Gross 2 Exam 2 images - practice 2


Quiz on Gross 2 Exam 2 images - practice 2, created by Leslie Harris-Johnston on 21/08/2017.
Leslie Harris-Johnston
Quiz by Leslie Harris-Johnston, updated more than 1 year ago
Leslie Harris-Johnston
Created by Leslie Harris-Johnston almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

  • Pre-auricular/paratoid nodes
  • submental nodes
  • submandibular nodes
  • omohyoid muscle
  • jugulo-omohyoid node
  • external jugular vein
  • deep cervical nodes
  • internal jugular vein
  • superficial cervical nodes
  • jugulodigastriic node
  • mastoid nodes
  • occipital nodes

Question 2

  • right superior intercostal vein
  • opening of azygos vein into superior ven
  • azygos vein
  • right ascending lumbar vein
  • inferior vena cava
  • ascending lumbar vein
  • hemiazyygos vein
  • posterior intercostal vein
  • accessory hemiazygos vein
  • left superior intercostal vein

Question 3

  • superior anterior muscle
  • External intercostal muscle
  • internal intercostal muscle
  • innermost intercostal muscle
  • skin
  • superifical fascia
  • lung
  • pleural cavity
  • Visceral pleura
  • parietal pleura
  • Intercostal vein
  • intercostal artery
  • intercostal nerve
  • collateral branches
  • endothoracic fascia

Question 4

  • suprapleural membrane
  • cervial pleura
  • pleura around structures in root of lung
  • pulmonary ligament
  • costal part
  • mediastinal part
  • diaphragmatic part
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