

In this presentation we will find the origin of money and hot this has been evolving
Osvaldo Barraza
Slide Set by Osvaldo Barraza, updated more than 1 year ago
Osvaldo Barraza
Created by Osvaldo Barraza almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Money Talks: The History of the money
    It's hard for us to belive that there once was a time when credit cards didn't exist. There was even a time when money didn't exist!

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

    Bamks were invented in Mesopotamia in Middle East. Temple officials gave out official receipts, just like a bank does today. The first real coins were probably made in Grece bout 630 B.C. The coins had a standard form, weight and purity of metal.
    Caption: : First coins

Slide 5

    Credit Cards
    From 1870 to 1970, the value of money was linked to the value of the gold a country posses. The first modern credit card was from the Bank of America in 1958 Now there are so many credit cards that some people collect them!
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