History Exam


Use this to learn for a history exam
Naomi S.
Slide Set by Naomi S., updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi S.
Created by Naomi S. almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

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    Prehistory-dates back before the invention of writing Archaeologists-specially trained scientists who work like detectives to uncover past people's lives Artifacts-human-made objects. Culture- a people's unique way of life. Hominids-Humans and other creatures who walk upright. Mary Leakey found footprints preserved in volcanic ash that proved early humans walked upright sooner than they previously thought "Lucy"- An early human skeleton found by Donald Johanson Paleolithic age-Old Stone Age Neolithic age-New Stone Age B.C.- Before Christ AD-Anno Domini Civilizations-complex societies Artisans-skilled workers who make goods by hand
    Technology-ways of applying knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs Cave paintings-drawings in caves that people from the stone age drew, and show that they had feelings and knew what was going on Nomads-when people go from place to place searching for food Hunter-Gatherer-When people would collect things in nature that they could use The Neolithic Revolution-A shift from food gathering to food-producing Slash and Burn-When humans cut trees and burned them to clear a field Domestication-taming an animal Catal Huyuk-"Forked Mound", sometimes called the worlds oldest city Polytheistic-Worshiping more than 1 god Specialization-the development of skills in a special kind of work Institution-a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community

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    The First Cities-Grew around rivers, people traveled and traded, and cities had large markets where people could trade Fertile Crescent- An arc of rich farmland in Southwest Asia between the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea
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