The search of knowledge is an unending part of effort from the mankind. Since, the beginning of time humans have always been curious about what is happening around them.
We end up asking series of questions starting from why, when,where,how etc. Which is what resulted in the discovery of space.
Many questions have also been raised by careful observation of things happening around.
Eg: Issac Newton - Apple - Law of Gravitation.
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Meaning of Research
Research - derived- French - "researcher"-meaning- to search back/search for knowledge.
It is an attempt to find problems to both theoretical and practical through application of scientific methods.
Research is an academic exercise. It is a continuous process . It adds up to the existing knowledge and helps to solve complex problems.
Definition :-
"Research is essentially an investigation , a recording and analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge." - Robert Ross.
Uses scientific methods
- sound reasoning
- also described as puzzle solving activity
-For researcher, the puzzles are solvable problems that are resolved through reasoning process.
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Maintains objectivity
content in a research can be bias by what is included or excluded. Qn. make unwanted assumptions about respondent's position.
Purposeful investigation
scope wider than collection of data.
Eg: data on domestic violence.
Studies complex human behaviour
no two are same - complex for researcher.
Continuous process
no end- studies old facts - discovers new - control future events with reasonable success.
Conducts observation and experimentation
origin- certain aspects of the observation requires more info.
Changes in Environment
research has changed - face to face- online interview.
Ensures practical use
applied research is considered more important then pure research.