Hooke's Law


3 Slide lesson
Ezra Dorland
Slide Set by Ezra Dorland, updated more than 1 year ago
Ezra Dorland
Created by Ezra Dorland over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Hooke's Law
    States: The force(F) needed to extend or compress/extend a spring or elastic body by some distance x scales linearly with respect to that distance up to the limit of proportionality Symbolic: F∝x Equation: F=kx where k is the stiffness of the object = Nm-1 SI units: kgms-2=k m Say a spring has stiffness constant k, and a weight of 1kg hanging off of it and due this moves distance x In series, this is 0.5k, 1kg and 2x In parallel, this is 2k, 1kg and 0.5x  

Slide 2

    Elastic Up to the limit of proportionality   Material returns to original shape Tension = atoms pulled apart = moving slightly from equilibrium position, no tension = atoms return to equilibrium distances apart  
    Plastic Beyond the limit of proportionality Material does not return to original shape Tension = atoms pulled apart = move position in material, no tension = atoms remaining in this position

Slide 3

    Investigating extension
    Equipment: Clampstand, clamp, meter ruler, object, weights Clamp the object, measure its length and add weights one at a time to the bottom of the object After each weight, measure the new length and calculate extension = new length - original length Plot the graph of Force vs. extension Where the line is straight, Hooke's law is obeyed, therefore gradient = k If you load object with weight beyond the limit of proportionality, the line will curve down Safety: stand whilst performing to get out of the way if the object falls, safety goggles in case object snaps
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