DQE Quiz Week #4 By Sister Maryam Saeed


Daura quran English by sister Maryam Saeed
alhudasisters.ce Admin
Quiz by alhudasisters.ce Admin, updated more than 1 year ago
alhudasisters.ce Admin
Created by alhudasisters.ce Admin about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Our goal is to make Allah swt happy with us.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Which of the following are true?
  • Allah swt knows what is in our hearts.
  • Allah swt knows when we are making excuses or being lazy.
  • We have to be seekers of knowledge of quran and sunnah
  • Our company does not matter as long as we are good
  • Dont accept anything in exchange for charity
  • Either be muhajireen for the sake of Allah or be ansar (helpers)
  • We can accept Islam for its numerous benefits
  • Charity wipes off sins if we repent as well
  • Intention does not matter in giving charity

Question 3

What should we do when we have sinned?
  • We should make sincere tauba
  • Resolve never to repeat the sin and make dua for help of Allah
  • Pray salat ul tauba casually
  • Pray salat ut tauba sincerely
  • Give charity to erase sins
  • Stop others from sinning as well by advising them
  • Tell people about our sins
  • Cry out to Allah
  • Be hopeful of Allah swt's forgiveness.
  • Become obstinate

Question 4

For those believers who mix right and wrong deeds Allah swt does not promise jannah but its upto Allah whether he will punish them or forgive them
  • True
  • False

Question 5

Which believers are promised glad tidings feom Allah swt?
  • Attaiboon: the repentant
  • Al abidoon: the worshippers
  • Al hamidoon: the praisers of Allah
  • As saihoon: travellers for the sake of Allah
  • Ar rakioon: those who submit /bow down
  • As sajidoon: those who submit completely /prostrate
  • Those who enjoin righteousness
  • Those who forbid from truth
  • Those who guard the limits set by Allah
  • Those who preach good but dont follow

Question 6

How can we stay away from haram?
  • In thoughts
  • In rizq/ food/ clothing etc
  • In livelihood
  • In actions
  • Lower our gaze
  • Do not display our assets
  • By wasting time
  • Through procrastination/ delay
  • By being heedless
  • Making dua for guidance alongwith conscious efforts

Question 7

How can we give the rights of the quran?
  • By highlighting ayats and making notes
  • By keeping neatly and tidily on the shelf
  • Using it as guidance, cure and healing for hearts through reading bits and parts
  • Using quran as guidance, healing and cure by reciting, memorizing, understanding and implementing completely.

Question 8

All prophets were severely tested as are righteous believers.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

What lessons can we take for ourselves feom the stories of the prophets?
  • Patience even in the worst of trials
  • Well wishing for all people
  • Humility and complete submission to Allah
  • Dawah with sabr and consistency and faith and hope for Allah's reward.
  • Turn to allah for everything
  • Haya and modesty
  • Devout worship without the slightest shirk
  • Perfect tauheed
  • Making mistakes is human.we have to turn to allah for forgiveness
  • Forgiving others and not revengeful.

Question 10

Jealousy is a destroyer of good deeds and even families.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

What do we learn about modesty from the ayats of the quran?
  • Haya is part of faith
  • Haya comes from fear of Allah/ Taqwa
  • Modesty is restraining from evil even when we are alone
  • We should keep our reputation clear but not argue with fools
  • Hasbonallah: Allah helps the truthful ones and clears their reputation
  • Don't do tabarruj: display of beauty and ornaments etc.
  • Walk enticingly, clapping the heels
  • Talk sweetly and softly with everyone
  • Protect the eyes, ears and heart and mind etc from lust and evil.
  • Defame careless women.

Question 12

What do we learn about the creation of Allah? Tick the correct options.
  • Allah swt has created the vast heavens and earth with ease with its mountains and birds and beasts and has made everything in pairs.
  • Allah swt has created vast oceans with life in it and also the water cycle takes place according to the need of the creation
  • The believer is like a date palm tree
  • The believer is also like a honey bee taking in good and producing good.
  • The mushrik is like a fly which sits on filth and spreads desease.
  • Allah swt knows the number, place death , birth , provision: past, present and future of every creature on earth
  • Most of mankind is grateful to Allah.
  • The thunder does tasbeeh of Allah swt as does the entire creation.
  • For Allah creation is easy. He creates out of nothing.
  • We are allowed to dulpicate the creation of man through drawings and paintings.

Question 13

We should eat good and tayyib and be like a [blank_start]fruitful tree[blank_end] spreading khair.
  • fruitful tree
  • branched tree
  • fruitless tree
  • barren earth

Question 14

Which of the following should we do? Tick the correct options
  • Fear acceptance of good deeds
  • Give charity secretly
  • Forgive those who wrong us
  • Pray sincerely
  • Give up dunya for the akhirah
  • Believe in divine decree
  • Migrate from sins towards good deeds and from evil company to righteous company
  • Purify our hearts
  • Make our nafs strong
  • Respond to the call of the messenger s.a.w

Question 15

Guidance is only for those who seek it and strive and pray for it.
  • True
  • False

Question 16

Checkmark the correct boxes
  • Every message sent to us by Allah is easy for us to understand and implement.
  • The key to happiness is Istaghfar and alhamdulillah ( shukr and praise of Allah )
  • Remember Allah often
  • Allah swt does not accept worship done with arrogance
  • Some people will have great good deeds which will be light on the scale because of the sins they did in private
  • We can turn towards Allah when we see his signs
  • Correcting our salah is most important amal.prolong ruku and sujood
  • Oppression is a small crime
  • Seek goodness through salah and patience
  • We can stay away from relatives who do not practice Islam

Question 17

If we do good its for ourselves and if we do evil it will affect others
  • True
  • False

Question 18

Which of the following are stern restrictions / prohibitions from Allah?
  • Do not kill children for fear of poverty
  • Dont kill anyone
  • Don't come near zina
  • Be a spendthrift
  • Don't be a miser
  • Don't consume orphans wealth
  • Dont lie about Allah
  • Cheat and be deceitful in business
  • Dont say about Allah of that which you have no knowlege
  • Be grateful

Question 19

Surah Kahf shows us the trials of the following : Tick the correct ones
  • Trial of power
  • Trial of knowledge
  • Trial of wealth
  • Trial of faith
  • Trial of beauty
  • Trial of family life
  • Trial of health

Question 20

Whosoever choses to stay reckless in this world will be resurrected [blank_start]blind[blank_end] on the day of judgement.
  • blind
  • black
  • reckless
  • crying
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