modifying and maintaining and supporting a system in the DoD inventory. [blank_start]Life Cycle Cost.[blank_end] The total cost to the Government of a program over its full, useful life.
  • Development Cost.
  • Weapon System Cost.
  • Procurement Cost.
  • Program Acquisition Cost.
  • Operating and Support Cost.
  • Life Cycle Cost.

Question 92

Place the steps for the economic analysis process in the correct order: 1. [blank_start]Establish Objective[blank_end] 2. [blank_start]Formulate Assumptions[blank_end] 3. [blank_start]Identify Constraints[blank_end] 4. [blank_start]Determine/identify alternatives[blank_end] 5. [blank_start]Est. Cost & Benefits for Alternatives[blank_end] 6. [blank_start]Compare Alternatives[blank_end] 7. [blank_start]Perform Sensitivity Analysis[blank_end] 8. [blank_start]Report Results[blank_end]
  • Establish Objective
  • Est. Cost & Benefits for Alternatives
  • Formulate Assumptions
  • Identify Constraints
  • Determine/identify alternatives
  • Compare Alternatives
  • Perform Sensitivity Analysis
  • Report Results

Question 93

If Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) is less than Budgeted Cost of Work Performed the Cost Variance is: [blank_start]Favorable[blank_end]
  • Favorable
  • Unfavorable

Question 94

If the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) is more than the Budgeted Cost of Work Planned (BCWP) , the schedule variance is: [blank_start]Favorable[blank_end]
  • Favorable
  • Unfavorable

Question 95

Because it is not always known if the work done or not ye done is on the contract's critical path, it is not possible with certainty whether the contract is "behind, ahead, or on" schedule without having more information.
  • True
  • False

Question 96

What is radical redesign of key business processes that involves examination of the fundamental process itself?
  • Business Process Reengineering
  • Change Management
  • Six Sigma

Question 97

What is the process of measuring and comparing one's performance against "Best-in-class" organizations and then adapting the best practices of those organizations to improve one's own performance?
  • Benchmarking
  • Lean 6 Sigma
  • Business Process Reengineering

Question 98

In Federal agencies, how often must strategic plans required under the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 be updated? [blank_start]4 years[blank_end]
  • 4 years

Question 99

Federal agencies are required to submit to OMB and Congress several financial-related reports on an annual basis. If the agency chooses to submit a consolidated report to satisfy that requirement it is called the Performance and Accountability Report (PAR). Alternatively, the agency may submit separate financial reports. What report or reports has DoD chosen to submit to satisfy the requirement?
  • Agency Financial Report
  • Annual Performance Report
  • Summary of Performance and Financial Information
  • Annual Performance Plan

Question 100

What is the term for anything produced by an organization that can be tabulated, calculated, or recorded and can be expressed in a quantitative or qualitative measure?
  • Output
  • Input
  • Outcomes

Question 101

What is the name of the process in which the intent is to shift functions and responsibilities, in whole or in part, from the Government to the private sector? [blank_start]Privatization[blank_end]
  • Privatization
  • Outsourcing
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