Taleem Quran English quiz week 12


Taleem quran english quiz by sister Taymiyyah zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. said (mafhoom) : A person who cuts off the ties of kinship with his relatives will not enter paradise no matter how much good he did.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Which is the covenant of Allah which the disobedient people broke?
  • To follow the messengers of Allah
  • The creation's covenant with Allah to obey him
  • The covenant to follow Mohammad s.a.w. by the jews in the torah
  • To refrain from sins and from what Allah has prohibited.
  • The promise to do hajj
  • The promise to follow the leaders of the times.

Question 3

للذين ينقضؤن عهد الله من بعد ميثاقه، ؤيقطعؤن ما أمر الله به أن يؤصل ؤ يفسدؤن في الاردي..[blank_start]اؤلاءك هم الخاسرؤن[blank_end]
  • اؤلاءك هم الخاسرؤن
  • اؤلاءك هم الفلسقؤن
  • اؤلاءك هم المفسدؤن

Question 4

What are the root words and meanings of the words ينقضؤن yanqudoon and ميثاقه meethaqihi
  • ن ق ص to break ; م ص ق binding promise
  • ن ق د to break after making firm; ؤ ث ق tie tightly
  • ن ق د to tie tightly; ؤ س ق binding promise

Question 5

When a person dies his body and soul separate but the soul does not die.
  • True
  • False

Question 6

What do we learn about the creation of Allah from these ayats?
  • Allah swt has made the skies and clouds for our benefit
  • There are seven heavens
  • There are seven layers of hell
  • We can travel from one sky to another
  • Allah swt made us from nothing
  • We were created to worship Allah
  • Allah swt created the earth for us and then he created the heaven from smoke.

Question 7

What are the plural of faasiq and khaasir?
  • Fasiqoon ; khasiroon
  • Fasiqeen; khasireen
  • Fasiqeen; khasiroon

Question 8

Which of the following are we NOT allowed ?
  • Not talk to our relatives who did wrong to us.
  • Call our relatives often
  • Distribute wealth with equality as per shariah
  • Not talk to our brother for more than 3 days
  • talk to our neighbours
  • Not be good to the mushrikeen
  • Be Al waasil

Question 9

Translate the following word to word: ثم استؤا الا السماء فسؤاهن سبع سماؤات؛ ؤهؤ بكل شء عليم
  • Then he rose over/ turned towards the sky then he levelled them ;seven skies ;and he with every thing always all knowing.
  • Then he rose over the sky and he levelled them and he is always all knowing .

Question 10

How is Allah swt ال عليم ( Al AAleem) ?
  • Allah knows our speech , actions and feelings.
  • He knows what is within our hearts.
  • He knows what we Will do in future.
  • Allah swt's knowledge is all encompassing
  • We can hide from Allah
  • We will not be answerable to Allah for our actions.
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