Question 1
How do you spell RON in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ר[blank_end] [blank_start]ו[blank_end] [blank_start]ן[blank_end]
Question 2
How do you spell ZER in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ז[blank_end] [blank_start]ר[blank_end]
Question 3
How do you spell DO in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ד[blank_end] [blank_start]ו[blank_end]
Question 4
How do you spell RED in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ר[blank_end] [blank_start]ד[blank_end]
Question 5
How do you spell ZED in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ז[blank_end] [blank_start]ד[blank_end]
Question 6
How do you spell ROZ in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ר[blank_end] [blank_start]ו[blank_end] [blank_start]ז[blank_end]
Question 7
How do you spell ZEN in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ז[blank_end] [blank_start]ן[blank_end]
Question 8
How do you spell DAN in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ד[blank_end] [blank_start]ן[blank_end]
Question 9
How do you spell ZO in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ז[blank_end] [blank_start]ו[blank_end]
Question 10
How do you spell DIR in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ד[blank_end] [blank_start]י[blank_end] [blank_start]ר[blank_end]
Question 11
How do you spell RADIO in Hebrew?
(remember to drag the first letter you want to the left-most space, the second letter to the space to the right of it, etc). They'll end up displayed correctly right-to-left)
[blank_start]ר[blank_end] [blank_start]ד[blank_end] [blank_start]י[blank_end] [blank_start]ו[blank_end]