Research Methods Quiz


A Level Psychology Quiz on Research Methods Quiz, created by Jordan van Steenderen on 29/06/2017.
Jordan van Steenderen
Quiz by Jordan van Steenderen, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordan van Steenderen
Created by Jordan van Steenderen about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Nominal data is when data only belongs to [blank_start]distinct categories.[blank_end] Ordinal data is when data can be [blank_start]ranked.[blank_end] Interval data is when data is taken from [blank_start]measurements with a set unit.[blank_end]
  • distinct categories.
  • bar graphs
  • ranked
  • alphabetised
  • measurements with a set unit.
  • measurements with specific scales.

Question 2

A Type I error occurs when you wrongfully accept the [blank_start]experimental[blank_end] hypothesis and reject the [blank_start]null[blank_end] hypothesis. A Type II error occurs when you wrongfully accept the [blank_start]null[blank_end] hypothesis and reject the [blank_start]experimental[blank_end] hypothesis. A Type I error is an error of [blank_start]optimism.[blank_end] A Type II error is an error of [blank_start]pessimism.[blank_end]
  • experimental
  • null
  • null
  • experimental
  • null
  • experimental
  • experimental
  • null
  • optimism.
  • pessimism.
  • pessimism.
  • optimism.

Question 3

This question is about types of reliability. Producing the same results each time the test/study is carried out? [blank_start]External[blank_end] This is concerned with consistency within a test? [blank_start]Internal[blank_end] reliability. When 2 or more observers produce the same record of observations? [blank_start]Observer[blank_end] reliability.
  • External
  • Internal
  • Observer
  • Internal
  • External
  • Observer
  • Observer
  • External
  • Internal

Question 4

This question is about assessing reliability. This compares a person's performance on two halves of a test. It tests internal reliability. [blank_start]Split half method[blank_end]. This is where a test is repeated several times using the same participants. This tests external reliability. [blank_start]Test retest method[blank_end]. This is where observations of two or more observers are compared for similarity. This tests observer reliability. [blank_start]Inter rater reliability.[blank_end]
  • Split half method
  • Inter rater reliability
  • Test retest method
  • Test retest method
  • Inter rater reliability
  • Split half method
  • Inter rater reliability
  • Split half method
  • Test retest method

Question 5

This question is on improving reliability. [blank_start]Standardised procedures[blank_end]- having extremely specific set of unchanging instructions. [blank_start]Take multiple measurements[blank_end]- Take more than one, reducing the impact of anomalous results [blank_start]Train observers very carefully[blank_end]- Reduces error and subjectivity.
  • Standardised procedures
  • Take multiple measurements
  • Train observers very carefully
  • Take multiple measurements
  • Standardised procedures
  • Train observers very carefully
  • Train observers very carefully
  • Take multiple measurements
  • Standardised procedures

Question 6

[blank_start]Internal validity[blank_end] is the extent to which our findings are due to the manipulation of the IV and not other uncontrolled variables. [blank_start]Temporal validity[blank_end] is the extent to which our findings remain true over time. [blank_start]Ecological validity[blank_end] is the extent to which an experimental effect can be generalised to other situations and settings. [blank_start]Population validity[blank_end] is the to which findings can be generalised from the sample tested to other populations. [blank_start]Face validity[blank_end] is the extent to which research looks as though it is doing what it claims to on the surface level. [blank_start]Concurrent validity[blank_end] is the extent to which a new measure or instrument compares or concurs to a previously validated measure.
  • Internal validity
  • Temporal validity
  • Ecological validity
  • Population validity
  • Face validity
  • Concurrent validity
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