Module 2: Hacking Literary Theory I


Let's get into it.
Greg Salyer, Ph.D.
Quiz by Greg Salyer, Ph.D., updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Greg Salyer, Ph.D.
Created by Greg Salyer, Ph.D. almost 7 years ago
Greg Salyer, Ph.D.
Copied by Greg Salyer, Ph.D. almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

This week I am expected to
  • begin my attempts at theoretical analysis using the Hacking Literary Theory model.
  • sleep.
  • continue doing literary criticism because literary criticism and theory are the same thing.
  • be an expert at literary theory.

Question 2

The readings are
  • Different but easy. After all, this is a literature class, and I love literature.
  • Philosophy. Why are we reading philosophy in a literature class?
  • Different and difficult, but I just need to slow down, and I'll get them.
  • Different, difficult, and incomprehensible at first. I'll need the help of my peers and the instructor to understand them.

Question 3

The course design is
  • perfect, so I'll make my way through this easily because of it.
  • not perfect, but it's good enough that I won't need any other resources.
  • horrible, and there's no help. I'm going to drop now.
  • imperfect, but there is plenty of help in the many resources to help you understand what you need to know.

Question 4

In this first module, I
  • am free to do literary criticism since that's all I know, but I will work toward understanding theoretical analysis since that's what I'm learning here.
  • am free to do literary criticism because it's the same thing as theory.
  • must get this right because I'm expected to know and apply theory correctly in Module One.
  • am already confused.

Question 5

Hacking Literary Theory is
  • what happens when my cat eats my literary theory anthology.
  • a video resource my instructor has provided that goes into great detail about how to do theoretical analysis of a literary text.
  • manipulating the coding of literary theory.
  • chopping down the trees of literary theory.

Question 6

Groups are
  • strictly limited to four people
  • can consist of one person
  • are not limited to four people but must contain at least four people.
  • for followers not leaders.

Question 7

The real advantage of the group work here
  • is that people cannot hide.
  • peer review.
  • my group can do my work for me.
  • we can all complain about the professor.

Question 8

I should choose
  • a group not listed as a choice.
  • 1984.
  • either Brave New World or As I Lay Dying.
  • whatever group I want, but if I choose either The Handmaid's Tale or White Noise, I am certain to get that choice.

Question 9

Doing a theoretical analysis of a novel I love is
  • awesome because it won't change my feelings about it.
  • possibly awesome but possibly troubling because it may make it difficult to analyze from a theoretical perspective.
  • going to kill my love.
  • What's a theoretical analysis again?

Question 10

A literary theorist is
  • a primary source in our anthology.
  • Rivkin and Ryan.
  • me. I am a literary theorist.
  • anyone who writes about literary theory.
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