C# Fundamentals


The fundamentals the understanding Microsoft's object oriented programming language, C#
Robert Mulpeter
Slide Set by Robert Mulpeter, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert Mulpeter
Created by Robert Mulpeter about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Intro to C# and the .NET Framework
    C# is an increasingly popular object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. C# is an object oriented language and developed within Microsoft's .NET initiative.  The .NET framework is a platform that allows you to write windows applications, web applications and web services. The .NET framework consists of an enormous library of code used by the client language such as C#. In other words, there's lots of resources already built into C# before you even begin!

Slide 2

    The building blocks
    C# is structured into the following hierarchy: Namespace: An overarching container which holds an application's classes. This default namespace is the application itself. Classes: A container of methods and variables which define a specific object. Methods: Are actions of the object, they DO things. Variables: Are characteristics of the object, they ARE things. Example: Say you build an application related to vehicles. You would then create a class or object called 'Vehicle'. This is the container which provides the context of a vehicle object. The vehicle object has characteristics represented as variables. Such variables would include things like colour, number of doors, number of wheels, speed, horsepower or weight. The object also has actions represented as methods. Such methods would include turning left, turning right, increasing speed or breaking. 

Slide 3

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