Elapsed Time


Example in determining elapsed time by using a T-Chart.
Karen Grigg
Slide Set by Karen Grigg, updated more than 1 year ago
Karen Grigg
Created by Karen Grigg about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Henry leaves home at 8:26 am to head to school.  He arrives back at home at 1:15 pm.  How long was Henry away from home?   Now, let's create a T-CHART breaking down the minutes and hours. 

Slide 2

    START TIME:  8:26 AM END TIME:  1:15 PM So when you are starting with a time like 8:26 find the next hour or half hour past that time.  So the next half hour would be 8:30.  Then calculate the number of minutes from your start time to the time you determined.  So from 8:26 to 8:30 is 4 minutes.  
    START TIME: 8:26 AM END TIME: 1:15 PM

Slide 3

    Next count by hours to the next time that would come just before your ending time..  So we can count by hours up until 12:30 because 1:30 would be past our ending time.  From 8:30 until 12:30 is 4 hours.
    START TIME: 8:26 AM END TIME: 1:15 PM

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

    Now all we have to do is total the hours and minutes up in the right hand column to find the total time that elapsed.   Notice how the hours and minutes line up at the end to make it easier to add up the final amount of time that had elapsed.
    START TIME: 8:26 AM END TIME: 1:15 PM
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