The Blue Stones


An allegory by Isak Dinesen about the effects of jealousy and greed.
Maryam Ait lachgar
Slide Set by Maryam Ait lachgar, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Gwen York
Created by Gwen York almost 9 years ago
Maryam Ait lachgar
Copied by Maryam Ait lachgar about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    The allegory, “The Blue Stones,” tells a simple story of a sea captain and his wife. A sea captain names his ship after his wife and has a figurehead carved to look like her. On a trading trip, the captain helps a king who rewards the captain with two blue gemstones. He places the stones in the eyes of the figurehead. The wife complains that the captain should have made the gemstones into earrings for her. Secretly the wife has the stones removed from the figurehead, replacing them with blue glass.
    The Blue Stones  by Isak Dinesen

Slide 2

    PARAPHRASE- Reading Skill
    When you paraphrase, you restate ideas from a text in your own words. A paraphrase may be a little shorter or about the same length as the original text, and should contain all the original source’s significant information.
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